This section gives access to over 2,000 subject & personal name files housed at the six PCHP agencies.


What are Local History Pamphlet Files and what do they contain?

The Local History “Pamphlet Files” (LHPam Files) are a primary source for history research beyond that which is found in books and other published sources. These files are “standing” or “vertical” files with folders containing a wide variety of original materials, copies of newspaper clippings, and other printed materials compiled and filed by local history place name and subject matter. The volume of information varies greatly from file to file. Some contain only a sheet or two, and others have dozens of items, but all are active files that are being added to over time.

The LHPam Files also contain files, by surname, of people who have lived in Polk County, which will be useful to those searching for biographical or genealogical information. A list of surnames compiled during the PCHP project will be found at the end of this section. The PCHP website ( will contain the most recently updated list.

How are the Pamphlet Files accessed?

To access the LHPam Files, visit any participating library or museum and ask to see a PCHP “Union List of Local History File Subject Headings,” or visit the PCHP website. There you can do a database search of file subjects or scan the Union List in its entirety.

The Union List displays the headings of every file folder in the local history collections of PCHP libraries and museums. It is arranged alphabetically by geographic location, and combines over 50 major subject headings and hundreds of subheadings with the geographical designations. The major headings are subdivided into more specific secondary topics and then, often, into a specific named entity (often a proper name such as that of a business). Following each entry are three-letter abbreviations for the institutions which hold a file with that subject heading. This will enable you to go directly to the library or museum that is most likely to have the information you want. A typical Union List entry looks like this:

INDEPENDENCE – Business & Industry – Forest Industries – Mountain Fir Lumber Co.- DAL/HER
[Geographical location] [Major Subject] [Secondary Subject] [Proper Name or Specific Subject] [Instit.]
This entry indicates that the Dallas Public Library (DAL) and the Heritage Museum at Independence (HER) both have file folders with this heading. A more general file that might also contain information on the Mountain Fir Lumber Co., along with information about other related Polk County companies, is a file at Western Oregon University listed as:

POLK CO. – Business & Industry – Forest Industries WOU

Finding information by geographical location:

If you are searching for information about a community in Polk County, look first in the Union List, where all information is listed alphabetically by geographical name in capital letters, followed by subject holdings for the community or geographic entity.

Local history that concerns more than one community or the County generally, is found in files headed “POLK COUNTY” so the “Polk County” listings might contain additional information about a Polk County community you are researching.

Some history topics, by nature, are not confined to a single community, and thus have generally been grouped under the broader “POLK COUNTY – xxx” headings. “Agriculture” and “Transportation” are two such examples.

Geographical listings compiled to the date of this publication are listed below.

Baskett Slough
Black Rock
Brush College
Buena Vista
Butler Hill
Cooper Hollow
Doaks Ferry
Falls City
Grand Ronde
Mid-Willamette Valley
Oak Grove
Polk County
Polk Station
Red Prairie
Salt Creek
Valley Junction
West Salem
Zena (Spring Valley)

Finding information by subject:

If you are looking for a topic that is not specific to a particular community, first determine which major subject headings and subheadings might contain what you are seeking. Then look first in the Polk County section, where subjects are grouped alphabetically by Major Subject heading. Then look in the sections for individual communities for similar headings . It is important to remember that any file with a more general heading may also contain information that has been subdivided elsewhere.

Example: You are looking for information about the Salem, Falls City and Western Railroad.

Under Polk County you find: POLK COUNTY – Transportation – Railroads – Salem, Falls City and Western RR. This file will probably contain the most specific and detailed information about the railroad. However, other files that may also contain useful information are: “POLK COUNTY – Transportation – Railroads” (items about several railroads); “FALLS CITY – History” (mention of the railroad in general history); “FALLS CITY – Transportation” (various types of transportation in Falls City); “FALLS CITY –Buildings” (the depot); or even simply “FALLS CITY” (items covering multiple aspects of the community). It would also be worth checking “POLK COUNTY – Geography – Maps” to see if there are maps showing the railroad line.

Always be prepared to look in multiple files, or in files of different levels of specificity in the other institutions. For example, the Dallas Public Library may have a specific file on Willamette Industries listed under “DALLAS – Business and Industry – Forest Industries – Willamette Industries.” Monmouth Public Library may also have information on this company, but it might be filed under the more general headings “DALLAS – Business & Industry” or “POLK COUNTY – Business & Industry – Forest Industries.” Institutions usually gather more information and create more specific files for their own communities and more general files for topics outside of their own jurisdiction.

Because it is impossible to sort the entire world of history, even locally, into completely discrete categories, information is likely be found under more than one major heading for many topics. Depending on the nature of the information you are looking for, consider the full range of possibilities for your topic.

Example 1: There is information about the Polk County Jail under both “DALLAS – Buildings – Government – Polk County Jail” (the structure itself) and under “POLK COUNTY – Law & Justice – Jails” (actual jail function).

Example 2: There is information about theaters under both “Business & Industry” (the business of running a theater), under “Entertainment – Theaters” (as a place of community entertainment) or even under “Arts –Theater” for articles focusing on the actual productions staged there.

The following list of major and secondary subject headings, which have been used by PCHP institutions to the date of this publication, provides a sense of the range of PCHP subject headings. It should be remembered, however, that this is a living system, and new subject headings will be added periodically. It is also observed that collections in different institutions often reflect the interests of those who have been responsible for collecting, so some major categories have, as yet, few subheadings and scant information. Go to the PCHP website mentioned above for updated listings.


Polk Cooperative History Project

Major and Secondary Subject Headings Available

for Retrieval of Local History Materials




Ag Extension Service

Bee keeping

Christmas Trees (See Silviculture)


Fruit Crops


Growers Cooperatives


Nursery Stock






Animal Husbandry



Goats, Angorra


Horses, Draft (Horse Logging)



Veterinary Clinics




75th Anniversaries


Historic Archaeology

Prehistoric Archaeology



Literary Works

Literary Works, Authors


Music, Bands

Music, Choral

Textile Arts

Performing Arts



A – Z


Militarymen, Civil War

Oregon Pioneers

Servicemen, WWII



Barns & Outbuildings





Hop Driers

Hotels & Motels


Medical Facilities





Theaters, Motion Picture

Business & Industry

Agricultural Products


Bed & Breakfasts


Business Leaders


Ceramics Industry, Potteries

Chemical & Petroleum

Clothing & Textiles


Department Stores



Financial Institutions

Forest Industries

Forest Industries, Logging

Forest Industries, Lumbering

Forest Industries, Sawmills

Fruit Processing


General Stores

Grocery Stores

Heavy Equipment

Hotels &Motels


Mills, Flouring

Mills, Grist

Mills, Woolen

Mining Industries



Photographic Studios

Real Estate




Theaters, Movie



Utilities & Power


(by name)

Children & Youth



Clubs & Associations

(by name)



Postal Service

Postal Service, Rural





Cultural Facilities




Illegal Aliens

Immigrants & Immigration










Economic Conditions, Depression


Colleges & Universities

Home Schooling

Pioneer Schools


Private Schools

Public Schools

Rural Schools


Vocational Schools




Fairs & Pageants


Theater, Drive-In Movies
Environment & Ecology

Energy Crisis

Environmental Protection

Forest Ecology

Forest Management

Forest Preserves

Forest Resources

Land Preserves

Public Lands


Riverine Ecology

Soil Pollution

Threatened & Endangered Species


Wastewater Facilities

Wastewater Uses

Water Pollution

Ethnic & Minority Groups

Black Americans


German Americans

Germans from Russia


Mexican Americans

Native Americans


Arborutums & Public Gardens

Boundaries & Boundary Changes



Place Names

Rivers & Streams






Agencies & Authorities


Boards & Commissions

City Managers

Civil Defense

Community Services


Departments & Offices


Finance & Funding

Finance & Funding, Bonds

Fire Protection

Indian Affairs

Law Enforcement


Licensing & Franchises



Planning & Growth

Public Utilities

Public Works



Regional Administration

Special Districts

Growth & Development

Land Use Planning

Land Use Regulation


Rural Land Use

Urban Growth Boundary
Health & Welfare

Alcohol Abuse


Child Care

Community Service

Domestic Violence

Emergency Response


Food Programs


Medical Facilities

Medical Personnel

Private Charities

Demise of Town

Early Development



Ghost Towns

Oregon Trail Life

Oregon Trail Pioneers

Pioneer Life




Fourth of July


Group Homes

Farm Labor



Human Relations

Family Life

Prejudice & Intolerance


Sheltered Workshops


Land & Property

Alcohol Restrictions



Land Claims

Land Grants

Land Use

Property Rights

Real Estate

Landmarks & Monuments

Century Farms

Historic Buildings

Historic Houses

Historic Sites


Unique Places
Law & Justice

City Ordinances


Crimes, Arson

Crimes, Murder

Crimes, Robbery & Theft

Hangings & Executions


Law Enforcement,Volunteer


Lawsuits, Slavery

Legal Service Providers


Vigilante Activity

Military Activities

Civil Defense

Civilian Support

Military Installations

National Guard




Mines & Mineral Resources

Mines & Mining


Neighborhoods & Districts

Beautification Projects



Rare Plants


Politics & Elections

Alcoholic Beverage Sales

Campaign Literature

Community Conflicts


Elections, Special

Election Returns



Reference Sources

Birth Records

Business Directories

City Directories

Death Records


Divorce Records



Marriage Records

Newspaper Holdings


Telephone Directories


Campus Ministry Program


Churches, Baha’i

Churches, Baptist

Churches, Catholic

Churches, Christian

Churches, Christian Missionary Alliance

Churches, Christian Science

Churches, Church of God

Churches, Cumberland Presbyterian

Churches, Disciples of Christ

Churches, Evangelical

Churches, Foursquare

Churches, Jehovah’s Witnesses

Churches, Church of Jesus Christ of

Latter Day Saints

Churches, Lutheran

Churches, Mennonite

Churches, Methodist

Churches, Methodist Episcopal

Churches, Nazarene

Churches, Nondenominational

Churches, Pioneer

Churches, Presbyterian

Churches, Seventh Day Adventist

Churches, United

Churches, United Brethren


Science & Research

Business Research

Forest Science

Medical Research

Senior Citizens


Social Life & Customs

Sports & Recreation




Facilities, Camps

Facilities, Parks

Facilities, Skateboard




Hobbies, Miniatures

Horse Racing

Hunting & Fishing


Birth Records






Docking Facilities


Horse Drawn

Military Roads

Motor Vehicles


Riverboats & Sternwheelers

Roads & Highways



Travel & Tourism

Accommodations, Bed & Breakfast

Unexplained Phenomena

Legends & Haunted Sites

Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)



Water Power

Water Resources

Water Resources Development

Water Rights

Water Supply

Water Treatment

Watershed Councils




Large Mammals



Finding information about people:
Most biography files are found in PCHP agencies under “POLK CO-Biography” in the subject files. A typical file for an individual would look like this:
POLK CO. – Biography — Smith, John C. DAL
The “Biographical & Genealogical Union List” allows browsing through the entire alphabetical holdings list for all six PCHP agencies.

PCHP Biographical & Genealogical Holdings

Key to Pamphlet file location:

DAL – Dallas Public Library#

HER – Heritage Museum, Independence#

IND – Independence Public Library#

MON – Monmouth Public Library#

PHS – Polk County Historical Museum

WOU – Western Oregon University, Hamersly Library

Note: A three letter institution name acronym followed by a lower case “A” (e.g. WOUa) indicates that there is a holding in the institution that is not in the local history pamphlet file. Non pamphlet file holdings are Archive collections, Manuscripts, Scrapbooks or special files such as the WOU faculty file.

Surnames listed below are located at DAL, WOU, MON, HER and IND as separate files in the main Local History Pamphlet Files. At PHS they are a separate Genealogical/
Biographical (GEN/BIO) file. They will be in the following format:

POLK CO. – Biography – – Abercrombie, Augustus

Names followed by “family” contain siblings or multiple generations known to be related. Surnames alone without “family” indicate the possibility that the file may contain more than one family of that surname, or that relationships have not been established.

Also see files containing single items for miscellaneous surnames in the main LHPam Files at MON, HER and WOU, under: Polk County – Biography – – A – Z

