DigitalCommons@WOU (DC@WOU) is Western Oregon University’s digital service for collecting, managing, making available and storing the intellectual outputs of the campus community. Materials related to the history, organization and management of the University are also found in DC@WOU.

Materials found in DC@WOU are openly available to anyone with an Internet connection. Users do not have to register or log in to make use of the materials in DC@WOU.

DC@WOU provides numerous benefits for WOU faculty and students, as well as for the University itself:

  • Universal access. Everything in DC@WOU is freely available to anyone in the world with an Internet connection. There are no toll-based subscription walls blocking access to your work.
  • More exposure. DC@WOU makes your work freely available to anyone who may be interested, which in turn, can increase the impact of your work.
  • Easier information discovery. Your work is full-text searchable, making it discoverable through Google, Google Scholar, other large search engines and library search tools.
  • Persistent access. You’ll receive a persistent URL for your work that won’t break or disappear. You can paste this URL into any document, resume, vita or webpage.
  • Robust statistics. Authors (and other creators) receive monthly readership and download reports.
  • Long-term preservation. Hamersly Library is committed to maintaining and preserving an item’s file(s) and associated metadata.
    New computational research technologies. DC@WOU can take advantage of new computational research technologies to provide additional functionality, such as text mining and data linking.
  • Highlight research. DC@WOU provides a showcase for your department’s research and scholarship. You can use your community’s collections to attract scholars, researchers and funding.
  • Create a corpus of WOU research and scholarship. DC@WOU captures the intellectual capital of Western Oregon University in one place.