We encourage students, faculty, and staff to take full advantage of the resources of the Hamersly Library, including the group study and meeting rooms. Below is a general Room Use Policy and specific policies for rooms 106, 107, 108, and for 301A.

General Policies

Priorities for reservations

  1. Instructional uses of library facilities have the highest priority; however, classes may not meet beyond four sessions per class per term. Please see the Exceptions section for more details.
  2. Meetings for Library and Academic Innovation or for other campus units, organizations, or clubs
  3. Study groups
  4. Outside groups affiliated with Western Oregon University
  5. Community members and organizations

Students, faculty, and staff may make reservations for one-time only and short-term needs. Groups have a higher priority for group study rooms than individuals, except when individuals need access to the media equipment in the group study rooms.

Reservation requests must be made at least ONE day in advance.

  • Individuals and groups may reserve rooms up to a total of 4 hours per day. Exceptions may be made for special events.

Reservations may only be made for the current term and may not exceed one term in length. (exceptions may be made for campus units and special meetings).

  • Room reservations for individuals, groups, and student organizations/clubs are accepted beginning one week prior to the start of each term.
  • Patrons can make reservations through the online calendar or by contacting the Information Desk at 503-838-8418. We print and post room reservations every morning, and outside of any reserved time, these rooms are free for walk-in use.
  • During the last two weeks of each academic term (“Prep week” and Finals week), no outside groups or external agencies (non-WOU groups) will be allowed access to the conference or study rooms.

Repeated and Long-term Usage

  • Groups requesting repeated and longer-term usage (for example, a study group that meets twice a week all term) may be asked occasionally to make their space available for other functions.

Cancellations & Loss of Reservation

  • Please contact the Information Desk at 503-838-8418 or libweb@wou.edu to cancel your reservation if you will not be using the room. Reserved rooms that have not been claimed within 30 minutes of the beginning of the reservation will be released for others to use.
  • Usage of all rooms is monitored by Library staff. If repeated or long-term reservations are going unused, the library will issue warning to or revoke that group’s reservation for the remainder of the term.

Food and drink

Room Set Up

  • Room set up and re-set is the responsibility of the group using the room.  Extra tables and chairs are available upon request for alternate configurations for rooms HL 107.


HL 106 & 108 Computer Labs

Room HL 106 is a mixed use computer/seating room with 22 computer stations and doubles as the 24-Hour Student Lounge. HL 108 is a traditional computer lab with 36 computer stations. Both rooms are equipped with “Smart” Teaching Stations.

To facilitate and support ongoing library instruction, computer labs HL 106 & 108 are restricted for scheduling during peak times of the term*. If you would like to request use of a computer lab during during this time, please contact the scheduling manager at mansayonc@wou.edu.

Alternatively, please fill out an instruction request form if you would like a librarian to provide information literacy instruction for your class.

*Peak Times are Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. during weeks 1-7 of the term.

  • Reservation requests for times after 5 p.m., dates beyond week 7 of the term, and during weekend or intersession hours are accepted at any time. Please send these request to mansayonc@wou.edu for approval.
  • We do retain a list of room requests that fall within peak times.  Please send your request to mansayonc@wou.edu. These requests are typically filled at the end of week 1.
  • Please consider whether conference rooms 116 ,210, 205 or 301A (floor plans) suit your needs

Priorities scheduling of HL 106 & 108 computer labs:

  1. Library & Academic Innovation instruction or events.
  2. Faculty class use (up to four sessions per class per term).
  3. Events by campus units or organizations that require the use of computers.
  4. An open computer lab for individual use.

HL 107

HL 107 is a flexible classroom/meeting space that can be rearranged. The standard tables/chairs lecture room layout seats up to 36, and a chair-only configuration allows for up to 60 participants. To schedule the use of 107 please contact mansayonc@wou.edu to make arrangements.

Priority scheduling of HL 107 classroom:

  1. Library & Academic Innovation instruction or events.
  2. Faculty class use (up to four sessions per class per term).
  3. Meetings, conferences and special presentations.
  4. Campus units, organizations, and club activities.

HL 301A (Straub Conference Room)

Scheduling for 301A is under direction of the Office of the President and is primarily used for Board of Trustee activities and meetings. To inquire about scheduling this room, please contact LouAnn Vickers at (503) 838-8888.