Abercrombie, Augustus PHS
Abrahams, Peter PHS
Abrams, Lewis PHS
Ackerman, John Henry WOUa
Adams PHS
Adams, Allen WOUa
Adams, George W. PHS
Adams, Jim WOUa
Adkins, E.S. PHS
Aeibe, John PHS
Albin, Floyd WOUa
Albrecht PHS
Albritton, Robert WOUa
Alderman PHS
Alderman, Herbert & Albert PHS
Alderman, Orlando family PHS
Alderson PHS
Aldridge, John PHS
Aldridge, William PHS
Alexander, Harris PHS
Alfrey PHS
Allen PHS
Allen, James PHS
Allen, John PHS
Allen, William family PHS
Allgood, J. R. PHS
Allingham PHS
Allphin PHS
Alred, Joseph PHS
Alsip PHS
Alva, Charles WOUa
Ames PHS
Amos, Herman PHS
Amspoker, Joanne WOUa
Anderson PHS
Anderson, Samuel K. WOUa
Ando, Koichi WOUa
Andrew PHS
Andrews, James PHS
Andrews, Minnie WOUa
Angel PHS
Anglin, Lynn family PHS
Applegate PHS
Arant, Perry WOUa
Arbuckle, Dick WOUa
Arbuthnot, Katherine WOUa
Armour PHS
Armour, Frances WOUa
Armstrong PHS
Armstrong, Erma L. Slaugh PHS
Arney family PHS
Arnold PHS
Arrance, Arthur family PHS
Arrant WOU
Arrowsmith, Jessie WOUa
Ashbaugh, John family PHS
Ashby, George B. family PHS
Ashford PHS
Ashmore, Frank WOUa
Atherton, John B. PHS
Athey, William family PHS
Atwater, Miles L. PHS
Auer PHS
Aulen, Pauline PHS
Autritt, Selma Louise PHS
Avera, Fred (Judge) MON
Babcock, family PHS
Bagley PHS
Bagley, Orthollo family PHS
Bailey, Elijah E. PHS
Baker PHS
Baker, Robert S. WOUa
Balch PHS
Balden, John PHS
Baldwin, Victor WOUa
Balke, Frank WOUa
Ball, Isaac family PHS
Ballantyne PHS
Ballard, Jeffrey WOUa
Balmer, Louis WOUa
Balzer family PHS
Bancroft PHS
Bandick, Neal WOUa
Barbur, James A. PHS
Barendrecdt PHS
Barker, Jacob PHS
Barnard PHS
Barnes PHS
Barnett PHS
Barney, Harlow PHS
Barnhart family PHS
Barnum, Eli M. PHS
Barnun, Sophia WOUa
Barrows, Fletcher E. WOUa
Barrows, John W. PHS
Bartel PHS
Bartholomew PHS
Bartholomew, Phoebe WOUa
Baskett PHS
Baxter, Albert & Carolina PHS
Baxter, Diane WOUa
Baxter, George E. PHS
Baxter, Jane family PHS
Beach PHS
Beaird, James WOUa
Beall PHS
Bean PHS
Beard PHS
Beaver, Rollin PHS
Beck PHS
Becker PHS
Beckett PHS
Beckley PHS
Bedwell, Elisha family PHS/WOU
Beeks, Dori WOUa
Bekker PHS
Belieu / Bilyeu PHS
Bell PHS
Bell, Forrest MON
Belt, Harry family PHS
Benefiel, Jesse PHS
Bennett PHS
Bentley PHS
Berg PHS
Bergeron, Tom WOUa
Bergman, Hermas WOUa
Berry PHS
Bevens PHS
Bevens, Eldon & Lois DAL
Beveridge PHS
Bewley PHS
Biddle PHS
Bier, Otto PHS
Biggs PHS
Billings, George PHS
Bills PHS
Bird PHS
Bissell Family PHSa
Bissell, Frank F. PHS
Black Family PHS
Black, Faith Kimball WOUa
Blair PHS
Blakely PHS
Blanchard, Roy PHS
Blaumer, Jack PHS
Blevins, Alexander PHS
Bliss Family PHS
Blodgett family PHS
Blunk, Russ WOUa
Boatright family PHS
Boderman, Don M WOUa
Boese family PHS
Boggs, James PHS
Boise family PHS
Boise, Reuben WOU
Bolejack family PHS
Bollman family PHS
Bolton PHS
Boone family PHS
Booth family PHS
Boothby family PHS/WOU
Boozer PHS
Bork PHS
Bose PHS
Bossatti, Dr. E.B. & Edith PHS/DAL
Bottcher, Jean WOUa
Bounds family PHS
Bovard, Frank “Harpy” DAL
Bowden family PHS
Bowe PHS
Bowers, Thomas PHS
Bowman PHS
Boyd PHS
Boydston PHS
Boyer PHS
Boyle PHS
Braa, Dean WOUa
Braden PHS
Brainerd, Bertha WOUa
Branchflower PHS
Brand, Myra WOUa
Brandhorst, Carl WOUa
Brandhorst, Jo Ann WOUa
Brandvold, Howard DAL
Branson PHS
Braza, Jerry WOUa
Breeden PHS
Brickeen PHS
Bridwell PHS
Brinegar, John WOUa
Broderson, Ray WOUa
Brodsky, Meredith WOUa
Brody, David WOUa
Bronson PHS
Brophy PHS
Brostrom PHS
Brown PHS
Brown, Adam PHS
Brown, George Fay, family PHS
Brown, William C. DAL/PHS
Bruce PHS
Brunk, Earl PHSa
Brunk, Harrison PHS
Brunson PHS
Bryerton, Joyce WOUa
Buck, Eloise WOUa
Buckingham PHS
Buckovic PHS
Buell / Buel PHS
Buff, Martin PHS
Buhler PHS
Bullard, PHS
Bullington, Judy WOUa
Bullis, Michael
Bullock PHS
Bump family PHS
Bunger PHS
Burbank PHS
Burbanks, Thomas PHS
Burch Family WOU
Burch, Benjamin F. PHS
Burch, Karen WOUa
Burch, Samuel PHS
Burden PHS
Burelbach PHS
Burford, Hezekiah PHS/WOU
Burk / Burke PHS
Burkhart PHS
Burley PHS
Burnett PHS
Burns PHS
Burton PHS
Burton, William H. WOUa
Bush PHS
Bush, Asahel, family PHS
Buster PHS
Butcher PHS
Butler PHS
Butler, Frank PHS
Butler, Ira F. family WOU/MONa
Butler, J.B.V. “Daddy” WOUa
Butler, Joseph B. V. PHS/WOU
Butler, O.D. (Dr.) HER
Butler, Peter MON/WOU/MONa
Butz PHS
Buyserie PHS
Byerly PHS
Byers PHS
Cabrera, George WOUa
Cadle PHS
Cady, Diane WOUa
Cahoon PHS
Caillier PHS
Calder PHS
Caldwell PHS
Caldwell, V.V. WOUa
Caligure, Joseph R. WOUa
Callahan PHS
Callero, Peter WOUa
Campbell famly WOU
Campbell, James P. PHS
Campbell, Prince Lucien WOUa
Campbell, Thelma WOUa
Campbell, Thomas Franklin
Canfield PHS
Cannon, Dale WOUa
Cannon, Daniel WOUa
Card, Joe DAL/PHS
Carey, Jon WOUa
Carmack PHS
Carothers PHS
Carpenter PHS
Carroll, Kelly WOUa
Carson-Grefe, Jurgen WOUa
Carter PHS
Case PHS
Casey, John WOUa
Casper PHS
Casteel PHS
Catron Family WOU
Cattron PHS
Cave PHS
Cavitt PHS
Cerny PHS
Chadney, James WOUa
Chamberlain/Chamberlin PHS
Chambers PHS
Chandler PHS
Chapin PHS
Chapman PHS
Chappel PHS
Charles, William (Dr.) DAL
Chase PHS
Chatham, Ron WOUa
Cherry PHS
Childers PHS
Chitwood PHS
Christensen PHS
Christensen, Oscar WOUa
Christian PHS
Churchill, Julius Alonzo WOUa
Chute PHS
Cihak, Michael WOUa
Clanfield PHS
Clark PHS
Classen PHS
Clauson PHS
Cleveland PHS
Cline PHS
Clodfelter PHS
Clow PHS
Coad PHS
Coates PHS
Cobbs, Frank Jay DAL
Cochrane PHS
Cody PHS
Cole PHS
Collins PHS
Collins, Mary WOUa
Collins, Mel WOUa
Combs PHS
Comegys PHS
Comstock PHS
Condron Family PHS/WOU
Conger PHS
Conkey PHS
Conlee PHS
Conner PHS
Connett PHS
Connoway PHS
Cook PHS
Cooke PHS
Cooley PHS
Coolidge PHS
Cooper Family IND/PHS
Cooper PHS
Cooper, J.S. family HER
Cooper, Ron WOUa
Cooper, Roychester PHS
Cope PHS
Corley, Cliff WOUa
Cornett, William H. PHS
Corwin, Judy WOUa
Cosper PHS
Cotroneo,Ross WOUa
Cottrell PHS
Couch PHS
Courtney, Peter WOUa
Cowart, Bill WOUa
Cowls, J.W. WOUa
Cox, Al WOUa
Crabb PHS
Cram PHS
Crangle PHS
Craven Family PHS/WOU
Craven, Dean HER
Crawford PHS
Cressy PHS
Crider, A.S. family PHS
Crider, Clay Van WOU
Crooks PHS
Crosiar PHS
Crosley PHS
Crother PHS
Crowden PHS
Crowley PHS
Crowley, Fred & Graves WOUa
Cruise/Cruse PHS
Culbertson, Ruth WOUa
Culfee PHS
Culla PHS
Culp PHS
Cummins, Ernie WOUa
Cunningham PHS
Cunningham, Gary WOUa
Cupp, Hoyt C. WOUa
Curtis PHS
Cutler PHS
Dale PHS
Dale, Jane WOUa
Dalton PHS
Damon PHS
Dana PHS
Daniel / Daniels PHS
Darby, Merlin WOUa
Dare PHS
Dashiell PHS
Dauenhauer PHS
Daugherty PHS
David PHS
Davidson PHS
Davidson, Andrew PHS
Davidson, E. B. PHS
Davidson, Elijah A. Family WOU
Davis, Coswell PHS
Davis, Curtis & Marie DAL
Davis, Gale WOUa
Davis, Richard WOUa
Davis, Robert WOUa
Dawson PHS
Deal PHS
Deardorff PHS
DeGraff PHS
DeHaven PHS
DeJong PHS
DeLashmutt PHS
DeMars, Rick WOUa
DeMoss, Catherine CornwallWOUa
Dempsey PHS
Denning PHS
Dennis PHS
Denny PHS
Denton PHS
Derksen PHS
Derr PHS
Detering PHS
Detering, Etta Mae WOUa
Dewey, Delmar WOUa
Dice PHS
Dick PHS
Dickey PHS
Diehm PHS
Dingman PHS
Doak PHS
Doane PHS
Dobbs, Mabel WOUa
Dodds, Homer WOUa
Dodge PHS
Dodge, Ron MON
Dodson PHS
Dolen, Mareen WOUa
Domaschofsky PHS
Domes PHS
Donelly PHS
Doran PHS
Dornhecker PHS
Dortmund, Erhard WOUa
Doty PHS
Doughty Family WOU
Douglas PHS
Douty, Sylvester HERa
Dove PHS
Dover, Ed WOUa
Dowell PHS
Downer PHS
Downing PHS
Doyle, Suzannah Pratt WOUa
Drew PHS
Drinkwater PHS
Drinkwater, family DAL
Drury, Wells WOU/WOUa
Dueltgen PHS
Duff PHS
Duffield PHS
Duncan PHS
Duncan, Donald WOUa
Dunckel PHS
Duniway, Abigail Scott MON/PHS
Dunkelberger PHS
Dunkelbriger, family DAL
Dunkin PHS
Dunn PHS
Dunsmore, Rich & Ellen WOU
Duran PHS
Durham PHS
Duvall PHS
Dyck PHS
Dyer PHS
Dykstra PHS
Eads PHS
Eakin PHS
Earnest PHS
East PHS
Ebbert PHS
Eberly PHS
Eberting PHS
Eddings, Dennis WOUa
Eddy PHS
Ediger PHS
Edmison PHS
Edmonds, Roger WOUa
Edwards PHS
Edwards, Leta WOUa
Eilers PHS
Eldridge PHS
Elkins PHS
Ellingson PHS
Elliott PHS
Ellis PHS
Ellis, LeRoy H. WOUa
Embree Family PHS/PHSa
Emery PHS
Emmens PHS
Emmett PHS
Empy PHS
Engle, Randall K. WOUa
English PHS
Enns PHS
Enquist PHS
Eoff PHS
Erickson PHS
Ertman PHS
Esau PHS
Estes PHS
Evans PHS
Evans, Paul MON
Everman PHS
Everz PHS
Fahey, Dennis WOUa
Faircloth, Kathy WOUa
Fairgrieve PHS
Falk PHS
Falkenberry PHS
Farewell PHS
Farley PHS
Farmer PHS
Farren PHS
Farrington PHS
Fast PHS
Faull PHS
Fawk PHS
Febvet PHS
Fennell PHS
Fenton Family PHS/WOU
Fenton, William WOUa
Ferguson PHS
Ferguson, Jean WOUa
Fern PHS
Ferte, Tom WOUa
Fidler PHS
Fillpot PHS
Fink (also see Von Fink) PHS
Finn PHS
Finseth PHS
Finster, Ronald WOUa
Fishback Family PHS/WOU
Fisher PHS
Fiske PHS
Fitzmorris PHS
Flaming PHS
Flaming, Elmer A. (Dr.) DAL
Flannery PHS
Fleischman PHS
Fleming PHS
Fletcher PHS
Flickenger PHS
Flint PHS
Foister PHS
Forbes PHS
Forcier, Richard WOUa
Ford Family, Nathaniel PHS/WOU
Ford, John Thorp WOU
Foreman PHS
Forrest PHS
Foster PHS
Foulkes PHS
Fowler PHS
Frady PHS
Frakes PHS
Franklin PHS
Franz, Britta WOUa
Frazier PHS
Fredrick PHS
Freitag PHS
Frey PHS
Frier/Fryer PHS
Friesen PHS
Frink PHS
Frizzell PHS
Fuchs, Tina WOUa
Fudge PHS
Fulkerson PHS
Fuller PHS
Fulmer PHS
Fulton PHS
Funk PHS
Fuqua PHS
Gabbert PHS
Gage PHS
Gai-try PHS
Gallagher, Patricia WOUa
Gallaspy Family PHS
Gallaspy, Mel DAL
Gallimore, Laurene WOUa
Gallor PHS
Galloway PHS
Gardner PHS
Garrard PHS
Garrett PHS
Gengler, Charles WOUa
Gentle Family WOU
Gentle, Catherine WOUa
Gentle, Ermine “E.K.” WOUa
Gentle, Frances MONa
Gentle, Thomas H. WOUa
Gibbons, Stephen WOUa
Gilliam PHS
Gillis, Virginia Gentle MONa
Girod, Gerald R. WOUa
Gish, Sandra WOUa
Glaeser, William WOUa
Glogau, Arthur WOUa
Gonzalez-Viana, Eduardo WOUa
Good, David WOU
Goodman, Florence WOUa
Gorchels, Clarence C. WOUa
Grant PHS
Green, Edith WOUa
Grell, Chuck WOUa
Griffin, Paul WOUa
Ground, Edward WOU
Grund, Francis MONa
Gunn, Henry Martin WOUa
Guthrie Family PHSa
Hackett PHS
Hadley PHS
Hadley, Keith WOUa
Haggard PHS
Haines PHS
Haines, Francis WOUa
Halbert PHS
Haler PHS
Haley Family PHS/WOU
Hall PHS
Hall, Joseph WOUa
Hallock PHS
Hambourg, Klement WOUa
Hamersly, Wayne WOUa
Hamilton PHS
Hamilton, Edward PHSa
Hamlin PHS
Hampton PHS
Hampton, David M., family WOU
Hansen, Greg MON
Hanson PHS
Hanson, Lloyd WOUa
Harder PHS
Harding PHS
Harding, George WOUa
Hardison PHS
Harland PHS
Harms PHS
Harp, Dale WOUa
Harper PHS
Harrington PHS
Harris PHS
Harris, Ken WOUa
Harritt PHS
Hart PHS
Hart, Lucille WOUa
Hartley PHS
Harvey PHS
Hasbrook PHS
Hassler PHS
Hastings PHS
Hatch PHS
Hatfield PHS
Hatfield, Mark PHS
Hawkins PHS
Hawley PHS
Hawley, J.H. HERa
Hayes PHS
Hayter Family PHS/PHSa
Hayter, Thomas J. DAL
Heath PHS
Heath, Pearl WOUa
Hecksel, Jeff MON
Hedgepeth PHS
Heffley PHS
Hell, Leland WOUa
Helmick Family PHS/WOU
Hendershott PHS
Henderson PHS
Henkels, Mark WOUa
Henkle PHS
Henkle, C.W. PHSa
Henkle, Emma
Henkle/Nelson Family WOU
Henry PHS
Henton PHS
Heppner PHS
Hering PHS
Herrell PHS
Herren PHS
Herren, Hester A. WOU
Herron PHS
Hewitt PHS
Hiatt, Margaret “Peggy” WOUa
Hibbs PHS
Hickerson PHS
Hiebenthal PHS
Hiebert PHS
Higgins PHS
Higgins, John C. WOUa
Hildebrand PHS
Hill Family PHS
Hill, Henry WOU
Hill, Henry & Martha family HER
Hill, Martha WOUa
Hillgren PHS
Himes PHS
Himes, Tyrus WOU
Hindman PHS
Hinds PHS
Hiner, Forest WOUa
Hines PHS
Hinshaw PHS
Hitchcock PHS
Hixson PHS
Hodges PHS
Hodson PHS
Hodson, Dorothy Ann WOU
Hoefling PHS
Hoekstra PHS
Hoffman PHS
Hoffman, Kim WOUa
Hofstetter, Dessa D. WOUa
Hogg PHS
Holcomb PHS
Holder PHS
Holgate PHS
Holler PHS
Hollingshead PHS
Hollingsworth, Jay, Dorothy
& Gilda WOUa
Holman PHS
Holmes PHS
Holmes, Kenneth L. DAL/WOUa
Homquist, Solveig WOUa
Hooker PHS
Hooley, Darlene (Rep.) MON
Hooper PHS
Horn, Gerd-Rainer WOUa
Hosford PHS
Hosington PHS
Hoskisson, Don WOUa
Houk PHS
Howard PHS
Howard, Charles Abner WOUa
Howe PHS
Howell PHS
Hubbard PHS
Hubbard, Cora PHSa
Huber PHS
Hudson Family PHS
Hudson, Robert DAL
Huff PHS
Hunt, Gary WOUa
Hutchinson, Florence WOUa
Hutchinson, Thomas WOU
Huxford, Gary WOUa
Igou PHS
Iliff PHS
Illingsworth PHS
Imbler PHS
Ingalls PHS
Inlow, Harvey E. WOUa
Ireland PHS
Isaac PHS
Iverson PHS
Iverson, Duke WOUa
Jack PHS
Jackson PHS
Jackson, Colleen WOUa
Jaffer PHS
Jaffer, Mo WOUa
Jahn PHS
Jamieson, Elaine WOUa
Janzen PHS
Jaquet PHS
Jaster PHS
Jefferson PHS
Jeffries PHS
Jenkins PHS
Jennings PHS
Jensen, Arne WOUa
Jensen, Paul PHS/ WOUa
Jewett PHS
Johanson, Janet WOUa
Johns PHS
Johnson PHS
Johnson, Ben HERa
Johnson, Charles W. WOUa
Johnson, Minnie HERa
Johnson, Morris WOUa
Johnson, P. Halley HER/WOU/HERa
Johnson, Phillip H. WOU/HERa
Johnston PHS
Jones PHS
Jones, Helen Bulter WOUa
