Author Title Edition Date
Achenbach, Thomas M. Child Behavior Checklist for Ages 2-16 1983
ACT (American College Testing) ACT Evaluation/Survey Service 4th Edition 1989
Ahr, A. Edward Screening Test of Academic Readiness 1966
Allen, T.E. Stanford Achievement Test 7th and 8th Editions 1990
Allport, Gordon W. Study of Values 3rd Edition 1960
Andrew, D.M. Minnesota Clerical Test 1979 Revision 1979
Bangs, Tina E. Birth to Three Assessment and Intervention System 1986
Barsch, Jeffrey Barsch Learning Style Inventory 1990
Bass, Bernard M. Orientation Inventory 1977
Battle, James Culture-Free Self-Esteem Inventories for Children and Adults 1981
Beck, Aaron T. Beck Depression Inventory 1987
Beery, Keith E. Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration 1990
Bellak, L. Children’s Apperception Test 1984
Bender, Lauretta Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test 1973
Bennett, George K. Differential Aptitude Tests Forms V and W 1982
Benton, Arthur Benton Revised Visual Retention Test 1974
Billman, Jenifer Salem Skills Checklist 1981
Boehm, Ann E. Boehm Test of Basic Concepts–Revised K-2 1986
Boehm, Ann E. Boehm Test of Basic Concepts–Revised (Spanish) K-2 1988
Borofsky, Gerald L. Employee Reliability Inventory 1990
Brigance, Albert H. Brigance Diagnostic Comprehensive Inventory of Basic Skills 1990
Brigance, Albert H. Brigance Diagnostic Inventory of Early Development 1978
Brigance, Albert H. Brigance Diagnostic Inventory of Essential Skills 1990
Brigance, Albert H. Brigance Diagnostic Inventory of Basic Skills 1990
Bruininks, Robert H. Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency 1978
Buck, John N. House-Tree-Person Projective Technique 1970
Burks, Harold F. Burks’ Behavior Rating Scales Grades 1-9 1977
Cain, L.F. Cain-Levine Social Competency Scale 1963
Carrow-Woolfolk, Elizabeth Carrow Elicited Languages Inventory 1974
Cattell Cattell Infant Intelligence Scale 1960
Cattell, Raymond B. Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire 1986
Clark, Kenneth E. Minnesota Vocational Interest Inventory 1965
Colarusso, R.P. Motor-Free Visual Perception Test 1972
Coopersmith, Stanley Self-Esteem Inventories Adult and School Forms 1990
Critchlow, Donald E. Dos Amigos Verbal Language Scales 1974
De Avila, Edward A. Language Assessment Scales (English) English Form 1C 1990
De Avila, Edward A. Language Assessment Scales (Spanish) Spanish level 1B 1990
Doll, Edgar A. Vineland Social Maturity Scale 1990
Dunn, Lloyd M. Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test Revised Form L & M 1981
Durost, Walter N. Durost-Center Word Mastery Test Form Am 1950
Engen, E. Rhode Island Test of Language Structure 1983
Ennis, Robert H. Cornell Critical Thinking Test Level Z 1990
Fix, A. James Human Activity Profile 1988
Folio, R. Peabody Developmental Motor Scales Revised Experimental Edition 1974
Folkman, Susan Ways of Coping Questionnaire Research ed. 1990
Frankenburg, William K. Denver Developmental Screening Test 1975
French, Joseph L. Pictorial Test of Intelligence 1964
Fuller, Gerald B. Minnesota Percepto-Diagnostic Test 1982 Revision 1982
Gardener, E.F. Stanford Achievement Test: High School Battery (Grades 9-12) 1965
Goodenough, F.L. Goodenough-Harris Drawing Test 1963
Gordon, Leonard V. Mooney Problem Check List Adult Form; Forms C, H, J 1950
Gough, Harrison G. California Psychological Inventory Rev. Ed. 1987
Guilford, J.P. Guilford-Zimmerman Temperament Survey 1990
Hammer, Allen L. Coping Resources Inventory Research Edition 1990
Hartlage, Lawrence C. Behavior Change Inventory (Inventory of Pre- versus Post-Behaviors with Brain Injury) 1989
Hathaway, S.R. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Group Form, Form R 1970
Heist, Paul Omnibus Personality Inventory Form F 1968
Herbert, Charles H. Basic Inventory of Natural Language Elementary: Grade K-6 1979
Hieronymus, A.N. Iowa Tests of Basic Skills, Primary Battery for Grades 1-3 Forms 5 and 6 1972
Holland, John L. Self-Directed Search Form E – 1985 Revision 1985
Holroyd, Jean Questionnaire on Resources and Stress 1987
Hotto, Gary Stanford Achievement Test 7th edition 1983
Jastak, J. F. Wide Range Interest-Opinion Test 1979 edition 1979
Jastak, Sarah Wide Range Achievement Test–Revised 1984
Jedrysek, E. Psychoeducational Evaluation of the Preschool Child 1972
Jenkins, C. David Jenkins Activity Survey Form C 1979
Jesness, Carl F. Jesness Inventory of Adolescent Personality 1990
Jordan, F.L. School Readiness Survey for Preschool and Kindergarten Children Ages 4 to 6 1967
Kasanin-Hanfmann Kasanin-Hanfmann Concept Formation Test
Kelley, T.L. Stanford Achievement Test: Study Skills Intermediate, Form Jm 1952
Kelley, T.L. Stanford Achievement Test: Modern Mathematics Concept Test Intermediate II 1965
Kellogg, C. E. Beta Examination, Revised 2nd Edition 1978
Kohs, S. C. Kohs Block Design Test
Krug, S.E. IPAT Anxiety Scale Questionnaire Self Analysis Form 1976
Kuder, F. Occupational Interest Survey 2nd Edition 1985
Kuder, G. Frederic Kuder Occupational Interest Survey Form DD 1970
Kuder, G. Frederic Kuder Preference Record Personal Form AH 1948
Lambert, Nadine AAMD Adaptive Behavior Scale School Edition 1981
Lanyon, Richard I. Psychological Screening Inventory 1978
Lee, Edwin A Occupational Interest Inventory Intermediate, Advanced 1956
Leiter, Russell G. Leiter International Performance Scale 1969
Levine, Samuel California Preschool Social Competency Scale 1990
Lewis, M. Concept Mastery Test Form T 1950
Likert, Rensis Minnesota Paper Form Board Test, Revised 1970
Lindquist, E.F. Iowa Tests of Basic Skills for Grades 3-9 1956
Lindquist, E.F. Iowa Tests of Educational Development for Grades 9 to 13 1957
Lockavitch, J. Test of Lateral Awareness and Directionality 1980
MacGinitie, Walter H. Gates-MacGinitie Reading Tests 3d–
Forms K & L
Manson, Morse P. California Marriage Readiness Evaluation 1965
Maslach, Christina Maslach Burnout Inventory 2d 1990
McCarthy, Dorothea McCarthy Scales of Children’s Abilities 1972
McKechnie, George E. Leisure Activities Blank 1990
McKechnie, George E. Environmental Response Inventory 1990
McMurry, R.N. SRA Pictorial Reasoning Test 1990
Meadow, Kathryn P. Meadow-Kendall Social-Emotional Assessment Inventories for Deaf and Hearing-Impaired Students 1983
Meadow, Kathryn P. Meadow-Kendall Social-Emotional Assessment Inventory for Deaf and Hearing Impaired Students School-Age Form 1983
Mecham, Merlin J. Verbal Language Development Scale Revised 1971
Mednick, S. A. Remote Associates Test College and Adult Forms 1 and 2 1967
Mills, Robert E. Learning Methods Test Revised edition 1964
Moos, Rudolf H. Family Environment Scale 2d 1986
Moos, Rudolf H. Work Environment Scale 2nd Edition 1986
Moos,Rudolf H. University Residence Environment Scale 1990
Morstain, Barry R. Adult Learner Needs Assessment Survey 1981
Murray, H.A. Thematic Apperception Test 1971
Mutti, M. Quick Neurological Screening Test Revised Edition 1978
Myers, I. B. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Forms F and G 1976
Nancy Bayley Bayley Scales of Infant Development 1969
Olson, David H. Family Inventories 1990
Piers, E.V. Piers-Harris Children’s Self-Concept Scale 1984
Porter, R. B. Children’s Personality Questionnaire 1985
Raven, J. C. Raven’s Progressive Matrices and Vocabulary Scales: Advanced Progressive Matrices Sets I and II 1983
Raven, J. C. Raven’s Progressive Matrices and Vocabulary Scales: Standard Progressive Matrices Sets A, B, C, D, and E 1988
Raven, J. C. Raven’s Progressive Matrices and Vocabulary Scales: Coloured Progressive Matrices Sets A, AB, B 1986
Reynolds, William M. Reynolds Child Depression Scale 1989
Richard L. Slosson Slosson Intelligence Test and Oral Reading Test for Children and Adults 1985
Richard R. Abidin Parenting Stress Index 3rd Edition 1990
Robeck, M.C. Kindergarten Evaluation of Learning Potential 1967
Rogers, Carl R. Test of Personality Adjustment 1931
Roid, G. Tennessee Self-Concept Scale 1988
Schutz, Will Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation–Behavior 1990
Shneidman, Edwin S. Make-a-Picture Story 1990
Slingerland, Beth H. Slingerland Screening Tests for Identifying Children with Specific Language Disability Form A (G. 1 & 2), Form B (G. 2 & 3), Form C (G. 3 & 4) 1970
Spache, George D. Binocular Reading Test Record 1955
Spache, George D. Diagnostic Reading Scales Revised Edition 1963
Sparrow, Sara S. Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales 1985
Spencer, E.M. Spencer Sentence Test of Auditory Memory
Spielberger, C.D. Children’s State-Trait Anxiety Inventory 1990
Spielberger, Charles D. State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Form Y 1990
Stern, G. C. College Characteristics Index Form 1158 1958
Strong, E.K. Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory Form T325 1985
Strong, Jr., Edward K Strong Vocational Interest Blank for Men Form T399 1966
Strong, Jr., Edward K. Strong Vocational Interest Blank for Women 1968
Taylor, R.M. Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis 1984
Thorpe, L.P. SRA Achievement Series Form A/B 1961
Torrance, E. Paul Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking Forms A & B 1966
Wechsler, David Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – Revised 1981
Wechsler, David Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence Revised Edition 1989
Wechsler, David Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – Revised 1974
Wepman, Joseph M. Auditory Sequential Memory Test Form I, Form II 1975
Wepman, Joseph M. Auditory Discrimination Test Forms I, IA, IIA 1975
Wonderlic, E. F. Wonderlic Personnel Test 1966
Wonderlic, E.F. Wonderlic Personnel Test/Scholastic Level Exam 1983
Yawkey, T. D. General Inventory for Kindergarten 1982