
Together, the library’s archives & scholarly communication units ensure that the scholarship, research, historical records, and creative activities by, about, or in some way related to Western Oregon University is accessible to current and future audiences.

Staff and faculty in these units are responsible forĀ Omeka, Technical Services, and University Archives.

We are not currently taking on major projects, but are happy to answer questions about creating and distributing new, original work, preserving historical records, and helping previously published material find a new audience. Priority is given to projects where content creators agree to house their material for free on Omeka or other university-supported websites.

Examples of projects we have completed in the past are:

  • Brainstorming on scholarly publishing projects and on navigating the changing world of academic publishing
  • Preserving previously published or unpublished scholarly or creative material in Omeka, the University Archives, or wherever else may be appropriate
  • Preserving physical material in University Archives
  • Copyright consultation and guidance
  • Open Educational Resources (OER) consultation


    Who do I contact?

    Stewart Baker (bakersc@wou.edu) – Questions about Digital Commons or Omeka

    WOU Archives (libarchives@wou.edu) – Questions about Archives

    Sue Kunda (kundas@wou.edu) – Questions about copyright and OER