Jones, Saloma Family WOU
Jordan PHS
Jordan, Roger DAL
Judy PHS
Kaiser, Dick WOUa
Kaplan, Louis WOUa
Kappel PHS
Kays PHS
Kelley PHS
Kelley, Merle WOUa
Kelsay PHS
Kelty PHS
Kennel PHS
Kenoyer PHS
Kenyon, Stanley WOUa
Kerber Family PHS/PHSa
Kerr PHS
Kersey PHS
Kersh, Bert WOUa
Kester PHS
Ketchson PHS
Keys PHS
Keyt PHS
Kibbey PHS
Kientoff PHS
Kimball PHS
Kimes PHS
Kimsey PHS
Kindeman PHS
King PHS
Kingsbury PHS
Kinion PHS
Kinser PHS
Kirby, Dorothy M WOUa
Kirk PHS
Kirk, James WOUa
Kirkpatrick PHS
Kittams PHS
Kitterman PHS
Kitzmiller PHS
Klassen PHS
Kliever PHS
Kliewer PHS
Kluting PHS
Knaupp PHS
Kneebone PHS
Knifong PHS
Knight PHS
Knott PHS
Knott, George C., M.D. HERa
Knuth, Alice WOUa
Koch, Norm WOUa
Komes PHS
Kosanke PHS
Koub PHS
Kozitza, George WOUa
Kramer PHS
Kreason PHS
Krebs PHS
Kriedeman PHS
Krier PHS
Kroeker PHS
Kurtz PHS
Kuykendall PHS
Lacey PHS
Ladd PHS
LaFollette PHS
LaLack PHS
Lamb PHS
Lancaster PHS
Lance PHS
Landers PHS
Landers, Joseph Samuel WOUa
Lane PHS
Lange, Marjory WOUa
Langlois PHS
Larkin PHS
Larkin, Suellen WOUa
Larmer, Anne WOUa
Larsen, Lotte WOUa
Larsen/Larson PHS
Lasey/Lasky/Laskey PHS
Lass, Barbara WOUa
Last PHS
Lauerman PHS
Laughlin PHS
Lautenback, Ruth E. WOUa
Lawson PHS
Layton PHS
Leabo PHS
Lefever PHS
Leggett/Liggett PHS
Leinwand, Gerald WOUa
Leinwand, Selma (Mrs. G.) WOUa
Leitch PHS
Lemon PHS
Lenz PHS
Leonard PHS
Leppin PHS
Leth PHS
Leth, W.C. PHSa
Leutsch, Janice WOUa
Leveck PHS
Levens PHS
Lewis PHS
Lewis, David R. WOU
Lieuallen, Roy Elwayne WOUa
Linderman PHS
Lindsay PHS
Lindscheid PHS
Lines PHS
Ling, March WOUa
Link PHS
Linker PHS
Link-Jobe, Jannice WOUa
Linville PHS
Lipton PHS
Little PHS
Livermore PHS
Livesay PHS
Livingston, Robert WOUa
Locke PHS
Logan PHS
Long PHS
Long, Jean S. WOUa
Lorence PHS
Loughary PHS
Lovelady PHS
Lovre, Judy WOUa
Lowen PHS
Lucas PHS
Lucas, A. W. WOU
Lucas, May WOUa
Lucas, Thomas WOU
Luckey PHS
Ludwig PHS
Ludwig, Judy (See Corwin, Judy)
Lund, Vic WOUa
Lunday, Ken WOUa
Luttrop PHS
Lyle PHS
Lyle, John E. WOU
Lyman PHS
Lynch PHS
Lyon, Laurence WOUa
Maaske, Roben John WOUa
Mace, Mariana WOUa
MacGregor PHS
Macka PHS
MacPherson, Maud WOUa
Maddox PHS
Magart PHS
Magee PHS
Magill PHS
Manfield PHS
Mann PHS
Mannenbach PHS
Mannsen PHS
Manoogian-O’Dell, Margaret
Markham PHS
Marks PHS
Marquardt PHS
Marr PHS
Marshall PHS
Martens PHS
Martin PHS
Martin, Con WOUa
Marx PHS
Masiker PHS
Mason PHS
Mason, Esther WOUa
Mason, William WOU
Masterson PHS
Mathey PHS
Matney PHS
Mattingly PHS
Mattingly, Jim WOUa
Mattison PHS
Mattson, Silvia M. WOUa
Mayo, David WOUa
McAlpine PHS
McArdle, John WOUa
McArthur, William WOUa
McBee, L. H. DAL
McBee, Oma Belle WOUa
McBeth PHS
McCabe PHS
McCain PHS
McCaleb PHS
McCallon PHS
McCann PHS
McCannell, Rebecca Marsh WOUa
McCarty PHS
McClain PHS
McCleary PHS
McCorkle, David WOUa
McCrady, Jacqueline, C. WOUa
McCrae PHS
McCrae, Wallace WOUa
McCrow PHS
McCulloch PHS
McDaniel PHS
McDaniels PHS
McDonald PHS
McDowell PHS
McEldowney PHS
McElmurry PHS
McGary PHS
McGonegal PHS
McGowan PHS
McGrew PHS
McKenzie PHS
McKenzie, Doug WOUa
McKibben PHS
McKinney PHS
McKinsey PHS
McKune PHS
McLaughlin PHS
McLean PHS
McLellend, Isabel WOUa
McLench PHS
McLeod PHS
McMahan PHS
McMahon, Carl WOUa
McMeekian PHS
McMillen PHS
McMurphy PHS
McMurphy, Dina PHSa
McMurphy, George LeRoy PHSa
McNary PHS
McPherson PHS
McQuire PHS
McTaggart PHS
McTimmons PHS
Meek PHS
Meeker PHS
Mehrling PHS
Mekkers PHS
Melcher PHS
Mellema PHS
Melrow PHS
Melson PHS
Melton PHS
Mercer PHS
Mercer, Aaron DAL
Merrian, Willis B. WOUa
Merwin PHS
Metzker PHS
Meyer PHS
Meyer, Richard WOUa
Meyers, Richard S. WOUa
Miles PHS
Miller PHS
Millhouser PHS
Mills PHS
Millsap, Lucille WOUa
Miltonberger PHS
Minahan, John WOUa
Mingus, Edna WOUa
Minton, Jean S. Spencer WOUa
Minty PHS
Moffatt PHS
Montgomery PHS
Moon PHS
Moore PHS
Moran, Denis WOUa
Moranville, Blake WOUa
Morasch PHS
Morgali, Ronald WOUa
Morgan PHS
Morris PHS
Morris, Martin WOUa
Morrison PHS
Morton, Jack WOUa
Moser PHS
Mosher PHS
Moss, Kathlyn WOUa
Moullet PHS
Muellaupt PHS
Mueller PHS
Muir PHS
Mulkey PHS
Mulkey Family WOU
Muller PHS
Munkers PHS
Murphy PHS
Murphy Family WOU
Murphy, John E. WOU
Muscat PHS
Muscott PHS
Musick PHS
Myer PHS
Myers,Jeffrey WOUa
Myers,Ken WOUa
Nash PHS
Naught PHS
Neal PHS
Nealand, Lena WOUa
Nealy PHS
Neiger PHS
Neil PHS
Neisslein, Judy (See Corwin, Judy)
Nelson PHS
(See also: Henkle/Nelson)
Nendel PHS
Nesmith PHS
Neufeld PHS
Neufeldt PHS
Newbill PHS
Newgard PHS
Newton PHS
Nichols PHS
Nickel PHS
Nicklen PHS
Nielsen PHS
Niggli PHS
Nightengall PHS
Nixon PHS
Noble PHS
Nolan PHS
Norby PHS
Norfleet PHS
Norman, Matt WOUa
Norton PHS
Noyes PHS
Nutter PHS
O’Dell PHS
Oleman PHS
Olferts PHS
Olin PHS
Oliver PHS
Olley PHS
Ollsson PHS
Olmstead PHS
Olmsted PHS
O’Neil PHS
Orchard PHS
Orendorff PHS
Organ PHS
Ortman PHS
Osborn PHS
Ostrom PHS
Ottaway PHS
Ottinger PHS
Ousterhout PHS
Overfield PHS
Overholser PHS
Overman PHS
Owens PHS
Page PHS
Page, Robert WOUa
Pagenkopf PHS
Palm PHS
Palmer PHS
Pankey PHS
Paraskevas, Cornelia WOUa
Paris PHS
Parker PHS
Parkhurst PHS
Parks PHS
Parrot PHS
Patterson PHS
Pattison PHS
Patton PHS
Patty PHS
Paul PHS
Pederson PHS
Peebles PHS
Pemberton PHS
Penk, Anna WOUa
Penner PHS
Pennock, Lew WOUa
Penrose PHS
Perkins PHS
Perry, Margaret WOUa
Pevehouse PHS
Pfaff PHS
Pfau PHS
Phelps PHS
Phillips PHS
Phipps PHS
Pigg PHS
Pike PHS
Pinkham PHS
Pitzer PHS
Plenert PHS
Plummer PHS
Poling PHS
Pomeroy PHS
Poole PHS
Pope PHS
Poppitz PHS
Porter PHS
Porterfield PHS
Portwood PHS
Posey PHS
Post PHS
Postl, Anton WOUa
Povey PHS
Powell Family WOU
Powell PHS
Powell, Herbert B. DAL/MONa
Powell, Ira C. MONa
Powell, Iris MONa
Powers PHS
Praegitzer, Robert DAL
Prater PHS
Prather PHS
Pratt PHS
Pratt, Orville C. DAL
Preston PHS
Price PHS
Price, Michele WOUa
Priem PHS
Primus PHS
Proctor PHS
Propes Family PHS
Propes, Mike MON
Purvine PHS
Putman PHS
Pyburn PHS
Quaid PHS
Quick PHS
Quigley PHS
Quintal PHS
Quiring PHS
Rabold, Rex WOUa
Radke PHS
Ragsdale PHS
Ramey PHS
Ramsdell PHS
Ramsey PHS
Randel PHS
Randle PHS
Randle, Samuel A. DALa
Randolph PHS
Rasca-Hidalgo, Leo WOUa
Ratzlaff PHS
Ray Family PHS
Ray, Johnnie DAL/PHS
Read PHS
Reberts, Wes WOUa
Rector, John WOUa
Redbird, Helen WOUa
Redden, Denise WOUa
Reddicopp PHS
Redsun, Al WOUa
Reed, Allen WOUa
Reeder PHS
Reeves PHS
Regehr PHS
Regier Family PHS
Regier, R. A. (Dr.) DAL
Reidmiller PHS
Reiman, John WOUa
Reimer PHS
Rempel PHS
Ressler, Edwin DeVore WOUa
Retzer PHS
Rexford PHS
Reynolds PHS
Rhodes PHS
Rice, Gwenda WOUa
Rice, Leonard William WOUa
Rice, Ruth (Mrs. L.W.) WOUa
Richards PHS
Richardson PHS
Richardson, Earl DAL/PHSa
Richardson, Ward K. DAL
Richert PHS
Richmond PHS
Richter PHS
Riddell Family WOU
Riddell PHS
Ridgeway PHS
Rigdon PHS
Riggs PHS
Riker PHS
Riley PHS
Rindt PHS
Ritner Family PHS/PHSa
Robbins PHS
Robbins, William G. WOUa
Roberts PHS
Robertson PHS
Robinson PHS
Robinson, Lewis A. WOUa
Robnett PHS
Robson PHS
Rodgers PHS
Rodkey PHS
Rogers PHS
Ronco Family PHS
Ronco, Paul WOU
Rooth, Guy WOUa
Rose PHS
Rose, Burrus HERa
Rosenau PHS
Ross PHS
Ross, Norman WOUa
Rossi, Marion WOUa
Rowell PHS
Rowland PHS
Rowland, Levi L. WOUa
Ruble PHS
Rucker, Wilma WOUa
Rundlett PHS
Runkle PHS
Russell PHS
Rutherford PHS
Ryan PHS
Ryder PHS
Saetermoe, Carrie WOUa
Saga PHS
Sager PHS
Sammis PHS
Sams PHS
Sandelbaugh, Joe WOUa
Sanderlin PHS
Sanders PHS
Santee, Joseph F. WOUa
Sargeant PHS
Sargent, Martha WOUa
Savage PHS
Savery PHS
Sawtelle PHS
Scaddin PHS
Schaap PHS
Scharf PHS
Schell PHS
Schellenbarger PHS
Schellenberg PHS
Schierling PHS
Schindler PHS
Schjoll PHS
Schlecht PHS
Schmidt PHS
Schmitke PHS
Schneider PHS
Scholl PHS
Schoon, John DAL
Schrag PHS
Schrock, Marion WOUa
Schroeder PHS
Schultz PHS
Scoper PHS
Scott PHS
Scott, Dick WOUa
Scott, John WOUa
Seaborn PHS
Sears PHS
Sebring PHS
Sechrist PHS
Seeley PHS
Seely PHS
Selder PHS
Sellers, W.T. WOUa
Sevier PHS
Seward PHS
Sewell, H. Ray WOUa
Sexton PHS
Seymour PHS
Shafer Family PHS
Shafer, T.C. WOU
Shanks PHS
Shaw PHS
Sheaffer PHS
Sheasgreen PHS
Sheldon PHS
Shelley PHS
Shelley PHS
Shelton PHS
Shepherd PHS
Sheridan PHS
Sherman PHS
Shetterly Family PHS
Shetterly, Lane MON/DAL/WOUa
Shewey PHS
Shinkle PHS
Shipler PHS
Shipley PHS
Shirley PHS
Shively PHS
Shoemaker PHS
Shreeve PHS
Shreve PHS
Shriver PHS
Shrum PHS
Shug PHS
Shultz PHS
Shurtleff PHS
Sibley PHS
Sieber PHS
Siefarth PHS
Siemens PHS
Sil, Narasingha “Ram” WOUa
Silbernagel, Darin WOUa
Siler PHS
Simkins PHS
Simmons PHS
Simpkins PHS
Simpson Family PHS
Simpson, Reuben Family WOU
Singh, Ajmer WOUa
Sisk PHS
Sites PHS
Skaife PHS
Skeries PHS
Skinner PHS
Slater PHS
Slawson, George WOUa
Sloper PHS
Slygh PHS
Smileys PHS
Smith PHS
Smith, Claude “Bud” WOUa
Smith, Daisy G. WOUa
Smith, Douglas Campbell WOUa
Smith, Isaac Family WOU
Smith, John B. WOU
Snowden PHS
Snyder, Walter WOUa
Soden PHS
Soehren PHS
Soehren, W.L. PHSa
Soldati, Joseph WOUa
Solle PHS
Sorenson, Richard A. WOUa
Southwick PHS
Southworth PHS
Sparks PHS
Sparks, John WOUa
Speasgreen PHS
Spencer PHS
Spensts PHS
Sperling PHS
Spillman, W.J. WOUa
Staats PHS/WOU
Staebler, Bonnie WOUa
Staffrin DAL
Staffrin, Conrad PHSa
Stager PHS
Stanbrough PHS
Stanley Family PHS
Stanley, David Truman WOUa
Staples PHS
Stapleton PHS
Starbuck Family PHS
Starbuck, Thomas DAL
Stark, Inez WOUa
Starr PHS
Stebbins PHS
Stebbins, Ellis WOUa
Stebbins, Ellis Arnold WOUa
Steelman PHS
Steeprow PHS
Stemmerman PHS
Stephens PHS
Stephenson PHS
Steptoe PHS
Stevens PHS
Stewart PHS
Stewart, Jay E. see Hart PHS
Stiles PHS
Stinnett PHS
Stobie, Larry WOUa
Stocker PHS
Stokes PHS
Stonebrook PHS
Stonecipher, Linda WOUa
Story PHS
Stouffer PHS
Stovall PHS
Stratton PHS
Stump Family PHS/WOU
Sturgis PHS
Sugden PHS
Sullivan PHS
Sumner PHS
Sundberg PHS
Sutton PHS
Suver PHS
Swann PHS
Swanson PHS
Swegle PHS
Swenson Family WOU/MONa
Swenson PHS
Swenson, Eric J. MONa/PHSa
Swenson, Richard Burns MONa
Swenson, Richard Irving MONa
Swift PHS
Swindells PHS
Syron PHS
Tanner, Shannon WOUa
Taylor, Laura WOUa
Tennant, Stuart WOUa
Tetherow Family WOU
Tetz, Henry WOUa
Tharp, H.Z. WOUa
Thielsen PHS
Thomas, Darryl WOUa
Thompson, Matthew WOUa
Tidwell PHS
Tilgner PHS
Tillery PHS
Tillotson PHS
Titus PHS
Todd, Jessica WOUa
Todd, Leona WOUa
Toevs PHS
Toner PHS
Tooze PHS
Townsend PHS
Tracy PHS
Tripp, Ernest HERa
Tripplett PHS
Troxel PHS
Truchot PHS
Trueax PHS
Tubandt PHS
Tucker PHS
Tulkhill PHS
Tupper PHS
Turner PHS
Turner, Robert WOUa
Turpin PHS
Tusselings PHS
Tyler PHS
Uglow PHS
Ulrich PHS
Unruh PHS
Updegraff PHS
Utz, Vernon WOUa
VanBibber PHS
VanBuskirk PHS
VandenBosch Family PHS/PHSa
VanDenBosch, Gwen DAL
Vanderpool PHS
VanMoss PHS
Vann PHS
VanOrsdel PHS
VanSanten PHS
VanSchorck PHS
VanSlyke PHS
VanWell PHS
Vashaw PHS
Vaughn PHS
Veazie PHS
Veelle PHS
Vermillion PHS
Vernon PHS
Vicks PHS
Villwock PHS
Vincent PHS
Virgin PHS
Vogt PHS
Voigt PHS
Von Fink (also see Fink) PHS
Voshage PHS
Voth PHS
Waddle PHS
Wade PHS
Wagner PHS
Wait PHS
Walczyk, Kevin WOUa
Walker PHS
Walker, Richard WOUa
Walking Bull, Montana WOUa
Wall PHS
Wallace PHS
Waller Family PHS/WOU
Walling PHS
Wann PHS
Ward PHS
Ward, Michael WOUa
Warinner PHS
Warnath, Maxine WOUa
Warrentine PHS
Waterhouse, Warren WOU Wells, John DAL
Waters PHS
Watson PHS
Wattenberg PHS
Waver PHS
Waymire PHS
Weaver PHS
Webb PHS
Webb, R.G. WOUa
Weddle PHS
Weeks PHS
Wegner, Randy WOUa
Weinert PHS
Weiss, Don WOUa
Welch PHS
Wells PHS
Wemple PHS
Werth PHS
Wessela, Thelma
(See: Campbell, Thelma)
West PHS
Westbrook PHS
Westfall PHS
Wetmore PHS
Whaley PHS
Wheeler PHS
Whitaker PHS
White PHS
White, Wayne Rodgers WOUa
Whiteaker PHS
Whitley PHS
Whitlow PHS
Whitman Family PHS/WOU
Whitney PHS
Wicklander PHS
Wiebe PHS
Wiedeman PHS
Wienert PHS
Wiens PHS
Wiensz PHS
Wiest PHS
Wiest, Helen WOUa
Wiggins PHS
Wigle PHS
Wilbur PHS
Wilcox PHS
Wilcox, Cynthia WOUa
Wildfang PHS
Wildman, W.O. PHSa
Wildt PHS
Will PHS
Williams PHS
Williams, M.C. HER
Willoughby PHS
Wills PHS
Wills, Josiah PHSa
Wilson PHS
Wilson, Ron WOU
Windsor PHS
Winegar PHS
Wing PHS
Winter PHS
Wires PHS
Wise PHS
Wisner PHS
Withrow PHS
Witter PHS
Wixson PHS
Wolfe PHS
Wolfe, Bob (Sheriff) MON
Wolfe, Larry WOUa
Wolfer, Henrietta WOUa
Wolford PHS
Wolverton Family PHS/WOU
Womack PHS
Womer PHS
Womer, Thera WOU
Wonderly PHS
Woodbridge PHS
Wooden PHS
Woodruff, Louise WOUa
Woods PHS
Woods, Laird family PHSa
Woolsey PHS
Worthington PHS
Wright PHS
Wright, Alex WOUa
Wright, Ed WOUa
Wyatt PHS
Wynn, Ron WOUa
Yocom PHS
Yost PHS
Young PHS
Young, Bonnie J. WOUa
Youngblood, Betty J. WOUa
Zahnle PHS
Zeigler PHS
Zentz PHS
Zickafoose PHS
Zink, Laurie WOUa
Zook PHS
Zumwalt PHS


