Copyright Policy

It is the intent of Library and Media Services at Western Oregon University to adhere to the provisions of the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, United States Code Sec. 101 et seq.). Although there continues to be new controversy regarding interpretation of copyright law, this policy represents a sincere effort to operate legally.

  1. Appropriate notices reminding faculty, employees, and students of the Copyright Law are posted at sites where interlibrary loan requests are submitted and on all copy machines.
  2. A similar statement is on interlibrary loan requests forms, paper and electronic, used by patrons to order interlibrary loan photocopied materials.
  3. Records are kept of interlibrary loan photocopies and photocopies of reserve items.
  4. A guide has been prepared to assist faculty in observing copyright laws concerning the placement of photocopies on reserve and for their use in the classroom. Copyright laws, handbooks, and guidelines are available in the Library for anyone’s use.

The library disapproves of unauthorized duplication in any form. Employees, and students of the University who willfully disregard the copyright policy are in violation of the Library and Media Services Policy, do so at their own risk, and assume all liability.