Library Access for Students not Currently Registered for Classes
Library access for students not currently registered for classes
Students who require library privileges during a term of non-course enrollment (for example, during thesis research or to finish incompletes) need to pay the $50 Continuing Access Fee. Lori Pagel in the library can charge this fee to your account, or request the charge (detail code A077) from the Business Office (in Lieuallen Administration Bldg.).
The Continuing Access Fee provides you standard student access to library facilities and collections, most notably borrowing from the local collection and through Summit or Interlibrary Loan, as well as off-campus access to the subscription databases. The student is still liable for applicable overdue fines and replacement costs.
Please note that reactivating your account is a manual process–there is no automated connection between the payment and the activation process, or even a notification to us that you are doing this. You must present confirmation to us that this charge has been added to your account: either a) present to the Checkout Desk a receipt from your WolfWeb account showing the charge, or b) ask to confirm your payment. Then, during standard business hours, we can make the changes necessary for you to have access.
This same fee is charged to Independent Scholars.