Union List of Local History Pamphlet File holdings


Key to file location:
DAL – Dallas Public Library
HER – Heritage Museum, Independence
IND – Independence Public Library
MON – Monmouth Public Library
PHS – Polk County Historical Museum
WOU – Western Oregon University, Hamersly Library

AIRLIE – Education – Public Schools – Airlie School PHS
AIRLIE – Religion – Churches, Evangelical – Evangelical Church of Airlie PHS
Applegate Trail (See: POLK CO. – Transportation – Trails – Applegate National Historic Trail)
Ash Creek (See: POLK CO. – Geography – Rivers & Streams – Ash Creek)
BALLSTON – Education – Public Schools – Ballston School (School District #9) PHS
BALLSTON – Education – Public Schools – Lawn Arbor School PHS
(See also: Bissell Family Scrapbooks at PHS)
Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge (See: POLK CO. – Wildlife – Reserves – Baskett Slough National Wildlife Area)
Benton Co. – Camp Adair (See: Polk Co. – Military Activities – Installations – Camp Adair)
BENTON CO. – Cemeteries PHS
BENTON CO. – Military Activities – Installations – Fort Hoskins DAL/MON/PHS
BENTON CO. – Wildlife – Reserves – E. E. Wilson Wildlife Area MON
BETHEL – Clubs & Associations – – A. F. & A. Masons Bethel Lodge No. 20 PHS
BETHEL – Education – Colleges & Universities – Bethel Institute PHS
BETHEL – Education – Public Schools – Bethel School PHS
BETHEL – History PHS
Black Rock – Communication – Postal Service – Post Office (See: Misc. archives #D-96-12-56 at PHS)
BLACK ROCK – Education – Public Schools – Black Rock School PHS
Bowersville – Education – Pioneer Schools – Jefferson Institute (See: Polk Co. – Education – Pioneer Schools – Jefferson Institute)
BRIDGEPORT – Clubs & Associations – – Bridgeport Women’s Club PHS
BRIDGEPORT – Education – Public Schools – Bridgeport School PHS
BRIDGEPORT – Religion – Churches, Nondenominational – Bridgeport Community Chapel PHS
BRUSH COLLEGE – Education – Public Schools – Brush College School PHS
BUELL – Education – Public Schools – Buell School (School District #34) PHS
(See also: District Clerk’s Book of Records Polk Co. Dist. No. 34 Archive at PHS)
BUELL – History PHS
BUELL – Religion – Churches – Buell Chapel PHS
BUENA VISTA – Buildings – Residences PHS
BUENA VISTA – Business & Industry – Ceramic Industries – Buena Vista Pottery PHS
BUENA VISTA – Education – Public Schools – Buena Vista SchoolPHS
(See also: Polk County Court Archive at PHS)
BUENA VISTA – Religion – Churches, Methodist – Buena Vista Methodist Church PHS
BUENA VISTA – Transportation – Ferries – Buena Vista Ferry DAL/PHS
Camp Adair (See: POLK CO. – Military Activities – Installations – Camp Adair)
Camp Kilowan (See: POLK CO. – Sports & Recreation – Facilities, Camps – Camp Kilowan)
Cincinnati (See: DOAKS FERRY)
DALLAS – Agriculture – Grower’s Cooperatives – Dallas CooperativeWarehouse PHS
DALLAS – Anniversaries PHS
DALLAS – Arts – Literary Works, Authors – Emerson, Ru DAL
DALLAS – Arts – Literary Works, Authors – Lampman, Evelyn Sibley DAL
(See also: Polk Co. – Biography – – Lampman, E. S.)
DALLAS – Arts – Music MON
DALLAS – Arts – Music, Bands PHS
DALLAS – Arts – Music, Choral –The Dragonnaires PHS
DALLAS – Arts – Music, Choral – Polk County Chorus HER
DALLAS – Biography – Community Leaders PHS
DALLAS – Buildings MON/PHS
DALLAS – Buildings – Commercial PHS
DALLAS – Buildings –Government PHS
DALLAS – Buildings – Government – Polk County Courthouse DAL/MON
DALLAS – Buildings – Government – Polk County Jail DAL/MON
(See also: Polk Co. – Law & Justice – Jails)
DALLAS – Buildings – Medical Facilities – Hospitals PHS
DALLAS – Buildings – Residences PHS
DALLAS – Buildings – Schools – Academy Building DAL
DALLAS – Business & Industry DAL/PHS
DALLAS – Business & Industry – Automotive DAL/MON
DALLAS – Business & Industry – Bottling – The Dallas Soda Works PHS
Dallas – Business & Industry – Building Materials – Soehren Warehouse (See: Soehren Warehouse Archive at PHS and Dallas Water Co. & Dallas Water Commission Archive at PHS)
DALLAS – Business & Industry – Business Leaders PHS
DALLAS – Business & Industry – Clothing & Textiles – Pedee Jeans DAL
DALLAS – Business & Industry – Electronics – Praegitzer Industries DAL/MON/PHS
DALLAS – Business & Industry – Electronics – Tyco Printed Circuit Group MON
DALLAS – Business & Industry – Financial Institutions PHS
DALLAS – Business & Industry – Forest Industries – Willamette Industries, Inc. DAL/MON/PHS
DALLAS – Business & Industry – Forest Industries, Lumber – Willamette Valley Lumber Co. PHS
DALLAS – Business & Industry – Fruit Processing PHS
DALLAS – Business & Industry – Furnishings – DeGraff Church Furniture DAL
DALLAS – Business & Industry – Heavy Equipment – Balderson, Inc. DAL
DALLAS – Business & Industry – Heavy Equipment – Caterpillar, Inc. DAL/IND
DALLAS – Business & Industry – Heavy Equipment – Gerlinger Carrier Co. PHS
DALLAS – Business & Industry – Heavy Equipment – Towmotor Corp. DAL/PHS
DALLAS – Business & Industry – Hotels & Motels DAL/PHS
DALLAS – Business & Industry – Mills, Lumber – Dallas Planing MillDAL(See also: POLK CO. – Business & Industry – Forest Industries)
DALLAS – Business & Industry – Mills, Woolen – Dallas Woolen Manufacturing Co. WOU
DALLAS – Business & Industry – Mortuaries PHS
DALLAS – Business & Industry – Pharmacies DAL
(See also: Wilson Drug Company Archive at PHS)
DALLAS – Business & Industry – Restaurants DAL
DALLAS – Business & Industry – Tanneries – Muir & McDonald Tannery DAL/PHS/WOU
Dallas – Business & Industry – Transportation – Wells Fargo & Co. Express
(See: Misc. archive #A-94-11-463 at PHS)
Dallas – Business & Industry – Utilities & Power – Dallas Water Company (See: DallasWater Co. & Dallas Water Commission Archive at PHS)
DALLAS – Children & Youth MON
DALLAS – Children & Youth – Programs – Boy Scouts DAL/PHS
DALLAS – Clubs & Associations DAL/MON/PHS
DALLAS – Clubs & Associations – – A. F. & A. Masons, Jennings Lodge No. 9 PHS
Dallas – Clubs & Associations – – Alumni Association of Dallas College (See: Dallas College Archive at DAL)
DALLAS – Clubs & Associations – – American Legion DAL
DALLAS – Clubs & Associations – – Chamber of Commerce DAL/MON/PHS
DALLAS – Clubs & Associations – – Chamber of Commerce – First Citizen Awards DAL
DALLAS – Clubs & Associations – – Chamber of Commerce – Membership Directories DAL
DALLAS – Clubs & Associations – – D.A.R. PHS
DALLAS – Clubs & Associations – – Dallas Booster Club DAL
DALLAS – Clubs & Associations – – Dallas Commercial Club – Promotional Publications (1912;1917) PHS
DALLAS – Clubs & Associations – – Dallas Community Foundation MON
DALLAS – Clubs & Associations – – Dallas Kiwanis Club DAL
Dallas – Clubs & Associations – – Dallas Library Association (See: Dallas Public Library Archive at DAL)
DALLAS – Clubs & Associations – – Eastern Star Naomi Chapter #22 PHS
DALLAS – Clubs & Associations – – Friends of Delbert Hunter Arboretum and Botanic Garden – Newsletter MON
Dallas – Clubs & Associations – – Oregon Retired Educators Association, Cynthianne Unit XV (See: Oregon Retired Educators Assoc., Cynthianne Unit XV Scrapbooks at PHS)
DALLAS – Clubs & Associations – – Solos Plus DAL
DALLAS – Communications – Newspapers WOU
DALLAS – Communications – Newspapers – Dallas Itemizer-Observer PHS
(See also: Earl Richardson Notebook Entitled “Interesting People” at PHS)
DALLAS – Communications – Postal Service – Dallas Post Office PHS
DALLAS – Communications – Radio – Station KWIP DAL/MON
DALLAS – Communications – Television – Channel 17 MON
DALLAS – Cultural Facilities – Libraries – Dallas Public Library DAL/PHS
(See also: Dallas Public Library Archive at DAL)
DALLAS – Cultural Facilities – Museums – Polk County Museum MON
(See also: RICKREALL – Cultural Facilities – Museums – Polk County Museum)
DALLAS – Disasters – Explosions PHS
DALLAS – Disasters – Fires PHS
DALLAS – Economics – Economic Conditions, Depression – Townsend National Recovery Plan PHS
DALLAS – Education – Colleges & Universities – Chemeketa Community College MON
DALLAS – Education – Colleges & Universities – Dallas College PHS
(See also: Dallas College Archive at DAL and LaCreole Academic Institute Archive at PHS)
DALLAS – Education – Home Schooling DAL
DALLAS – Education – Pioneer Schools – La Creole Academy DAL/PHS/WOU
(See also: Dallas College Archive at DAL and Dallas School District Archive at PHS and LaCreole Academic Institute Archive at PHS)
DALLAS – Education – Public Schools DAL
DALLAS – Education – Public Schools – Dallas High School DAL/PHS
(See also: LaCreole Academic Institute Archive at PHS)
DALLAS – Education – Public Schools – Dallas High School – PERISCOPE (1917) PHS
DALLAS – Education – Public Schools – Dallas School PHS
(See also: Dallas School Educational Exhibit for Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition Scrapbook at PHS)
DALLAS – Education – Public Schools – Dallas School District MON
(See also: Dallas School District at PHS)
DALLAS – Entertainment PHS
DALLAS – Entertainment – Chautauquas PHS
DALLAS – Entertainment – Fairs & Pageants – Summerfest MON
DALLAS – Entertainment – Theater, Drive-In Movies DAL
DALLAS – Environment & Ecology – Waste Water Facilities PHS
DALLAS – Environment & Ecology – Wastewater, Facilities – Dallas Wastewater Facility DAL
DALLAS – Environment & Ecology – Wastewater, Uses – Poplar Tree Project DAL
DALLAS – Ethnic & Minority Groups – Chinese PHS
DALLAS – Gardens – Arboretums & Public Gardens – Delbert Hunter Arboretum and Botanic Garden DAL/MON/PHS
(See also: DALLAS – Clubs & Associations – Friends of Delbert Hunter Arboretum and Botanic Garden)
DALLAS – Geography – Maps DAL/PHS
DALLAS – Government DAL/MON
Dallas – Government – Boards & Commissions – Water Commission (See: Dallas Water Company and Dallas Water Commission Archive at PHS)
DALLAS – Government – Community Services – Recreation Programs DAL
Dallas – Government – Departments & Offices – Library Department
(See: DALLAS – Cultural Facilities – Libraries – Dallas Public Library and Dallas Public Library Archive at DAL)
DALLAS – Government – Fire Protection – Dallas Fire Department DAL/PHS
(See also: DALLAS – Health & Welfare – Emergency Response – Dallas Volunteer Fire Fighters and DALLAS – Health & Welfare – Food Programs – Christmas Cheer)
DALLAS – Government – Law Enforcement – Dallas Police Department DAL/PHS
DALLAS – Government – Officials – Mayors PHS
DALLAS – Government – Planning & Growth DAL
DALLAS – Government – Public Utilities – Dallas Sewer System DAL
DALLAS – Government – Public Utilities – Dallas Water System DAL
DALLAS – Government – Public Works – Street Improvements DAL
DALLAS – Health & Welfare – Charities DAL/PHS
DALLAS – Health & Welfare – Emergency Response – Dallas Ambulance Service DAL/PHS
DALLAS – Health & Welfare – Emergency Response – Dallas Volunteer Fire Fighters DAL/PHS
DALLAS – Health & Welfare – Food Programs – Christmas Cheer DAL
DALLAS – Health & Welfare – Medical Facilities – Valley Community Hospital MON
DALLAS – Health & Welfare – Medical Personnel PHS
(See also: Dallas School Educational Exhibit for Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition Scrapbook at PHS and Dallas Scrapbook at PHS and Stafrin & McKibben Scrapbooks at PHS)
DALLAS – Holidays – Halloween PHS
DALLAS – Housing – Retirement MON
DALLAS – Land & Property PHS
DALLAS – Landmarks & Monuments – Historic Buildings DAL
DALLAS – Landmarks & Monuments – Historic Houses DAL
DALLAS – Law & Justice – Crimes MON/PHS
DALLAS – Law & Justice – Crime, Murder – Lawson Case (1939) PHS
DALLAS – Law & Justice – Crime, Murder – Van Kleek Case (1965) PHS
DALLAS – Law & Justice – Hangings & Executions DAL
DALLAS – Law & Justice – Lawsuits – Bartell Abortion Case PHS
DALLAS – Military Activities – National Guard DAL/PHS
DALLAS – Politics & Elections MON/PHS
DALLAS – Reference Sources – Business Directories DAL
(See also: Dallas – Clubs & Associations – Chamber of Commerce)
DALLAS – Reference Sources – Business Directories – Business & Professional Directory (1973, 1975) PHS
DALLAS – Reference Sources – Telephone Directories PHS
DALLAS – Religion PHS
DALLAS – Religion – Churches MON/DAL
DALLAS – Religion – Churches – Apostolic Faith PHS
DALLAS – Religion – Churches, Assembly of God – Dallas Assembly of God Church PHS
DALLAS – Religion – Churches, Baha’i – Baha’is of Dallas, Polk County PHS
DALLAS – Religion – Churches, Baptist – Faith Baptist Church of Dallas PHS
DALLAS – Religion – Churches, Baptist – First Baptist Church PHS
DALLAS – Religion – Churches, Catholic – St. Phillip’s Catholic Church PHS
DALLAS – Religion – Churches, Christian – First Christian Church PHS
DALLAS – Religion – Churches, Christian Missionary Alliance – Gospel Tabernacle PHS
DALLAS – Religion – Churches, Christian Science – Christian Science Society PHS
DALLAS – Religion – Churches, Church of God – Church of God of Prophesy PHS
DALLAS – Religion – Churches, Episcopal – St. Thomas Episcopal Church PHS
DALLAS – Religion – Churches, Evangelical – Faith Evangelical Free Church PHS
DALLAS – Religion – Churches, Foursquare – Dallas Foursquare Church PHS
DALLAS – Religion – Churches, Jehovah’s Witnesses PHS
DALLAS – Religion – Churches, LDS – Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints PHS
DALLAS – Religion – Churches, Lutheran – Trinity Lutheran Church PHS
DALLAS – Religion – Churches, Mennonite DAL
DALLAS – Religion – Churches, Mennonite – Evangelical Mennonite Brethren Church PHS
DALLAS – Religion – Churches, Mennonite – Grace Mennonite Church PHS
DALLAS – Religion – Churches, Mennonite – Mennonite Brethren PHS
DALLAS – Religion – Churches, Mennonite – Zion Church PHS
DALLAS – Religion – Churches, Methodist WOU
DALLAS – Religion – Churches, Methodist – Dallas First Methodist Church (1849-1970) PHS
DALLAS – Religion – Churches, Methodist – Dallas United Methodist Church DAL/PHS
DALLAS – Religion – Churches, Methodist Episcopal – First Methodist Episcopal Church PHS
Dallas – Religion – Churches, Mormon (See: DALLAS – Religion – Churches, LDS)
DALLAS – Religion – Churches, Nazarene – Dallas Church of the Nazarene PHS
DALLAS – Religion – Churches, Non-Denominational – Village Missions PHS
DALLAS – Religion – Churches, Presbyterian – First Presbyterian Church of Dallas PHS
DALLAS – Religion – Churches, Seventh Day Adventist PHS
DALLAS – Religion – Churches, United – Dallas Alliance Church PHS
DALLAS – Religion – Churches, United Brethren – Evangelical United Brethren Church PHS
DALLAS – Religion – Schools – Dallas Weekday School of the Bible DAL/MON
DALLAS – Science & Research – Business Research – Business – Consumer Relations DAL
DALLAS – Senior Citizens DAL/PHS
Dallas – Senior Citizens – Facilities – Senior Center (See: Polk County Senior Citizens Association Scrapbook at PHS)
DALLAS – Social Life & Customs PHS
DALLAS – Sports & Recreation MON/PHS
Dallas – Sports & Recreation – Basketball (See: Misc. archive, Claud L. Shaw folder at PHS)
DALLAS – Sports & Recreation – Facilities DAL
DALLAS – Sports & Recreation – Facilities, Parks DAL
DALLAS – Sports & Recreation – Facilities, Skating – Dallas Rollerzone DAL
DALLAS – Sports & Recreation – Facilities, Stadiums DAL
DALLAS – Sports & Recreation – Facilities, Swimming Pools DAL/PHS
DALLAS – Statistics DAL/PHS
DALLAS – Transportation MON
DALLAS – Transportation – Airports – Air Park DAL
DALLAS – Transportation – Airports – Dallas Airport PHS
DALLAS – Transportation – Bridges MON/PHS
(See also: Dallas Water Company and Dallas Water Commission Archive at PHS)
DALLAS – Water – Water Power – Millrace DAL
DALLAS –Water – Water Supply PHS
(See also: Dallas Water Company & Dallas Water Commission Archive at PHS)
DALLAS – Water – Water Treatment MON
DERRY – History PHS
ELLENDALE – Business & Industry – Mills, Woolen – Ellendale Woolen Mills Co. PHS
ELLENDALE – Clubs & Associations – – Ellendale Club PHS
(See also: Ellendale Club Archive at PHS)
EOLA – Arts – Theater – Pentacle Theater MON/PHS
EOLA – Clubs & Associations PHS
Eola – Clubs & Associations – Eola Literary Society (See: Eola Literary Society Archive at PHS)
EOLA – Education – Public Schools – Eola School (School District #4)PHS
(See also: Earl Brunk Scrapbooks at PHS)
EOLA – Religion – Churches, Christian – First Christian Church PHS
Etna – Education – Public Schools – Aetna School (See: Polk Co. – Education – Public Schools – Crowley School)
ETNA –Education – Public Schools – Etna School (School District #45) PHS
ETNA – History PHS
ETNA – Religion – Churches, Baptist PHS
FALLS CITY – Anniversaries – Centennials – Falls City Centennial (1991) DAL
FALLS CITY – Arts – Artists – Ledbetter, Clarence PHS
FALLS CITY – Arts – Literary Works, Authors – Frink, Darlene PHS
FALLS CITY – Arts – Music, Bands – Luckiamute River String Band PHS
FALLS CITY – Buildings PHS
FALLS CITY – Buildings – Halls – Wagner Hall (1907 – 1980) PHS
FALLS CITY – Business & Industry PHS
FALLS CITY – Business & Industry – Financial Institutions – Bank of Falls City PHS
FALLS CITY – Business & Industry – Forest Industries, Sawmills – Cobbs Mitchell Lumber Co. HER
FALLS CITY – Business & Industry – Forest Industries, Sawmills – Falls City Lumber Co. PHS
FALLS CITY – Business & Industry – Grocery Stores PHS
Falls City – Business & Industry – Pharmacies – M. L. Thompson Drugs
(See: M. L. Thompson Drugs Archive at PHS)
FALLS CITY – Children & Youth PHS
FALLS CITY – Clubs & Associations PHS
Falls City – Clubs & Associations – – Falls City Grange No. 847 (See: Falls City Grange No. 847 History Scrapbook at PHS)
FALLS CITY – Communications – Postal Service PHS
FALLS CITY – Cultural Facilities – Library PHS
FALLS CITY – Disasters – Fires PHS
FALLS CITY – Education – Private Schools – Seventh Day Adventist School PHS
FALLS CITY – Education – Public Schools – Falls City School PHS
Falls City – Education – School Districts – Falls City School District #57
(See: Falls City School District #57 Archive at PHS)
FALLS CITY – Entertainment – Fairs & Pageants – Falls City Mushroom Fest DAL
FALLS CITY – Entertainment – Parades – Fourth of July Parade PHS
FALLS CITY – Environment & Ecology – Waste Water Facilities – Falls City Sewer System PHS
FALLS CITY – Geography – Maps PHS
FALLS CITY – Geography – Waterfalls PHS
FALLS CITY – Government – Employees – Wilson, Fay PHS
FALLS CITY – Government – Ordinances – City of Falls City (1915) PHS
FALLS CITY – Government – Public Utilities – Falls City Water System DAL
FALLS CITY – Health & Welfare – Emergency Response PHS
FALLS CITY – Health & Welfare – Medical Facilities – Hospital PHS
FALLS CITY – Health & Welfare – Medical Personnel – Dr. Pat Huff PHS
(See also: Falls City Grange No. 847 History Scrapbook at PHS and PHS/WOU
Misc. archive #A 96-02-537 at PHS)
FALLS CITY – Law & Justice – Crimes, Robbery & Theft PHS
FALLS CITY – Politics & Elections – Community Conflicts PHS
FALLS CITY – Reference Sources – Telephone Directories PHS
FALLS CITY – Religion – Churches PHS
FALLS CITY – Religion – Churches, Christian – Falls City Christian Church PHS
FALLS CITY – Religion – Churches, Methodist – Falls City United Methodist Church DAL/PHS
FALLS CITY – Senior Citizens PHS
FALLS CITY – Sports & Recreation – Football PHS
FALLS CITY – Sports & Recreation – Hobbies, Miniatures – Bradley’s Pioneer Village DAL
FALLS CITY – Water – Water Supply PHS
FALLS CITY – Wildlife – Large Mammals – Bear PHS
Fort Hoskins (See: BENTON CO.– Military Activities – Installations – Fort Hoskins)
(See also: POLK CO. – Ethnic & Minority Groups – Native Americans – Grand Ronde Peoples)
GRAND RONDE – Buildings – Railroad – Grand Ronde Depot PHS
GRAND RONDE – Business & Industry – Casinos – Spirit Mountain Casino DAL/PHS
(See also: GRAND RONDE – Sports & Recreation – Gambling – Spirit Mountain Casino)
GRAND RONDE – Cultural Facilities – Libraries – Grand Ronde Library PHS
