A new look for JSTOR

JSTOR unveiled a sleek new look on April 7, 2008! If you already are familiar with JSTOR, you will find that the basic and advanced search screens retain many familiar features while adding some neat new features, including easier viewing and printing of article PDFs.

Highlights of the new features:

  • In Advanced Searching, searchers can now specify that search terms be within a certain proximity to each other (within 5, 10, or 25 words). Using this feature can greatly improve full-text search results.
  • Save citations within JSTOR and access them again at future sessions. To use the feature, create a MyJSTOR account from the tab at the top of the screen.
  • All searches from a session are retained and can be reviewed.

  • Simplified printing and viewing of articles in PDF format.

To learn more, watch several short tutorials on the new features at: