Acronym Title
16 PF Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire
ABS AAMD Adaptive Behavior Scale
BASIS Basic Achievement Skills Individual Screener
BDI Beck Depression Inventory
BETA II Beta Examination, Revised
BINL Basic Inventory of Natural Language
BOEHM-R Boehm Test of Basic Concepts–Revised (Spanish)
BOEHM-R Boehm Test of Basic Concepts–Revised
C.A.T. Children’s Apperception Test
CAT California Achievement Tests
CBCL/2-16 Child Behavior Checklist for Ages 2-16
CELI Carrow Elicited Languages Inventory
CIBS Brigance Diagnostic Comprehensive Inventory of Basic Skills
COPS Career Occupational Preference System
CPI California Psychological Inventory
CPQ Children’s Personality Questionnaire
CRI Coping Resources Inventory
CTBS Comprehensive Tests of Basic Skills
ERI Environmental Response Inventory
ERI Employee Reliability Inventory
ESS ACT Evaluation/Survey Service
FES Family Environment Scale
FIRO-B Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation–Behavior
GZTS Guilford-Zimmerman Temperament Survey
H-T-P House-Tree-Person Projective Technique
HAP Human Activity Profile
JAS Jenkins Activity Survey
KELP Kindergarten Evaluation of Learning Potential
KOIS Kuder Occupational Interest Survey
KUDER DD Occupational Interest Survey
LAB Leisure Activities Blank
LAD Test of Lateral Awareness and Directionality
LAS Language Assessment Scales (Spanish)
LAS Language Assessment Scales (English)
LIPS Leiter International Performance Scale
LSES Salamon-Conte Life Satisfaction in the Elderly
MAPS Make-a-Picture Story
MBI Maslach Burnout Inventory
MBTI Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
MCT Minnesota Clerical Test
MMPI Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
MVPT Motor-Free Visual Perception Test
PHCSCS Piers-Harris Children’s Self-Concept Scale
PPVT-R Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test
PRT SRA Pictorial Reasoning Test
PSI Parenting Stress Index
PSI Psychological Screening Inventory
QNST Quick Neurological Screening Test
QRS Questionnaire on Resources and Stress
RCDS Reynolds Child Depression Scale
SAT Stanford Achievement Test
SAT-8 Stanford Achievement Test-Primary
SAT-8 Stanford Achievement Test-Advanced
SAT-8 Stanford Achievement Test-Intermediate
SCII Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory
SEAI Meadow-Kendall Social-Emotional Assessment Inventory for Deaf and Hearing Impaired Students
SEI Culture-Free Self-Esteem Inventories for Children and Adults
SEI Self-Esteem Inventories
SIT/SORT Slosson Intelligence Test and Oral Reading Test for Children and Adults
SLEP Secondary Level English Proficiency Test
STAI State-Trait Anxiety Inventory
STAIC Children’s State-Trait Anxiety Inventory
STAR Screening Test of Academic Readiness
TAT Thematic Apperception Test
TSCS Tennessee Self-Concept Scale
TW398 Strong Vocational Interest Blank for Women
URES University Residence Environment Scale
VMI Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration
WAIS-R Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – Revised
WISC-R Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – Revised
WPPSI-R Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence
WRAT-R Wide Range Achievement Test–Revised
WRIOT Wide Range Interest-Opinion Test