GRAND RONDE – Education – Government Schools – Grand Ronde Indian School PHS
GRAND RONDE – Education – Public Schools – Grand Ronde/Agency School (School District #66) PHS
Grand Ronde – Ethnic & Minority Groups – Native American – Grand Ronde Indian Agency (See: POLK CO. – Ethnic & Minority Groups)
GRAND RONDE – Military Activities – Installations – Fort Yamhill PHS
GRAND RONDE – Reference Sources – Telephone Directories – Sheridan, Willamina, and Grand Ronde Telephone Directory (1950) PHS
GRAND RONDE – Religion – Churches PHS
GRAND RONDE – Religion – Churches, Catholic PHS
GRAND RONDE – Religion – Churches, Methodist – Grand Ronde German Methodist Church PHS
GRAND RONDE – Sports & Recreation – Facilities – Anderson Gardens DAL
GRAND RONDE – Sports & Recreation – Gambling – Spirit Mountain Casino MON
(See also: GRAND RONDE – Business & Industry – Casinos – Spirit Mountain Casino)
GUTHRIE – Education – Public Schools – Guthrie School (School District #54) PHS
HARMONY – Education – Public Schools – Harmony School (School District #37) PHS
HARMONY – Religion – Churches, Baptist – Union Baptist Church PHS
INDEPENDENCE – Agriculture – Hops HER/MON
(See also: Polk Co. – Agriculture – Hops)
INDEPENDENCE – Animal Husbandry HER
INDEPENDENCE – Animal Husbandry – Horses HER
INDEPENDENCE – Animal Husbandry – Poultry HER
INDEPENDENCE – Animal Husbandry – Veterinary Clinics MON
INDEPENDENCE – Anniversaries PHS
INDEPENDENCE – Anniversaries – Bicentennials – Independence Bicentennial Project HER
INDEPENDENCE – Anniversaries – Bicentennials – U.S.A. Bicentennial (1976) HER
INDEPENDENCE – Anniversaries – Centennials – State Centennial (1959) – Centennial Wagon Train HER/IND/PHS
INDEPENDENCE – Anniversaries – Centennials – State Centennial –PHSCentennial Wagon Train 25th Reunion (1984)
(See also: C. W. Irvine Archive at HER and Independence Historic District Archive at IND)
INDEPENDENCE – Buildings – Churches IND
INDEPENDENCE – Buildings – Commercial IND
INDEPENDENCE – Buildings – Residences HER/IND
INDEPENDENCE – Buildings – Schools IND
INDEPENDENCE – Business & Industry DAL/IND/MON/
(See also: C. W. Irvine Archive at HER) WOU/PHS
Independence – Business & Industry (1880 – 1881) (See: VanDuyn & Smith Archive at HER)
INDEPENDENCE – Business & Industry – Art Galleries MON
INDEPENDENCE – Business & Industry – Agricultural Products – Independence Cannery Co. HER
Independence – Business & Industry – Drayage (See: Ernest Tripp Archive at HER)
INDEPENDENCE – Business & Industry – Financial Institutions – The Farmer’s State Bank HER
INDEPENDENCE – Business & Industry – Financial Institutions – First National Bank HER
INDEPENDENCE – Business & Industry – Forest Industries – Mountain Fir Lumber Co. DAL
(See also: INDEPENDENCE – Disasters – Fires – Mountain Fir Lumber Company Fire and INDEPENDENCE – Environment & Ecology – Soil Pollution – Mountain Fir Lumber Co. Site)
Independence – Business & Industry – Forest Industries, Sawmills – Independence Saw Mill (See: Independence Saw Mill Archive at HER)
INDEPENDENCE – Business & Industry – Forest Industries, Sawmills – Mountain Fir Lumber Co. HER
(See also: INDEPENDENCE – Disasters – Fires – Mountain Fir Lumber Co. Fire and INDEPENDENCE – Environment & Ecology – Soil Pollution – Mountain Fir Lumber Company Site)
Independence – Business & Industry – General Stores (See: Williams Drug Company Archive at HER)
Independence – Business & Industry – General Stores – Vanduyn and Smith
(See: Vanduyn and Smith Archive at HER)
Independence – Business & Industry – Insurance – C. W. Irvine, Agent
(See: C.W. Irvine Archive at HER)
INDEPENDENCE – Business & Industry – Mills, Grist – Oregon Milling and Warehouse Company HER
Independence – Business & Industry – Mortuaries – C.W. Henkle Funeral Home
(See: C. W. Henkle, Mortician, Archive at PHS)
Independence – Business & Industry – Pharmacies – Williams Drug Company
(See: Williams Drug Company Archive at HER)
INDEPENDENCE – Children & Youth – Gangs MON
INDEPENDENCE – Clubs & Associations HER/MON/PHS
INDEPENDENCE – Clubs & Associations – – Chamber of Commerce IND
(See also: Independence Chamber of Commerce United War Chest Fund Archive at HER)
Independence – Clubs & Associations – – Grand Army of the Republic General Gibson Post #64
(See: Grand Army of the Republic General Gibson Post #64 Archive at HER)
INDEPENDENCE – Clubs & Associations – – Independence Garden Club HER/IND
(See also: Independence Garden Club Archive at HER)
Independence – Clubs & Associations – – Independence Junior Women’s Club
(See: Independence-Monmouth Jr. Women’s Club Scrapbook at HER)
INDEPENDENCE – Clubs & Associations – – Independence Women’s Club HER
INDEPENDENCE – Clubs & Associations – – Knights of Pythias, HER
Homer Lodge No. 45
INDEPENDENCE – Clubs & Associations – – Leisure Hour Reading Club HER
INDEPENDENCE – Communications – Newspapers WOU
INDEPENDENCE – Communications – Newspapers – El Sol Hispano IND
INDEPENDENCE – Communications – Postal Service IND/PHS
INDEPENDENCE – Cultural Facilities HER
INDEPENDENCE – Cultural Facilities – Libraries – Independence Public Library IND/MON
(See also: Independence Public Library Archive at IND)
INDEPENDENCE – Cultural Facilities – Museums – Heritage Museum IND/MON/ PHS
INDEPENDENCE – Demographics – Illegal Aliens PHS
INDEPENDENCE – Disasters – Epidemics – Flu Epidemic of 1918 HER
INDEPENDENCE – Disasters – Fires PHS
INDEPENDENCE – Disasters – Fires – Mountain Fir Lumber Co. Fire (1975) HER
INDEPENDENCE – Disasters – Floods HER/IND
INDEPENDENCE – Disasters – Preparedness – Civil Defense HER
INDEPENDENCE – Disasters – Storms – Columbus Day Storm (1962) HER
INDEPENDENCE – Education – Pioneer Schools WOU
INDEPENDENCE – Education – Public Schools HER/MON(See also: Oregon School Register and Record Book of Polk County District No. 46 at HER and Independence-Monmouth Junior Women’s Club Scrapbook at HER )
INDEPENDENCE – Education – Public Schools – Commencement & Graduations HER
INDEPENDENCE – Education – Public Schools – Independence High School – CYCLONE (1924,1926) HER
INDEPENDENCE – Education – Public Schools – Independence High School – The Marigold News (1930-32) HER
INDEPENDENCE – Education – Public Schools – Independence School – The Juvenile Whisper WOU
INDEPENDENCE – Education – Public Schools – Independence School (School District #29) PHS
Independence – Education – School Districts – Independence District
(See: Oregon School Register and Record Books for Polk County Districts at HER)
INDEPENDENCE – Entertainment HER
INDEPENDENCE – Entertainment – Fairs & Pageants – Barefoot In The Park PHS
INDEPENDENCE – Entertainment – Fairs & Pageants – Covered Wagon Days WOU/MON
INDEPENDENCE – Entertainment – Fairs & Pageants – Hop Fiesta MON/HER/IND/
(See also: Hop Fiesta Scrapbooks at HER) PHS
INDEPENDENCE – Entertainment – Fairs & Pageants – Tom Sawyer Days IND
INDEPENDENCE – Environment & Ecology HER
INDEPENDENCE – Environment & Ecology – Soil Pollution – Mountain Fir Lumber Co. Site MON
INDEPENDENCE – Ethnic & Minority Groups – Hispanics WOU
(See also: Polk Co. – Government – Boards & Commissions – Hispanic Advisory Council)
INDEPENDENCE – Ethnic & Minority Groups – Mexican Americans MON
INDEPENDENCE – Geography – Maps IND
INDEPENDENCE – Government – – City of Independence Charter (1962) IND
INDEPENDENCE – Government – – City of Independence Charter (1940, 1962) HER
INDEPENDENCE – Government – Departments & Offices HER
INDEPENDENCE – Government – Finance & Funding – City Recorder HER
INDEPENDENCE – Government – Finance & Funding – Treasurer’s Report HER
INDEPENDENCE – Government – Finance & Funding, Bonds HER
INDEPENDENCE – Government – Fire Protection – Independence Fire Department WOU
INDEPENDENCE – Government – Licensing & Franchises – Businesses HER
INDEPENDENCE – Government – Licensing & Franchises – Vehicle Transport HER
INDEPENDENCE – Government – Law Enforcement HER
INDEPENDENCE – Government – Officials, Mayors WOU
INDEPENDENCE – Government – Ordinances HER
INDEPENDENCE – Government – Planning & Growth IND
INDEPENDENCE – Government – Public Utilities HER
INDEPENDENCE – Government – Public Works – Street Improvements HER
INDEPENDENCE – Government – Public Works – Street Maintenance HER
INDEPENDENCE – Government – Publications – City of Independence – River City Times IND
INDEPENDENCE – Government – Publications – The River City Review MON
INDEPENDENCE – Growth & Development MON/PHS
INDEPENDENCE – Growth & Development – Planning – Community Congress (1968) IND
Independence – Guidebooks (See: INDEPENDENCE – Reference Sources – Guidebooks & Directories)
INDEPENDENCE – Health & Welfare – Medical Facilities MON
(See also: Dr. George C. Knott Manuscript Entitled “Hurry Doctor, It’s an Emergency” at HER)
INDEPENDENCE – Health & Welfare – Medical Personnel HER
Independence – Health & Welfare – Medical Personnel – Knott, George C. (Doctor)
(See: Dr. George C. Knott Manuscript Entitled “Hurry Doctor, It’s an Emergency” at HER)
INDEPENDENCE – Health & Welfare – Private Charities PHS
Independence – History – Reminiscences (See: Cora Hubbard Manuscript Entitled “History of the Early Settlers of Independence” at HER)
INDEPENDENCE – History – – Stryker, Charles, articles (c. 1968) IND
INDEPENDENCE – Human Relations – Prejudice & Intolerance HER
INDEPENDENCE – Human Relations – Prejudice & Intolerance – Japanese Internment PHS
INDEPENDENCE – Landmarks & Monuments Independence – Landmarks & Monuments – Independence Historic District MON
(See: Independence Historic District Archive at IND)
INDEPENDENCE – Law & Justice – Crime MON
INDEPENDENCE – Law & Justice – Crimes, Murder HER
INDEPENDENCE – Military Activities – Civilian Support – World War II HER
Independence – Neighborhoods & Districts – Beautification Projects
(See: Independence Garden Club Archive at HER)
INDEPENDENCE – Neighborhoods & Districts – Downtown WOU
Independence – Neighborhoods & Districts – Independence Historic District
(See: Independence Historic District Archive at IND)
INDEPENDENCE – Politics & Elections MON
INDEPENDENCE – Reference Sources – Business Directories IND
INDEPENDENCE – Reference Sources – Guidebooks and Directories MON
INDEPENDENCE – Religion – Churches HER/MON
INDEPENDENCE – Religion – Churches, Baptist – First Baptist Church PHS
INDEPENDENCE – Religion – Churches, Catholic – St. Patrick’s Catholic Church MON/PHS
INDEPENDENCE – Religion – Churches, Methodist – Independence Methodist Church PHS
INDEPENDENCE – Senior Citizens PHS
INDEPENDENCE – Social Life & Customs HER
INDEPENDENCE – Social Life & Customs – Weddings HER
INDEPENDENCE – Sports & Recreation HER/PHS
INDEPENDENCE – Sports & Recreation – Facilities – Kenti Dance Hall PHS
INDEPENDENCE – Sports & Recreation – Facilities, Parks IND/MON
(See also: Independence Garden Club Archive at HER)
INDEPENDENCE – Transportation IND
INDEPENDENCE – Transportation – Airports – Independence State Airport MON
INDEPENDENCE – Transportation – Airports – Independence State Airport – Palms to Pines Annual Air Race HER
INDEPENDENCE – Transportation – Bridges HER/MON
INDEPENDENCE – Transportation – Ferries – Buena Vista Ferry HER
INDEPENDENCE – Transportation – Motor Vehicles HER
INDEPENDENCE – Transportation – Steamboats HER
INDEPENDENCE – Transportation – Streets MON
Independence – Transportation – Streets – 5th Street (See: Independence Historic District Archive at IND)
INDEPENDENCE – Water – Water Treatment MON
INDEPENDENCE – Water – Water Supply HER
INDEPENDENCE – Wildlife – Birds PHS
KINGS VALLEY – Cemeteries – – Kings Valley Cemetery PHS
(See also: BENTON CO. – Military Activities – Installations – Ft. Hoskins)
KINGS VALLEY – History – Pioneer Life – Letter From the Luckiamute – King, Stephen & Mariah PHS
Lewisville – Business & Industry – General Stores – Lewisville Store
(See: Lewisville Store Archive at PHS)
LEWISVILLE – Education – Public Schools – Lewisville School (School District #8) PHS
(See also: William Burns’s Estate Ledger at PHS)
LEWISVILLE – Religion – Churches, Methodist – Lewisville Methodist Church PHS
LINCOLN – Education – Public Schools – Lincoln School (School District #40) PHS
Luckiamute River (See: POLK CO. – Geography – Rivers & Streams – Luckiamute River and POLK CO. – Water – Cooperatives – Luckiamute Domestic Water Cooperative and POLK CO. – Government – Special Districts – Polk Soil & Water Conservation District)
MC COY – Education – Public Schools – Mc Coy School PHS
MC COY – History PHS
MC COY – Religion – Churches, Presbyterian – First Presbyterian Church PHS
MID-WILLAMETTE VALLEY – Clubs & Associations – Salem Audubon Society MON
MID-WILLAMETTE VALLEY – Clubs & Associations – Salem Audubon Society – Kestrel MON
MID-WILLAMETTE VALLEY – Clubs & Associations – United Way Mid-Willamette Valley – Government – Regional – Mid-Willamette Valley MON
Community Action Program (See: Polk County Senior Citizens Association Scrapbook at PHS)
MID-WILLAMETTE VALLEY – Government – Regional – Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments MON
MID-WILLAMETTE VALLEY – Government – Regional – Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments – Newsletter MON
MID-WILLAMETTE VALLEY – Government – Regional – Mid-Willamette Valley Council Of Governments – Rural Investment Fund – Development Projects DAL
MID-WILLAMETTE VALLEY – Government – Regional – Mid-Willamette Valley Senior Services Agency MON
MID-WILLAMETTE VALLEY – Government – Regional – Willamette Education Service District MON
MONMOUTH – Agriculture – Grower’s Cooperatives – Monmouth Cooperative Creamery & Warehouse HER
MONMOUTH – Animal Husbandry – Dairying WOU
MONMOUTH – Anniversaries – Centennials – Centennial of Founding (1956) PHS/WOU
MONMOUTH – Anniversaries – 75th Anniversaries WOU
MONMOUTH – Arts – Music MON
MONMOUTH – Arts – Music, Bands WOU
MONMOUTH – Arts – Performing – Edgar H. Smith Fine Arts Series MON
(See also: Edgar H. Smith Fine Arts Series Archive at WOU)
MONMOUTH – Arts – Theater – Applebox Children’s Theater MON
MONMOUTH – Buildings WOU
(See also: Monmouth – Education – Colleges & Universities – Western Oregon University – Buildings & Grounds)
MONMOUTH – Buildings – Commercial WOU
MONMOUTH – Buildings – Government – City Hall WOU
MONMOUTH – Buildings – Hotels & Motels – Monmouth Hotel PHS
MONMOUTH – Buildings – Halls – Odd Fellows Building WOU
MONMOUTH – Buildings – Residences PHS/WOU
MONMOUTH – Buildings – Residences – Craven House MON
MONMOUTH – Buildings – Residences – Gentle House MON/PHS
(See also: MONMOUTH – Clubs & Associations – – Friends of Gentle House – Newsletter and Monmouth Civic Club Archive at MON)
MONMOUTH – Business & Industry HER/MON/WOU/PHS
Monmouth – Business & Industry – Agricultural Products – Monmouth Evaporating and Canning Co. (See: The Monmouth Evaporating and Canning Co. Archive at HER)
MONMOUTH – Business & Industry – Bed & Breakfasts – Howell House MON
Monmouth – Business & Industry – Contractors – Ben Johnson (See: Ben Johnson Archive at HER)
MONMOUTH – Business & Industry – Creameries WOU
MONMOUTH – Business & Industry – Financial Institutions, Banks – First National Bank WOU
MONMOUTH – Business & Industry – Forest Industries – Boise Cascade MON
MONMOUTH – Business & Industry – General Stores – Criders MON/WOU
MONMOUTH – Business & Industry – General Stores – Daniel/Miller Mercantile Store WOU
MONMOUTH – Business & Industry – Hotels & Motels WOU
MONMOUTH – Business & Industry – Hotels & Motels – Monmouth Hotel HER
MONMOUTH – Business & Industry – Insurance – Chambers & Powell General Insurance HER
MONMOUTH – Business & Industry – Mining Industries – Pilot Knob Gold Milling & Mining Co. HER
MONMOUTH – Business & Industry – Photographic Studios WOU
MONMOUTH – Business & Industry – Restaurants MON/WOU
MONMOUTH – Business & Industry – Sanitation – Brandt’s Sanitary Service MON
MONMOUTH – Business & Industry – Theaters, MovieWOU
Monmouth – Business & Industry – Utilities – Monmouth Water Company
(See: Monmouth Water Co. Archive at MON)
MONMOUTH – Clubs & Associations HER/PHS/WOU
MONMOUTH – Clubs & Associations – – American Legion WOU
MONMOUTH – Clubs & Associations – – Chamber of Commerce – Directories HER
MONMOUTH – Clubs & Associations – – Friends of the Gentle House – Newsletter MON
(See also: MONMOUTH – Buildings – Residences – Gentle House)
MONMOUTH – Clubs & Associations – – Friends of the Jensen Arctic Museum – Newsletter MON
MONMOUTH – Clubs & Associations – – Friends of the Monmouth Library MON
MONMOUTH – Clubs & Associations – – Friends of the Monmouth Library – Friends’ Connection MON
MONMOUTH – Clubs & Associations – – Lions Club WOU
(See also: Monmouth Luncheon Club Archive at MON)
Monmouth – Clubs & Associations – – Monmouth American Legion Auxiliary Unit #65
(See: Monmouth American Legion Auxiliary Unit #65 Archive at MON)
Monmouth – Clubs & Associations – – Monmouth Civic Club WOU
(See also: Monmouth Civic Club Archive at MON)
MONMOUTH – Clubs & Associations – – Monmouth Garden Club HER/MON
Monmouth – Clubs & Associations – – Monmouth Hook and Ladder Company No. 1
(See: Monmouth Hook & Ladder Co. No. 1 Archive at MON)
Monmouth – Clubs & Associations – – Monmouth Lion’s Club (See: Monmouth Luncheon Club Archive at MON)
Monmouth – Clubs & Associations – – Monmouth Luncheon Club MON/WOU
(See also: Monmouth Luncheon Club Archive at MON)
MONMOUTH – Clubs & Associations – – Monmouth Merchants Association MON
MONMOUTH – Clubs & Associations – – Monmouth Social Hour Club MON
Monmouth – Clubs & Associations – – No Purpose Club (See: Monmouth Luncheon Club Archive at MON)
Monmouth – Clubs & Associations – – Parent Teachers Association (P.T.A.)
(See: Monmouth Training School Scrapbooks at HER)
MONMOUTH – Clubs & Associations – – Red Cross PHS
MONMOUTH – Communications – Newspapers WOU
(See also: Eric J. Swenson Scrapbooks at MON and Swenson Family Scrapbooks at PHS)
MONMOUTH – Communications – Newspapers – Christian Messenger WOU
MONMOUTH – Communications – Newspapers – Monmouth Herald PHS
(See also: Eric J. Swenson Scrapbooks at MON and Swenson Family Scrapbooks at PHS)
MONMOUTH – Communications – Postal Service WOU
MONMOUTH – Cultural Facilities – Libraries – Monmouth Public Library MON/WOU
(See also: Monmouth Civic Club Archive at MON and Monmouth Public Library Archive at MON)
MONMOUTH – Cultural Facilities – Museums – Paul Jensen Arctic Museum DAL/PHS
(See also: MONMOUTH – Education – Colleges & Universities – Western Oregon University – Jensen Arctic Museum)
MONMOUTH – Demographics – Population WOU
MONMOUTH – Disasters – Fires MON/PHS/WOU
(See also: MONMOUTH – Law & Justice – Crimes, Arson – Boise Cascade Case)
MONMOUTH – Disasters – Fires – Boarding House Fire (1929) WOU
MONMOUTH – Disasters – Preparedness – Civil Defense PHS
MONMOUTH – Education – Colleges & Universities – Christian College (1866-1882) WOU
(See also: Western Oregon University Archive at WOU)
MONMOUTH – Education – Colleges & Universities – Monmouth University (1863-1865) PHS
(See also: Western Oregon University Archive at WOU)
MONMOUTH – Education – Colleges & Universities – Oregon College of Education (1939-1981) MON/PHS/WOU
(See also: Charles Abner Howard Manuscript Collection at WOU and Ellis Stebbins Manuscript Collection at WOU and Ellis Stebbins Scrapbook at PHS and Gary Huxford Manuscript Collection at WOU and Monmouth Training School Scrapbooks at HER and Monmouth-Independence-Dallas [MID] Branch of American Association of University Women Archive at MON and Western Oregon University Archive at WOU)
MONMOUTH – Education – Colleges & Universities – Oregon College of Education – Alumni Newsletter – OCEAN PHS
MONMOUTH –Education – Colleges & Universities – Oregon College of Education – Centennial (1971) PHS
(See also: Ellis Stebbins Manuscript Collection at WOU)
