New Fall Exhibits @ the Library

Hamersly Library cordially invites you to the fall 2013 exhibit reception, Wednesday, October 9th from 4:00p.m. – 6:00p.m.
The exhibits run Monday, September 23rd through December 13th, 2013 featuring:

ShadowsSHADOWS~ Anna Daedalus and Kerry DavisShadows is suite of life-size photograms that evoke the shadows of victims vaporized by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. To create the images, artists Anna Daedalus & Kerry Davis designed and built a custom photo booth where participants were invited to lend their shadows in commemoration. This body of work was developed with a 2013 Project Grant from the Regional Arts & Culture Council.

Oregon Archaeology CelebrationOregon Archaeology Celebration: A traveling exhibit of Oregon Archaeology month posters. Each October, Oregon Archaeology Celebration creates a poster to promote Oregon’s cultural past. The 18 posters which make up this exhibit feature the wonders of archaeology around Oregon. Each poster depicts a different aspect of Oregon archaeology, covering a range of topics including climate change, volunteers in archaeology, Fort Rock Cave, a coastal shell midden site, preservation of ship wrecks, technology through time, and the Oregon Trail.


Additional exhibits include: Homecoming2013: Evolution of Waldo Wolf in the 1st and 3rd floor lobbies, Current Faculty Publications in the 1st floor, and Japanese-American Relocation Center Newsletters in the 2nd floor Lobby