All Chromebook borrowing starts with this annual form. It establishes a student’s Priority or Standard access.  Assuming a Chromebook is available, the library loans it for two weeks. 

Priority access is for Pell Grants or Oregon Opportunity Grant recipients.  It provides term-long loans and automatic extentions through the following terms. When the Financial Aid Office confirms a student’s Priority status, the library extends the initial loan to the term’s end. As the student registers for courses in the following term, the library further extends the loan.

Standard access is a two-week, non-renewable loan. However, if Chromebook demand is low, the library extends loans as appropriate. 

If no Chromebooks are available, form submissions go to a waitlist. The library serves in order of priority and timestamp.  

Students must return Chromebooks if they drop enrollment, by the due date, or at the end of Spring term, whichever comes first. A replacement charge ($400+) applies when a Chromebook is not returned on time.