MONMOUTH – Education – Colleges & Universities – Oregon State Normal School (1883-1939) HER/PHS/WOU
(See also: Board of Regents of Normal Schools Archive at WOU and Ellis Stebbins Manuscript Collection at WOU and Western Oregon University Archive at WOU)
MONMOUTH – Education – Colleges & Universities – Oregon State Normal School – The NORM (1912,1913) HER
MONMOUTH –Education – Colleges & Universities – Oregon State Normal School – Student Housing WOU
MONMOUTH – Education – Colleges & Universities – Western Oregon State College (1981-1997) MON/PHS
(See also: Gary Huxford Manuscript Collection at WOU and Western Oregon University Archive at WOU)
MONMOUTH – Education – Colleges & Universities – Western Oregon University (1997– ) MON
(See also: Western Oregon University Archive at WOU)
MONMOUTH – Education – Colleges & Universities – Western Oregon University – Administration PHS
MONMOUTH – Education – Colleges & Universities – Western Oregon University – Alumni PHS
MONMOUTH – Education – Colleges & Universities – Western Oregon University – Arts & Theatre PHS
MONMOUTH – Education – Colleges & Universities – Western Oregon University – Buildings & Grounds PHS
MONMOUTH – Education – Colleges & Universities – Western Oregon University – Buildings & Grounds – Campbell Hall PHS
MONMOUTH – Education – Colleges & Universities – Western Oregon University – Buildings & Grounds – Giant Sequoia Tree PHS
MONMOUTH – Education – Colleges & Universities – Western Oregon University – Curriculum PHS
MONMOUTH – Education – Colleges & Universities – Western Oregon University – Division of Continuing Education PHS
MONMOUTH – Education – Colleges & Universities – Western Oregon University – Faculty PHS
MONMOUTH – Education – Colleges & Universities – Western Oregon University – Funding & Support PHS
MONMOUTH – Education – Colleges & Universities – Western Oregon University – Hamersly Library MON
MONMOUTH – Education – Colleges & Universities – Western Oregon University – History HER/MON/PHS
(See also: Western Oregon University Archive at WOU)
MONMOUTH – Education – Colleges & Universities – Western Oregon University – Housing PHS
MONMOUTH – Education – Colleges & Universities – Western Oregon University – Jensen Arctic Museum MON
MONMOUTH – Education – Colleges & Universities – Western Oregon University – Lamron PHS
MONMOUTH – Education – Colleges & Universities – Western Oregon University – Publications – Newsletter MON
MONMOUTH – Education – Colleges & Universities – Western Oregon University – Publications – Nuwanda’s Trip MON
MONMOUTH – Education – Colleges & Universities – Western Oregon University – Publications – Western Journal MON
MONMOUTH – Education – Colleges & Universities – Western Oregon University – Status of Women PHS
MONMOUTH – Education – Private Schools – Luckiamute Elementary School MON/PHS
MONMOUTH – Education – Private Schools – Monmouth Bible School PHS
MONMOUTH – Education – Public Schools HER/WOU
MONMOUTH – Education – Public Schools – Campus Elementary School PHS/WOU
MONMOUTH – Education – Public Schools – Monmouth Elementary School (School District #13) MON/PHS
MONMOUTH – Education – Public Schools – Monmouth High School MON/PHS/WOU
(See also: Monmouth High School Student Body Association Archive at PHS)
MONMOUTH – Education – Public Schools – Monmouth High School The Royal Purple (1911,1921) WOU
Monmouth – Education – Public Schools – Monmouth Training School
(See: Monmouth Training School Scrapbooks at HER and Western Oregon University Archive at WOU)
MONMOUTH – Education – Vocational Schools – Oregon National Guard Military Academy DAL/MON
MONMOUTH – Education – Vocational Schools – Oregon Police Academy DAL/MON/PHS
Monmouth – Education – Vocational Schools – Public Safety Academy
(See: MONMOUTH – Education – Vocational Schools – Oregon Police Academy)
MONMOUTH – Entertainment – Fairs & Pageants – Victorian Tea Festival MON
MONMOUTH – Entertainment – Fairs & Pageants – Winter Olympics (1973) WOU
MONMOUTH – Environment & Ecology – Trees MON/WOU
(See also: Monmouth Civic Club Archive at MON)
MONMOUTH – Environment & Ecology – Wastewater Uses PHS
MONMOUTH – Geography – Maps PHS/WOU
MONMOUTH – Geography – Place Names PHS/WOU
MONMOUTH – Geology – Soils WOU
MONMOUTH – Government – Archives WOU
MONMOUTH – Government – Boards & Commissions – Historic Buildings & Sites Commission MON
Monmouth – Government – Boards & Commissions – Planning Commission
(See: Monmouth American Legion Auxiliary Unit #65 Archive at and Monmouth Civic Club Archive at MON) MON
MONMOUTH – Government – Boards & Commissions – Water Board WOU
MONMOUTH – Government – City Manager MON
Monmouth – Government – Departments & Offices – Fire Department
(See: Monmouth Fire Department Archive at MON)
MONMOUTH – Government – Departments & Offices – Parks & Recreation MON(See also: MONMOUTH – Sports & Recreation – Facilities, Parks)
MONMOUTH – Government – Departments & Offices – Planning Department MON
MONMOUTH – Government – Fire Protection PHS
(See also: Monmouth Hook & Ladder Co. No. 1 Archive at MON)
MONMOUTH – Government – Fire Protection – Monmouth Fire Department WOU
(See also: MONMOUTH – Buildings – Government – City Hall)
MONMOUTH – Government – Law Enforcement – Monmouth Police Department WOU
MONMOUTH – Government – Officials – Mayor MON/WOU
MONMOUTH – Government – Officials, Rosters MON
MONMOUTH – Government – Planning & Growth – Monmouth Beautification Study HER/PHS
MONMOUTH – Government – Public Works WOU
MONMOUTH – Government – Public UtilitiesWOU(See also: Monmouth Water Company Archive at MON)
MONMOUTH – Government – Taxation WOU
MONMOUTH – Growth & Development MON/PHS/WOU
MONMOUTH – Growth & Development – Land Use Planning WOU
MONMOUTH – Growth & Development – Planning WOU
MONMOUTH – Growth & Development – Urban Growth Boundary MON
MONMOUTH – Health & Welfare – Alcoholic Abuse WOU
(See also: MONMOUTH – Politics & Elections – Alcoholic Beverage Sales)
MONMOUTH – Health & Welfare – Community Service PHS
MONMOUTH – Health & Welfare – Domestic Violence – SABLE House Shelter DAL
Monmouth – Health & Welfare – Emergency Response (See: Monmouth Fire Department Archive at MON and Monmouth Hook & Ladder Co. No.1 Archive at MON and POLK CO. – Government – Special Districts – Polk County Fire District No.1)
Monmouth – Health & Welfare – Medical Facilities – Well Child Clinics
(See: Monmouth Civic Club Archive at MON)
MONMOUTH – Health & Welfare – Medical Personnel PHS/WOU
(See also: Herbert B. Powell Manuscript Collection at MON and Peter Butler Family Manuscript Collection at WOU) PHS/WOU
MONMOUTH – History (1890s) WOU
MONMOUTH – History (1900s) WOU
MONMOUTH – History (1910s) WOU
MONMOUTH – History (1920s) WOU
MONMOUTH – History (1940s) WOU
MONMOUTH – History (1960s) WOU
MONMOUTH – History – Pioneer LifevMON
MONMOUTH – History – Reminiscences WOU
MONMOUTH – Holidays – Christmas WOU
MONMOUTH – Housing – Group Homes – Ron Wilson Center WOU
Monmouth – Housing – Group Homes – Partnerships in Community Living (PCL)
(See: POLK CO. – Housing – Group Homes – Partnerships in Community Living)
MONMOUTH – Housing – Retirement – Heron Pointe MON
Monmouth – Land & Property (See: Phillip H. Johnson Family Manuscript Collection at HER)
MONMOUTH – Land & Property – Alcohol Restrictions WOU
(See also: MONMOUTH – Politics & Elections – Alcoholic Beverage Sales)
MONMOUTH – Land & Property – Land Use WOU
MONMOUTH – Landmarks & Monuments MON
MONMOUTH – Landmarks & Monuments – Historic Houses PHS
MONMOUTH – Landmarks & Monuments – Historic Houses – Walking Tour PHS
MONMOUTH – Landmarks & Monuments – Trees WOU
MONMOUTH – Landmarks & Monuments – – Monmouth Historic Inventory (ca. 1987) WOU
MONMOUTH – Law & Justice – City Ordinances WOU
MONMOUTH – Law & Justice – Crime MON/PHS/WOU
MONMOUTH – Law & Justice – Crimes, Arson – Boise Cascade Case MON/PHS
MONMOUTH – Law & Justice – Crimes, Murder PHS
MONMOUTH – Law & Justice – Crimes, Murder – Chinese Laundry Murders (1887) PHS
MONMOUTH – Law & Justice – Crimes, Murder – Marshall Layton Case WOU
MONMOUTH – Law & Justice – Crimes, Robbery & Theft PHS
Monmouth – Military Activities – Civilian Support – World War II
(See: Monmouth American Legion Auxiliary Unit #65 Archive at MON)
Monmouth – Military Activities – Veterans (See: Monmouth American LegionAuxiliary Unit #65 Archive at MON)
MONMOUTH – Neighborhoods & Districts – Beautification Projects PHS
(See also: Monmouth Civic Club Archive at MON)
MONMOUTH – Neighborhoods & Districts – Downtown MON
MONMOUTH – Politics and Elections MON
MONMOUTH – Politics and Elections – Elections (1938) WOU
MONMOUTH – Politics and Elections – Elections (1943) WOU
MONMOUTH – Politics and Elections – Elections, Special (1997) – Local Measure 27-29 WOU
MONMOUTH – Politics and Elections – – Alcoholic Beverage Sales WOU
MONMOUTH – Reference Sources – City Directories PHS
MONMOUTH – Reference Sources – Guidebooks & Directories MON/WOU
MONMOUTH – Religion – Campus Ministry Program – Fellowship House MON
MONMOUTH – Religion – Churches DAL/WOU
MONMOUTH – Religion – Churches, Baha’i – Polk County Baha’i Faith Group PHS
MONMOUTH – Religion – Churches, Baptist MON
MONMOUTH – Religion – Churches, Baptist – Monmouth Baptist Church PHS
MONMOUTH – Religion – Churches, Disciples of Christ – Monmouth First Christian Church MON/PHS/WOU
MONMOUTH – Religion – Churches, Episcopal – St. Hilda’s MON
MONMOUTH – Religion – Churches, Evangelical – Monmouth Evangelical Church PHS
MONMOUTH – Religion – Churches, Lutheran – Faith Lutheran Church PHS
MONMOUTH – Religion – Churches, Presbyterian – Monmouth Presbyterian Church PHS
MONMOUTH – Religion – Churches, United – Christ’s Church PHS
MONMOUTH – Senior Citizens – Facilities – Monmouth Senior Center MON/PHS
MONMOUTH – Sports & Recreation – Facilities, Parks MON/WOU
Monmouth – Sports & Recreation – Facilities, Parks – Gentle Woods Park
(See: Monmouth Civic Club Archive at MON)
MONMOUTH – Sports & Recreation – Facilities, Parks – Main Street Park WOU
(See also: Monmouth Civic Club Archive at MON)
MONMOUTH – Sports & Recreation – Skateboarding MON/WOU
MONMOUTH – Statistics WOU
MONMOUTH – Transportation – Buses WOU
MONMOUTH – Transportation – Streets WOU/PHS
MONMOUTH – Travel & Tourism – Accommodations, Bed & Breakfasts – Howell House WOU
MONMOUTH – Water – Treatment MON
MONMOUTH – Water – Water Supply WOU
(See also: Monmouth Water Company Archive at MON)
MONMOUTH – Water – Water Supply – Asbestos Contamination (1993) WOU
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Arts – Music – Reconstituted Monmouth-Independence Town Band MON/WOU
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Business & Industry – Grocery Stores WOU
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Children & Youth – Programs MON
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Children & Youth – Programs – Nite Court MON
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Clubs & Associations – – Central Youth Sports (CYS) MON
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Clubs & Associations – – Chamber of Commerce MON/WOU
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Clubs & Associations – – Chamber of Commerce – First Citizen’s Awards PHS
(See also: MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Reference Sources – Guidebooks & Directories)
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Clubs & Associations – – Chamber of Commerce Member Directory (1997-98) DAL/HER
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Clubs & Associations – – Chamber of Commerce – Monmouth and Independence, Oregon IND
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Clubs & Associations – – Chamber of Commerce – Newsletter MON
Monmouth/Independence – Clubs & Associations – – Independence-Monmouth Junior Women’s Club
(See: Independence-Monmouth Junior Women’s Club Scrapbook at HER)
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Clubs & Associations – – International Order of Oddfellows (I.O.O.F.) WOU
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Clubs & Associations – – Monmouth & Independence Festival Association PHS
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Clubs & Associations – – Monmouth/Independence Community Arts Association (MICAA) MON
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Clubs & Associations – – Monmouth-Independence Community Foundation MON
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Clubs & Associations – – Monmouth-Independence Educational Charitable Trust MON
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Clubs & Associations – – Monmouth-Independence Rotary Club MON/WOU
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Clubs & Associations – – Monmouth-Independence Rotary Club – Newsletter MON
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Clubs & Associations – – Monmouth/Independence Together Substance Abuse Task Force MON
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Clubs & Associations – – Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) MON
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Clubs & Associations – – Panther Club MON
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Demographics – Population WOU
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Education – Public Schools – Central High School MON
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Education – Public Schools – Central School District MON/WOU
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Entertainment – Fairs & Pageants – Western Days MON/WOU
Monmouth/Independence – Fire Department (See: POLK CO. – Government – Special Districts – Polk County Fire District No. 1)
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Holidays – Fourth of July WOU
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Holidays – Fourth of July – Western Days PHS
(See also: MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Entertainment – Fairs & Pageants – Western Days)
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Labor – Unions – Central Education Association MON
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Labor – Volunteers – Fire Department WOU
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Military Activities – Wars – World War II HER
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Politics & Elections – Mergers PHS
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Reference Sources – Business Directories HER/IND/PHS
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Reference Sources – Guidebooks & Directories MON
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Reference Sources – Guidebooks & Directories (Pre-1980) WOU
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Reference Sources – Guidebooks & Directories (1980s) WOU
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Reference Sources – Guidebooks & Directories (1990s) WOU
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Reference Sources – Newspaper Holdings – Heritage Museum IND
MONMOUTH/INDEPENDENCE – Reference Sources – Surveys – Physical and Economic Survey Monmouth and Independence Oregon(1959) HER
OAK GROVE – Education – Public Schools – Oak Grove School PHS
OAK GROVE – Religion – Churches, Methodist – Oak Grove Methodist Church PHS
OAKHURST – Education – Public Schools – Oakhurst School (School District #60) PHS
PARKER – Education – Public Schools – Parker School (School District #11) PHS
PARKER – History IND
Pedee – Agriculture (See: Pedee Farmers’ Union Archive at PHS)
PEDEE – Business & Industry – Forest Industries PHS
PEDEE – Business & Industry – Forest Industries – Ostrom Lumber Co. DAL
Pedee – Clubs & Associations – – Pedee Farmers’ Union (See: Pedee Farmers’ Union Archive at PHS)
PEDEE – Education – Public Schools – Pedee School (School District #5) DAL/PHS
PEDEE – Religion – Churches, Evangelical – Pedee Evangelical Church PHS
PERRYDALE – Business & Industry PHS
PERRYDALE – Business & Industry – Mills, Flouring – Perrydale Mill DAL/PHS
PERRYDALE – Clubs and Associations PHS
PERRYDALE – Education – Public Schools – Perrydale School (School District #21) PHS
(See also: Bissell Family Scrapbooks at PHS)
PERRYDALE – Religion – Churches, Baptist – Valley Baptist Church PHS
PERRYDALE – Transportation – Railroads PHS
POLK CO. – Agriculture HER/MON/PHS/
(See also: Dallas School Educational Exhibit for Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition Scrapbook at PHS and Pedee Farmers’ Union Archive at PHSand Peter Butler Family Manuscript Collection at WOU) WOU
POLK CO. – Agriculture – – Ag Extension Service – History of Agriculture in Polk County by Walter Leth PHS
(See also: Annual Reports of Polk County Extension Agent W.C. Leth at PHS [archive] and Polk County Schools Superintendent Archive at PHS)
POLK CO. – Agriculture – Bee Keeping PHS
POLK CO. – Agriculture – Floral – Daffodils PHS
Polk Co. – Agriculture – Fruit Crops (See: The Monmouth Evaporating and Canning Company Archive at HER)
POLK CO. – Agriculture – Growers MON
POLK CO. – Agriculture – Grower’s Cooperatives – Farmer’s Cooperative Warehouse (Farmer’s Co-op) PHS
POLK CO. – Agriculture – Hops IND/PHS/WOU
(See also: INDEPENDENCE – Agriculture – Hops)
POLK CO. – Agriculture – Nursery Stock – Oakhill Gardens & Nursery DAL
Polk Co. – Agriculture – Orchard Crops (See: The Monmouth Evaporating and Canning Company Archive at HER)
POLK CO. – Agriculture – Pests – Geese DAL
POLK CO. – Agriculture – Prunes PHS
POLK CO. – Agriculture – Prunes – Oregon Grower’s Cooperative – The Oregon Grower PHS
POLK CO. – Agriculture – Silviculture PHS
POLK CO. – Animal Husbandry HER/PHS
POLK CO. – Animal Husbandry – Dairying DAL/PHS
POLK CO. – Animal Husbandry – Emus DAL
POLK CO. – Animal Husbandry – Goats, Angorra WOU
POLK CO. – Animal Husbandry – Horses, Draft – Horse Logging DAL
POLK CO. – Anniversaries – Bicentennials – U.S.A. Bicentennial (1976) PHS
POLK CO. – Anniversaries – Centennials – Centennial [of Boundary] (1993) DAL/HER/MON/WOU
POLK CO. – Anniversaries – Centennials – Polk County Centennial (1947) HER/PHS
(See also: Polk County Centennial Scrapbook at PHS)
POLK CO. – Anniversaries – Centennials – State Centennial (1959) – Centennial Wagon Train WOU
POLK CO. – Archaeology PHS
POLK CO. – Archaeology – Historic Archaeology – Sidney Mills Site DAL
POLK CO. – Archaeology – Prehistoric Archaeology – Stone Hearth Site HER
POLK CO. – Arts – Literary Works MON
POLK CO. – Arts – Literary Works, Authors PHS
(See also: POLK CO. – Biography for names of individual authors)
POLK CO. – Arts – Literary Works, Authors – Holmes, Kenneth L. DAL
POLK CO. – Arts – Music, Bands PHS
POLK CO. – Arts – Music, Choral – Polk County Chorus HER
POLK CO. – Arts – Textile Arts – Quilting PHS
POLK CO. – Biography – – (A-Z) DAL/HER/MON/
(See also: C.W. Henkle, Mortician, Archive at PHS and Earl Richardson WOU Notebook Entitled “Interesting People” at PHS and “PCHP Biographical and Genealogical Holdings” in Section VI of the Pathfinder to the History of PolkCounty, Oregon)
Polk Co. – Biography – Pioneers (See: Irene Goodrich Zumwalt Scrapbook at PHS)
Polk Co. – Biography – Servicemen, Civil War (See: POLK CO. – Military Activities – Wars – Civil War and Grand Army of the Republic General Gibson Post #65 Archive at HER)
Polk Co. – Biography – Servicemen, World War II (See: Marie Woods Scrapbook at PHS)
Polk Co. – Biography – Teachers (See: Oregon Retired Educators Association, Cynthianne Unit XV Scrapbooks at PHS)
POLK CO. – Buildings – Barns & Outbuildings PHS
POLK CO. – Buildings – Government – Polk County Courthouse PHS
POLK CO. – Buildings – Government – Polk County Fairground Center DAL/PHS
POLK CO. – Buildings – Government – Polk County Jail DAL
POLK CO. – Buildings – Hop Driers WOU
POLK CO. – Buildings – Residences HER/PHS
POLK CO. – Buildings – Residences – Brunk House DAL/MON/PHS
(See also: Brunk House Scrapbook at PHS and Earl Brunk Scrapbooks at PHS)
POLK CO. – Buildings – Residences – – George Gay House PHS
POLK CO. – Buildings – Residences – Praegitzer Mansion MON
POLK CO. – Buildings – Residences – Riley/Cutler House PHS
POLK CO. – Business & Industry HER/MON/PHS
(See also: Soehren Warehouse Archive at PHS)WOU
POLK CO. – Business & Industry – Agricultural Products – Orchard Crest Farms PHS
POLK CO. – Business & Industry – Bed & Breakfasts MON
POLK CO. – Business & Industry – Ceramics Industry, Potteries PHS
POLK CO. – Business & Industry – Chemical & Petroleum PHS
POLK CO. – Business & Industry – Financial Institutions MON
POLK CO. – Business & Industry – Forest Industries WOU
POLK CO. – Business & Industry – Forest Industries – Boise Cascade Corp. PHS
POLK CO. – Business & Industry – Forest Industries – Gerlinger Tree Farm PHS
POLK CO. – Business & Industry – Forest Industries – Willamette Industries DAL/PHS
POLK CO. – Business & Industry – Forest Industries, Logging DAL/PHS
POLK CO. – Business & Industry – Forest Industries, Logging – Coast Range Lumbering Co. PHS
POLK CO. – Business & Industry – Forest Industries, Logging – WimerLogging Co. DAL
POLK CO. – Business & Industry – Forest Industries, Lumber DAL
POLK CO. – Business & Industry – Forest Industries, Lumbering – Boise Cascade Lumber Co. WOU
POLK CO. – Business & Industry – Forest Industries, Lumbering – Cobbs & Mitchell Lumber Co. WOU
POLK CO. – Business & Industry – Forest Industries, Sawmills DAL/PHS
POLK CO. – Business & Industry – General Stores – Crider’s PHS
POLK CO. – Business & Industry – Mills, Grist PHS
POLK CO. – Business & Industry – Mills, Grist – Sidney Mills DAL
POLK CO. – Business & Industry – Mills, Woolen PHS
POLK CO. – Business & Industry – Real Estate – Polk County Land Company HER
POLK CO. – Business & Industry – Tires – C & R Supply PHS
Polk Co. – Business & Industry – Transportation – Wells Fargo & Co., Express
(See: Misc. archive #A-94-11-463 at PHS)
POLK CO. – Business & Industry – Utilities & Power PHS
POLK CO. – Business & Industry – Wineries MON
POLK CO. – Business & Industry – Wineries – Chateau Bianca Winery MON
POLK CO. – Business & Industry – – Industry Census (1860/1880) PHS
POLK CO. – Cemeteries – – Alderman Family Cemetery PHS
POLK CO. – Cemeteries – – Ball Cemetery PHS
POLK CO. – Cemeteries – – Bethel Cemetery PHS
POLK CO. – Cemeteries – – Brown Cemetery PHS
POLK CO. – Cemeteries – – Burch Pioneer Cemetery PHS
POLK CO. – Cemeteries – – Butler/Davidson Cemetery WOU
POLK CO. – Cemeteries – – Dallas Cemetery PHS
POLK CO. – Cemeteries – – Davidson Cemetery PHS
POLK CO. – Cemeteries – – English Cemetery PHS
POLK CO. – Cemeteries – – Etna Cemetery PHS
POLK CO. – Cemeteries – – Fircrest Cemetery PHS/WOU
POLK CO. – Cemeteries – – Grand Ronde Cemetery PHS
POLK CO. – Cemeteries – – Hilltop Cemetery IND/PHS
POLK CO. – Cemeteries – – Jennings Cemetery PHS
POLK CO. – Cemeteries – – Montgomery Cemetery PHS/WOU
POLK CO. – Cemeteries – – Pleasant Hill Cemetery PHS
POLK CO. – Cemeteries – – Polk Station Cemetery PHS
POLK CO. – Cemeteries – – Ridders Cemetery PHS
POLK CO. – Cemeteries – – Robbins Family Cemetery PHS/WOU
POLK CO. – Cemeteries – – Salt Creek Cemetery PHS
POLK CO. – Cemeteries – – Schrag Cemetery PHS
POLK CO. – Cemeteries – – Smith Cemetery PHS
(See also: Smith Cemetery Association Archive at PHS)
POLK CO. – Cemeteries – – Spring Valley Cemetery PHS
POLK CO. – Cemeteries – – Womer Cemeter PHS
POLK CO. – Cemeteries – – Zumwalt Cemetery PHS
POLK CO. – Children & Youth – Facilities – Polk County Safe House MON
POLK CO. – Children & Youth – Programs – Boy Scouts PHS
POLK CO. – Children & Youth – Programs – Coalition for Violence Prevention MON
POLK CO. – Children & Youth – Programs – 4-H PHS
(See also: Polk County Schools Superintendent Archive at PHS)
POLK CO. – Clubs & Associations MON
POLK CO. – Clubs & Associations – ARC of Polk County – Newsletter MON
Polk Co. – Clubs & Associations – – American Legion Auxiliary Polk County Council
(See: Monmouth American Legion Auxiliary Unit #65 Archive at MON)
Polk Co. – Clubs & Associations – – Audubon Society (See: MID-WILLAMETTE VALLEY – Clubs & Associations – – Salem Audubon Society)
POLK CO. – Clubs & Associations – – Friends of Polk County Oregon DAL
Polk Co. – Clubs & Associations – – Grand Army of the Republic (See: Grand Army of the Republic General Gibson Post No. 64 Archive at HER)
POLK CO. – Clubs & Associations – – Ku Klux Klan DAL/HER/PHS/ WOU
POLK CO. – Clubs & Associations – – Luckiamute Environmental Advocates MON/PHS
POLK CO. – Clubs & Associations – – Luckiamute Environmental Advocates – Homeplace Reader MON
Polk Co. – Clubs & Associations – – Monmouth-Independence-Dallas [MID] Branch of American Association of University Women
(See: Monmouth-Independence-Dallas [MID] Branch of American Association of University Women Archive at MON)
Polk Co. – Clubs & Associations – – Polk County Council of Parent-Teacher Associations
(See: Polk County Council of Parent-Teacher Associations Archive at PHS)
POLK CO. – Clubs & Associations – – Polk County Federation of Rural Women’s Clubs (1928–1968) PHS
(See also: Polk County Federation of Rural Women’s Clubs Archive at PHS)
POLK CO. – Clubs & Associations – – Polk County Historical Society MON/PHS/WOU
(See also: DALLAS – Cultural Facilities – Museums – Polk County Museum and POLK CO. – Buildings – Residences – Brunk House and POLK CO. – Cultural Facilities – Museums and Rickreall – Cultural Facilities – Museums – Polk County Museum and Polk County Historical Society Scrapbooks at PHS)
POLK CO. – Clubs & Associations – – Polk County Historical Society – Polk Poker MON
POLK CO. – Clubs & Associations – – Polk County Master Gardeners – Polk Weed MON
Polk Co. – Clubs & Associations – – Polk County Mental Health Association
(See: Polk County Mental Health Association Archive at PHS)
POLK CO. – Clubs & Associations – – Polk County, Oregon, Genealogical Society MON
POLK CO. – Clubs & Associations – – Polk County Pioneer Association DAL/WOU
POLK CO. – Clubs & Associations – – Polk County Saddle-ites PHS
Polk Co. – Clubs & Associations – – Polk County Senior Citizens Association
(See: Polk County Senior Citizens Association Scrapbook at PHS)
POLK CO. – Clubs & Associations – – Polk Habitat for Humanity MON
Polk Co. – Clubs & Associations – – Popcorn Literary and Debating Society
(See: Popcorn Literary and Debating Institute Archive at PHS)
POLK CO. – Communications – Newspapers DAL/MON/PHS/WOU
POLK CO. – Communications – Postal Service HER
POLK CO. – Communications – Postal Service – Post Offices PHS
POLK CO. – Communications – Postal Service, Rural PHS
POLK CO. – Communications – Radar – Laurel Mountain Radar Station PHS
POLK CO. – Communications – Telecommunications – Polk County Mutual Telephone Association PHS
Polk Co. – Communications – Telecommunications – Polk County Telephone Company
(See: Polk County Telephone Company Archive at PHS)
POLK CO. – Cultural Facilities – Libraries DAL/MON/WOU
Polk Co. – Cultural Facilities – Libraries – Polk County Library
(See: Polk County Library Archive at DAL)
POLK CO. – Cultural Facilities – Museums WOU
Polk Co. – Cultural Facilities – Museums – Brunk House Museum
(See: POLK CO. – Buildings – Residences – Brunk House and Brunk House Scrapbook at PHS)
POLK CO. – Cultural Facilities – Museums – Polk County Historical Museum DAL/PHS
POLK CO. – Cultural Facilities – Museums – Polk County Museum (Dallas 1990-1999) PHS
POLK CO. – Demographics – Immigrants & Immigration – 1852 Wagon Train PHS
POLK CO. – Demographics – Immigrants & Immigration – Oregon Trail PHS
POLK CO. – Demographics – Immigrants & Immigration – Oregon Trail (1843) – Lenox’s Overland To Oregon PHS
POLK CO. – Demographics – Immigrants & Immigration – Oregon Trail Immigration Lists (compiled) PHS
POLK CO. – Demographics – Immigrants & Immigration – Pioneers PHS
POLK CO. – Demographics – Population IND/WOU
POLK CO. – Disasters – Fires PHS
POLK CO. – Disasters – Floods HER/MON/PHS
POLK CO. – Disasters – Floods (1997) WOU
POLK CO. – Disasters – Preparedness – Cold War Fallout Shelters PHS
POLK CO. – Disasters – Preparedness – Y2K Event DAL/WOU
POLK CO. – Disasters – Storms – Columbus Day Storm (1962) DAL/HER
(See also: POLK CO. – Weather – Storms)
POLK CO. – Economics DAL
POLK CO. – Economics – Agricultural Commodities – Hops Nickel Toss Event PHS
POLK CO. – Economics – Money – Beaver Coins PHS
Polk Co. – Education (See: Monmouth-Independence-Dallas [MID] Branch of American Association of University Women Archive at MON and Polk County Council of Parent-Teacher Associations Archive at PHS)
POLK CO. – Education – Colleges & Universities PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Colleges & Universities – Chemeketa Community College – Polk County Campuses PHS
Polk Co. – Education – Colleges & Universities – Dallas College
(See: LaCreole Academic Institute Archive at PHS)
POLK CO. – Education – Pioneer Schools – Jefferson Institute PHS/WOU
(See also: LaCreole Academic Institute Archive at PHS)
Polk Co. – Education – Preschool – Head Start
(See: POLK CO. – Government –Agencies & Authorities – Community Action Agency – Head Start)
POLK CO. – Education – Private Schools MON
POLK CO. – Education – Private Schools – Mill Creek Christian School PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools DAL/MON/WOU
(See also: Oregon School Register & Record Books for Polk County School Districts at HER and Polk County Schools Superintendent Archive at PHS)
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Aetna/Crowley School PHS
(See also: ETNA)
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Antioch School (School District #30) PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Broadmead School (School District #70) PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Brown-Germantown School (School District #41) PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Butler/Gold Hill School (School District #25) PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Cochran/Whiteaker School (School District #24) PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Concord School (School District #50) PHS
Polk Co. – Education – Public Schools – Crowley School (See: ETNA)
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Elkins School PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Enterprise School PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Fairview/Stump School (School District #22) PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Fern School (School District #71) PHS
Polk Co. – Education – Public Schools – Finance & Funding
(See: Polk County Treasurer’s Office Archive at PHS)
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Firgrove/Nelson School (School District #48) PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Gooseneck School (School District #23) PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Graduates PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Greenwood School (School District #47) PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Hazeldale School PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Highland School PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Hopville School (School District #64) PHS
Polk Co. – Education – Public Schools – Lawn Arbor School
Education – Public Schools – Lawn Arbor School)
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Liberty School (School District #56) PHS
(See also: Oregon School Register & Record Books for Polk County School Districts at HER)
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Lonestar/Hopewell School (School District #52) PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Lower Mill Creek School (Yamhill School District #70) PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – McTimmonds Valley School (School District #46) PHS
(See also: Oregon School Register and Record Book of Polk County District No. 46 at PHS)
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Maple Grove School (School District #68) PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Mill Creek School PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Mistletoe School (School District #67) PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Montgomery School (School District #39) PHS
(See also: Oregon School Register and Record Books of Polk County Districts at HER)
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Mountain View School (School District #61) PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Oak Grove School PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Oak Point School (School District #27) PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Oakdale School (School District #51) PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Orchard View School (School District #72) PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Pioneer School (School District #58) PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Pleasant Valley/Mill Creek School (School District #34) PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Polk County Intermediate Education District PHS
Polk Co. – Education – Public Schools – Polk County School Officers’ Convention
(See: Annual School Officers Convention Archive at PHS)
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Popcorn School (School District #36) PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Riverside School PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Rock Creek School (School District #62) PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Rose Garden School (School District #73) PHS
Polk Co. – Education – Public Schools – School Officers of Polk County
(See: School Officers of Polk County Convention Archive at PHS)
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Scroggins School (School District #14) PHS
Polk Co. – Education – Public Schools – Spring Valley School
(See: Spring Valley School District #1 Archive at PHS)
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Steer Creek School (School District #74) PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Sunny Slope School (School District #49) PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Valley View School (School District #12) PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Ward School (School District #20) IND/PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Wildwood School (School District #68) PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Willamina School (School District #44) PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Public Schools – Yampo School (School District #75) PHS
POLK CO. – Education – Rural Schools DAL/HER
Polk Co. – Education – Teachers (See: Oregon Retired Educators Association, Cynthianne Unit XV Scrapbooks at PHS)
POLK CO. – Entertainment – Fairs & Pageants MON
POLK CO. – Entertainment – Fairs & Pageants – History of . . . PHS
POLK CO. – Entertainment – Fairs & Pageants – Oregon State Fair, participationin PHS
POLK CO. – Entertainment – Fairs & Pageants – Polk County Fair MON/DAL/PHS/ WOU
POLK CO. – Entertainment – Fairs & Pageants – Polk County Fair – Premium Books (1997-1999) DAL
Polk Co. – Environment & Ecology – Conservation (See also: POLK CO.Government – Special Districts – Polk Soil & Water Conservation District)
POLK CO. – Environment & Ecology – Energy Crisis PHS
POLK CO. – Environment & Ecology – Environmental Protection – Willamette Greenway PHS
POLK CO. – Environment & Ecology – Environmental Protection – Willamette River – American Heritage Rivers Initiative DAL
POLK CO. – Environment & Ecology – Forest Management PHS
POLK CO. – Environment & Ecology – Forest Resources PHS
POLK CO. – Environment & Ecology – Land Preserves – Valley of the Giants DAL/MON/PHS
POLK CO. – Environment & Ecology – Public Lands PHS
POLK CO. – Environment & Ecology – Recycling MON
POLK CO. – Environment & Ecology – Threatened & Endangered Species PHS
POLK CO. – Environment & Ecology – Trees WOU
(See also: POLK CO. – Environment & Ecology – Land Preserves – Valley of the Giants)
POLK CO. – Environment & Ecology – Trees – Heritage Trees PHS
POLK CO. – Ethnic & Minority Groups PHS/WOU
(See also: POLK CO. – Statistics – Census – Japanese Population in Oregon)
POLK CO. – Ethnic & Minority Groups – Black Americans PHS
(See also: Polk Co. – Law & Justice – Lawsuit, Slavery – Holmes vs. Ford and POLK CO. – Law & Justice – Slavery Issue and Benjamin F. Burch Manuscript Collection at WOU and Peter Butler Family Manuscript Collection at WOU)
POLK CO. – Ethnic & Minority Groups – Black Americans – Oregon Exclusion Law (1849) PHS
POLK CO. – Ethnic & Minority Groups – Chinese PHS
POLK CO. – Ethnic & Minority Groups – German Americans DAL/MON
POLK CO. – Ethnic & Minority Groups – Germans From Russia PHS
POLK CO. – Ethnic & Minority Groups – Native American (See also: Earl Brunk Scrapbooks at PHS) MON
POLK CO. – Ethnic & Minority Groups – Native Americans – Grand Ronde Peoples DAL/PHS
(See also: Polk Co. – Government – Tribal – Confederated Tribes of the
Grand Ronde)
POLK CO. – Ethnic & Minority Groups – Native Americans – Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde MON
POLK CO. – Ethnic & Minority Groups – Native Americans – Kalapuya PHS
POLK CO. – Ethnic & Minority Groups – Women – Pioneer Women PHS
POLK CO. – Gardens MON
POLK CO. – Geography PHS
POLK CO. – Geography – Lakes – Valsetz Lake DAL/PHS
POLK CO. – Geography – Maps HER/PHS/WOU
(See also: Map files at IND)
POLK CO. – Geography – Maps ( -1979) DAL
POLK CO. – Geography – Maps (1980-) DAL
POLK CO. – Geography – Place Names PHS
POLK CO. – Geography – Place Names – Socialist Valley PHS
POLK CO. – Geography – Rivers & Streams PHS
POLK CO. – Geography – Rivers & Streams – Ash Creek MON
POLK CO. – Geography – Rivers & Streams – Luckiamute River MON/PHS
(See also: POLK CO. – Water – Cooperatives – Luckiamute Domestic WaterCooperative and POLK CO. – Water – Water Rights – Luckiamute River)
POLK CO. – Geography – Rivers & Streams – Rickreall Creek MON/PHS
(See also: POLK CO. – Water – Watershed Councils – Rickreall Basin Watershed Council and John Thorp Ford Scrapbook at PHS)
POLK CO. – Geography – Rivers & Streams – Willamette RiverDAL/MON/PHS(See also: POLK CO. – Environment & Ecology – Environmental Protection – Willamette Greenway and POLK CO. – Environment & Ecology – Environmental Protection – Willamette River)
POLK CO. – Geology – Earthquakes PHS
POLK CO. – Geology – Meteorites – Willamette Meteorite DAL/PHS
(See also: POLK CO. – Government – Tribal – Confederated Tribes of The Grand Ronde)
POLK CO. – Geology – Paleontology – Mastodons PHS
POLK CO. – Government – Agencies & Authorities – Community Action Agency – Head Start MON
POLK CO. – Government – Agencies & Authorities – County Sealer of Weights & Measures PHS
POLK CO. – Government – Agencies & Authorities – Polk County Housing Authority (PCHA) MON
POLK CO. – Government – Boards & Commissions – County Commissioners PHS
(See also: Polk County Board of Commissioners Journal and Territorial Probate Court Proceedings at PHS)
POLK CO. – Government – Boards & Commissions – Fair Board PHS
POLK CO. – Government – Boards & Commissions – Museum Commission PHS
POLK CO. – Government – Boards & Commissions – Park & Recreation Commission PHS
POLK CO. – Government – Boards & Commissions – Polk County Commission for Children & Families (PCCCF) DAL/MON
POLK CO. – Government – Boards & Commissions – Polk County Hispanic Advisory Board MON
POLK CO. – Government – Civil Defense PHS
POLK CO. – Government – Courts MON/PHS
(See also: Boise, Reuben (Judge) biography file at PHS and Polk County Court Archive at PHS)
Polk Co. – Government – Courts – Probate Court
(See: Polk Co. Board of Commissioners Journal and Territorial Probate Court Proceedings at PHS)
POLK CO. – Government – Departments & Offices – Assessor’s Office MON
(See also: Polk County Assessor’s Office Archive at PHS)
POLK CO. – Government – Departments & Offices – Community Corrections MON
Polk Co. – Government – Departments & Offices – County Clerk’s Office
(See: Polk County Clerk’s Office Archive at PHS)
Polk Co. – Government – Departments & Offices – County School Superintendent
(See: Polk County Schools Superintendent Archive at PHS)
POLK CO. – Government – Departments & Offices – District Attorney’s Office MON
Polk Co. – Government – Departments & Offices – Office of the Polk County
Treasurer (See: Polk County Treasurer’s Office Archive at PHS)
POLK CO. – Government – Departments & Offices – Public Health MON
Polk Co. – Government – Departments & Offices – Registrar of Voters
(See: Polk County Voter Registration Archive at PHS)
POLK CO. – Government – Departments & Offices – Sheriff’s Office MON
(See also: Polk County Court Archive at PHS and Polk County Sheriff Archive at PHS and Polk County Treasurer’s Office Archive at PHS)
Polk Co. – Government – Departments & Offices – Surveyor
(See: Polk County Surveyor Archive at PHS)
Polk Co. – Government – Finance & Funding, Bonds
(See: Polk County Treasurer’s Office Archive at PHS)
POLK CO. – Government – Fire Protection – Polk County Fire District No. 1 DAL/MON/WOU
(See also: POLK CO. – Government – Special Districts – Polk County Fire District No. 1)
POLK CO. – Government – Indian Affairs PHS
POLK CO. – Government – Law Enforcement – District Attorney DAL
POLK CO. – Government – Law Enforcement – Polk County Sheriff’s Office PHS
POLK CO. – Government – Law Enforcement – Sheriff DAL
POLK CO. – Government – Ordinances DAL
POLK CO. – Government – Special Districts – Polk County Fire District No. 1 MON
(See also: Monmouth Fire Department Archive at MON)
POLK CO. – Government – Special Districts – Polk Soil & Water Conservation District MON
Polk Co. – Government – Special Districts – Southeast Polk Rural Fire Protection District
(See: Monmouth Fire Department Archive at MON)
POLK CO. – Government – Taxation PHS
(See also: Polk County Assessor’s Office Archive at PHS and Polk County Clerk’s Office Archive at PHS)
POLK CO. – Government – Tribal – Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde DAL/PHS
(See also: GRAND RONDE – Business & Industry – Casinos – Spirit Mountain Casino and POLK CO. – Ethnic & Minority Groups – Native Americans – Grand Ronde)
POLK CO. – Government – – Polk County Charter (no date) DAL
POLK CO. – Growth & Development DAL/MON
POLK CO. – Growth & Development – Regional Planning – Grand Ronde – Willamina Regional Development Program PHS
POLK CO. – Growth & Development – Rural Land Use DAL/WOU
POLK CO. – Health & Welfare MON
(See also: Peter Butler Family Manuscript Collection at WOU and Polk County Mental Health Association Archive at PHS)
POLK CO. – Health & Welfare – Child Care MON
POLK CO. – Health & Welfare – Homeless MON
Polk Co. – Health & Welfare – Medical Facilities
(See also: Dr. George C. Knott Manuscript Entitled “Hurry Doctor, It’s an Emergency” at HER)
POLK CO. – Health & Welfare – Medical Personnel DAL
(See also: Bissell Family Scrapbooks at PHS and Polk County Historical Society Scrapbooks at PHS and Stafrin & McKibben Scrapbooks at PHS)
Polk Co. – History (1940 – 1959) (See: Rose Family Scrapbook at HER)
Polk Co. – History (1953-1995) (See: Lester Cline Family Scrapbook at PHS)
Polk Co. – History (1955–1995) (See: Lester Cline Family Scrapbook at PHS)
POLK CO. – History – Early Development PHS
POLK CO. – History – Early Settlement (1830s) PHS
POLK CO. – History – Events – 1849 Gold Rush PHS
POLK CO. – History – Exploration PHS
POLK CO. – History – Exploration – Sir James Douglas Narrative (1826) (excerpted copy) PHS
POLK CO. – History – Ghost Towns PHS
POLK CO. – History – Oregon Trail Life WOU
POLK CO. – History – Oregon Trail Life – Ward, D.B., Reminiscences IND
Polk Co. – History – Oregon Trail Pioneers (See: Irene Goodrich Zumwalt Scrapbook of Oregon Pioneers at PHS)
POLK CO. – History – Pioneer Life PHS
POLK CO. – History – – 1911 Polk County Observer Progress Edition PHS
POLK CO. – Holidays MON
POLK CO. – Housing MON
POLK CO. – Housing – Farm Labor PHS
POLK CO. – Housing – Group Homes – Partnerships in Community Living (PCL) MON
POLK CO. – Human Relations WOU
POLK CO. – Human Relations – Family Life – Marriage & Divorce – “Indian Brides of Oregon Pioneers” PHS
POLK CO. – Human Relations – Family Life – Marriage & Divorce – Oregon Oddities: Early Oregon Marriages DAL
POLK CO. – Labor WOU
POLK CO. –Labor – Employment – Smaller Community Program PHS
POLK CO. – Labor – Sheltered Workshops – Work Force Northwest MON
POLK CO. – Labor – Unions MON
POLK CO. – Labor – Volunteers MON
POLK CO. – Land & Property PHS
(See also: Polk County Assessor’s Office Archive at PHS)
POLK CO. – Land & Property – Deeds PHS
POLK CO. – Land & Property – Homesteads PHS
POLK CO. – Land & Property – Land Claims HER/PHS
(See also: Polk County Surveyor Archive at PHS)
POLK CO. – Land & Property – Land Claims – Donation Land Claims PHS
(See also: Polk County Index to Abstracts of Donation [Land] Claims (DLCs) at PHS)
POLK CO. – Land & Property – Land Grants – Preemption Land Claim – John Wallace PHS
POLK CO. – Land & Property – Real Estate DAL/WOU
POLK CO. – Landmarks & Monuments PHS/WOU
POLK CO. – Landmarks & Monuments – Century Farms PHS
POLK CO. – Landmarks & Monuments – Historic Houses DAL
POLK CO. – Landmarks & Monuments – Historic Sites – Willamette River Greenway Inventory of Significant Historic Sites in Polk County DAL
POLK CO. – Landmarks & Monuments – Unique Places – Bottle Ranch DAL/PHS
POLK CO. – Law & Justice PHS
POLK CO. – Law & Justice – Crime MON
(See also: Rose Family Scrapbook at HER)
POLK CO. – Law & Justice – Crimes, Murder PHS
POLK CO. – Law & Justice – Crimes, Murder – Ag West Case MON/PHS
POLK CO. – Law & Justice – Crimes, Murder – Cyrenus Hooker/Enoch Smith Case (1852) PHS
POLK CO. – Law & Justice – Crime, Murder – Sexton Case MON/PHS
POLK CO. – Law & Justice – Crimes, Murder – Warren Case PHS
POLK CO. – Law & Justice – Crimes, Murder – Wimple Case PHS
POLK CO. – Law & Justice – Crimes, Robbery & Theft PHS
POLK CO. – Law & Justice – Hangings & Executions PHS
(See also: POLK CO. – Law & Justice – Vigilante Activity – Oscar Kelly Lynching)
POLK CO. – Law & Justice – Hangings & Executions – Magers Case PHS
POLK CO. – Law & Justice – Jails PHS
(See also: DALLAS – Buildings – Government – Polk County Jail)
POLK CO. – Law & Justice – Law Enforcement, Volunteer – Polk County Mounted Posse PHS
POLK CO. – Law & Justice – Lawsuits WOU
POLK CO. – Law & Justice – Lawsuits, Slavery – Holmes vs Ford (1853) PHS/WOU
POLK CO. – Law & Justice – Legal Service Providers DAL
POLK CO. – Law & Justice – Sanctions IND
POLK CO. – Law & Justice – Sanctions, Executions WOU
POLK CO. – Law & Justice – Slavery Issue MON
(See also: POLK CO. – Law and Justice – Lawsuits, Slavery)
POLK CO. – Law & Justice – Vigilante Activity – Oscar Kelly Lynching PHS
POLK CO. – Military Activities – Civilian Support – World War II PHS
POLK CO. – Military Activities – Installations – Camp Adair DAL/IND/MON/PHS
POLK CO. – Military Activities – Installations – Ft. Yamhill DAL
POLK CO. – Military Activities – Veterans – War of 1812 PHS
POLK CO. – Military Activities – Wars MON
(See also: Bill Harland Scrapbooks at PHS)
POLK CO. – Military Activities – Wars – Cayuse War (1847-48) PHS/WOU
POLK CO. – Military Activities – Wars – Civil War PHS
POLK CO. – Military Activities – Wars – Indian Wars PHS
POLK CO. – Military Activities – Wars – World War I DAL/HER/PHS
POLK CO. – Military Activities – Wars – World War II HER/PHS
(See also: Marie Woods Scrapbook at PHS and Rose Family Scrapbooks at HER)
Polk Co. – Military Activities – Wars – Yakima Wars (See: Benjamin F. Burch Manuscript Collection at WOU and Peter Butler Family Manuscript Collection at WOU)
POLK CO. – Plants – Rare Plants DAL
Polk Co. – Plants – Trees – Old Growth Forests
(See: POLK CO. – Environment & Ecology – Land Preserves – Valley of the Giants)
POLK CO. – Politics & Elections MON/PHS
(See also: Benjamin F. Burch Manuscript Collection at WOU)
POLK CO. – Politics & Elections – Campaign Literature WOU
Polk Co. – Politics & Elections – Elected Officials
(See: Boise, Reuben (Judge) biography file at PHS)
POLK CO. – Politics & Elections – Election Returns – Oregon Provisional Government (1845–1848) PHS
POLK CO. – Politics & Elections – Precincts PHS
Polk Co. – Politics & Elections – Voters
(See: Polk County Voter Registration Archive at PHS and Polk County Clerk’s Office Archive at PHS)
POLK CO. – Politics & Elections – Voters – Precinct Lists, Democratic Party HER
POLK CO. – Reference Sources – Birth Records PHS
POLK CO. – Reference Sources – Business Directories – Who’s Who in Polk County DAL/WOU
POLK CO. – Reference Sources – Death Records PHS
POLK CO. – Reference Sources – Directories – Farm and Agricultural Directories PHS
POLK CO. – Reference Sources – Directories – Polk County Intermediate Education District PHS
POLK CO. – Reference Sources – Divorce Records PHS
POLK CO. – Reference Sources – Guidebooks DAL
POLK CO. – Reference Sources – Guidebooks and Directories MON/WOU
POLK CO. – Reference Sources – Lists – (from) State of Oregon Reports (1868-1882) PHS
POLK CO. – Reference Sources – Lists – The Pioneers of Oregon (1888) PHS
POLK CO. – Reference Sources – Marriage Records PHS
POLK CO. – Reference Sources – Telephone Directories – Salem, Marion and Polk Counties Telephone Directory (May 1942) HER/IND
POLK CO. – Reference Sources – – Independence Library Local History Holdings IND
POLK CO. – Reference Sources – – Oregon Historical Society Biographical Aids IND
POLK CO. – Religion PHS
POLK CO. – Religion – Churches DAL/HER/MON/WOU
POLK CO. – Religion – Churches – WPA Church Records PHS
POLK CO. – Religion – Churches, Catholic – Chapel Cars PHS
POLK CO. – Religion – Churches, Cumberland Presbyterian PHS
Polk Co. – Religion – Churches, Methodist
(See: Benjamin F. Burch ManuscriptCollection at WOU)
POLK CO. – Religion – Churches, Methodist – Pleasant Hill Church PHS
POLK CO. – Religion – Churches, Methodist – Summit Methodist Church PHS
Polk Co. – Religion – Clergy (See: Polk County Clerk’s Office Archive at PHS)
POLK CO. – Religion – Denominations – Mennonites PHS
POLK CO. – Religion – Denominations – Swedenborgians PHS
POLK CO. – Science & Research – Forest Science – George T. Gerlinger State Experimental Forest PHS
POLK CO. – Science & Research – Medical – Willamette Pollen Facility PHS
POLK CO. – Senior Citizens MON/PHS
(See also: Polk County Senior Citizens Association Scrapbook at PHS)
Polk Co. – Slavery Issue
(See: POLK CO. – Law & Justice – Lawsuits – Holmes vs. Ford and POLK CO. – Law & Justice – Slavery Issue)
POLK CO. – Social Life & Customs MON
(See also: Rose Family Scrapbook at HER)
POLK CO. – Sports & Recreation MON
POLK CO. – Sports & Recreation – Facilities, Camps – Camp Kilowan DAL/MON/PHS
POLK CO. – Sports & Recreation – Facilities, Parks DAL/MON/PHS
POLK CO. – Sports & Recreation – Facilities, Parks – Helmick State Park PHS/WOU
POLK CO. – Sports & Recreation – Facilities, Parks – Nesmith Park PHS
(See also: RICKREALL – Sports & Recreation – Facilities, Parks – Nesmith Park)
POLK CO. – Sports & Recreation – Facilities, Parks – Social Security Hole PHS
POLK CO. – Sports & Recreation – Hobbies PHS
POLK CO. – Sports & Recreation – Horseracing WOU
POLK CO. – Sports & Recreation – Hunting DAL
POLK CO. – Sports & Recreation – Hunting & Fishing PHS
POLK CO. – Statistics PHS
POLK CO. – Statistics – Birth Records PHS
POLK CO. – Statistics – Census – 1849 Census PHS
POLK CO. – Statistics – Census – 1880 PHS
POLK CO. – Statistics – Census – Japanese Population in Oregon HER/PHS
POLK CO. – Transportation – Bridges HER/MON/PHS
POLK CO. – Transportation – Bridges – Ritner Creek Covered Bridge PHS
POLK CO. – Transportation – Buses MON/WOU
POLK CO. – Transportation – Ferries PHS
POLK CO. – Transportation – Horse Drawn PHS
POLK CO. – Transportation – Military Roads PHS
POLK CO. – Transportation – Motor Vehicles PHS
POLK CO. – Transportation – Railroads DAL/IND/MON/PHS/WOU
(See also: Dallas School Educational Exhibit for Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition Scrapbook at PHS and Ellis Stebbins Scrapbook at PHS and Rose Family Scrapbooks at HER)
POLK CO. – Transportation – Railroads – Dayton, Sheridan & Grand Ronde Railroad Co. PHS
POLK CO. – Transportation – Railroads – Independence & Monmouth Railroad HER/PHS/WOU
POLK CO. – Transportation – Railroads – Longview, Portland and Northern Railroad DAL
POLK CO. – Transportation – Railroads – The Oregonian Railway PHS
POLK CO. – Transportation – Railroads – Salem, Falls City & Western Railroad PHS
POLK CO. – Transportation – Railroads – Southern Pacific Railroad PHS
POLK CO. – Transportation – Railroads – Valley & Siletz Railroad DAL/HER/PHS/WOU
POLK CO. – Transportation – Railroads – – Oregon Oddities: Early Day Railroads (1940) DAL
POLK CO. – Transportation – Riverboats MON
POLK CO. – Transportation – Roads & Highways HER/MON/PHS/WOU
(See also: Polk County Board of Commissioners Journal and Territorial Probate Court Proceedings at PHS)
POLK CO. – Transportation – Roads & Highways – Highway Memorials PHS
POLK CO. – Transportation – Steamboats PHS
POLK CO. – Transportation – Trails – Applegate National Historic Trail MON
POLK CO. – Transportation – Trails – Applegate Trail DAL/PHS
(See also: POLK Co. – Transportation – Trails – Southern Route)
POLK CO. – Transportation – Trails – The California Trail DAL
POLK CO. – Transportation – Trails – Ewing Young Route MON
(See also: POLK CO. – Transportation – Trails – Old California Pack Trail)
POLK CO. – Transportation – Trails – Old California Pack Trail PHS
(See also: POLK CO. – Transportation – Trails – Ewing Young Route)
POLK CO. – Transportation – Trails – Oregon Trail – Jesse Harritt Journal (1845) PHS
POLK CO. – Transportation – Trails – Salmon River Trail PHS
POLK CO. – Transportation – Trails – Southern Route PHS
(See also: POLK CO. – Transportation – Trails – Applegate Trail)
POLK CO. – Travel & Tourism – Conventions – Society of American Foresters, Columbia River Section (1970) PHS
POLK CO. – Unexplained Phenomena – Unidentified Flying Objects MON
Polk Co. – Water – Conservation (See: POLK CO. – Government – Special Districts – Polk Soil & Water Conservation District)
POLK CO. – Water – Cooperatives – Luckiamute Domestic Water Cooperative MON
POLK CO. – Water – Irrigation PHS
POLK CO. – Water – Water Resources – Teal Creek Dam PHS
POLK CO. – Water – Water Resources Development – Mercer Creek Dam DAL
POLK CO. – Water – Water Rights – Luckiamute River PHS
POLK CO. – Water – Water Supply – Rock Creek Water District PHS
POLK CO. – Water – Water Supply – Wells PHS
POLK CO. – Water – Watershed Councils – Rickreall Basin Watershed Council MON
POLK CO. – Weather MON/PHS
POLK CO. – Weather – Storms – Columbus Day Storm (1962) DAL/PHS
(See also: POLK CO. – Disasters – Storms)
POLK CO. – Wildlife MON/PHS
POLK CO. – Wildlife – Birds DAL
(See also: POLK CO. – Agriculture – Pests – Geese)
POLK CO. – Wildlife – Fishes PHS
POLK CO. – Wildlife – Large Mammals – Bears PHS
POLK CO – Wildlife – Reserves – Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge DAL/MON/PHS
POLK STATION – Education – Public Schools – Polk Station School (School District #18) PHS
RED PRAIRIE – Education – Public Schools – Red Prairie School PHS
(See also: District Clerk’s Record Book of Dist. No. 6, Polk County at PHS)
RICKREALL – Agriculture PHS
RICKREALL – Arts – Literary Works PHS
RICKREALL – Buildings – Residences PHS
RICKREALL – Business & Industry PHS
RICKREALL – Business & Industry – Chemical & Petroleum PHS
Rickreall – Business & Industry – General Stores – Rickreall Store
(See: Rickreall Store Archive at PHS)
RICKREALL – Business & Industry – Mills, Flouring PHS
RICKREALL – Clubs & Associations – – A. F. & A. Masons Rickreall Lodge #110 PHS
Rickreall – Clubs & Associations – – Ricreal Farmers’ Alliance
(See: Ricreal (sic) Farmers’ Alliance No. 190 Archive at PHS)
RICKREALL – Cultural Facilities – Museums – Polk County Historical Museum MON
(See also: DALLAS – Cultural Facilities – Museums – Polk County Museum and POLK CO. – Clubs & Associations – Polk County Historical Society)
RICKREALL – Education – Public Schools – Rickreall School(School District #26) PHS
Rickreall – Entertainment – Fairs & Pageants – Polk County Fair
(See: POLK CO. – Entertainment – Fairs & Pageants – Polk County Fair)
RICKREALL – Entertainment – Fairs & Pageants – Rickreall Christmas Pageant MON/PHS
RICKREALL – Entertainment – Fairs & Pageants – Scandinavian Fall Fair MON
(See also: Benjamin F. Burch Manuscript Collection at WOU)
RICKREALL – Law & Justice – Crimes, Murder – Cunningham/Keenan Case PHS
RICKREALL – Religion – Churches, Baptist PHS
RICKREALL – Religion – Churches, Evangelical PHS
RICKREALL – Religion – Churches, Methodist – Burch Community Church PHS
RICKREALL – Social Life & Customs PHS
RICKREALL – Sports & Recreation – Dancing – Haunted Mill Dance Hall PHS
RICKREALL – Sports & Recreation – Facilities, Parks PHS
RICKREALL – Sports & Recreation – Facilities, Parks – Nesmith Park PHS
(See also: POLK CO. – Sports & Recreation – Facilities, Parks – Nesmith Park)
RICKREALL – Transportation PHS
SALT CREEK – Education – Public Schools – Salt Creek School (School District #10) PHS
SALT CREEK – Education – Public Schools – Upper Salt Creek School (School District #38) PHS
SALT CREEK – Religion – Churches, Baptist – Salt Creek Baptist Church DAL/PHS
SMITHFIELD – Education – Public Schools – Smithfield School (School District #3) PHS
Spring Valley (See: ZENA)
SUVER – Archaeology HER
SUVER – Education – Public Schools – Suver School (School District #43) PHS
VALLEY JUNCTION – Education – Public Schools – Valley Junction Schools (School District #69) PHS
Valley of the Giants (See: POLK CO. – Environment & Ecology – Land Preserves – Valley of the Giants)
VALSETZ – Buildings PHS
VALSETZ – Business & Industry – Forest Industries, Sawmills – Valsetz Lumber Co. PHS
VALSETZ – Children & Youth PHS
VALSETZ – Communications – Newspapers WOU
VALSETZ – Communications – Newspapers – The Valsetz Star PHS
VALSETZ – Education – Public Schools DAL
VALSETZ – Education – Public Schools – Valsetz School (School District #76) PHS
VALSETZ – History – Demise of Town PHS
VALSETZ – Religion – Churches – Valsetz Community Church PHS
(See also: EOLA)
WEST SALEM – Clubs & Associations – – The Book and Thimble Club PHS
(See also: Book & Thimble Club Archive at PHS)
West Salem – Clubs & Associations – – West Red Hills Red Cross Auxiliary
(See: West Red Hills Red Cross Auxiliary Archive at PHS)
WEST SALEM – Education – Public Schools – Fairoaks/West Salem School PHS
(School District #32)
WEST SALEM – Education – Public Schools – Walker School PHS
(See also: Book & Thimble Club Archive at PHS)
WEST SALEM – Law & Justice – Crimes, Murder – Cannon Case PHS
West Salem – Military Activities – Civilian Support – World War I
(See: West Red Hills Red Cross Auxiliary Archive at PHS)
WEST SALEM – Religion – Churches, Mennonite – Mennonite Brethren Church PHS
WEST SALEM – Senior Citizens – Facilities – Capital Manor PHS
Yamhill Co. – Education – Private Schools – Lafayette Seminary
(See: Dallas College Archive at DAL)
ZENA – Education – Public Schools – Spring Valley School (School District #35) PHS
(See also: Spring Valley School District No. 1 Archive at PHS)
ZENA – Education – Public Schools – Zena School (School District #1) PHS
ZENA – Religion – Churches, Cumberland Presbyterian – Spring Valley Church PHS/WOU