Computer Workstation Use Policy

Hamersly Library provides access to the reference area workstations for educational purposes including reference, research and class assignments.

The Library adheres to Western’s policy for Acceptable Use of Computing Resources.

Primary Users

Students, faculty and staff of Western Oregon University are considered primary users and will be given priority in the use of the workstations. High school students who are also enrolled in classes at Western are considered primary users. Use is limited to 30 minutes if other primary users are waiting.

Community Users

Community members, eighteen years of age and older may use the workstations for educational purposes, but only during hours of low use when workstations are still available to primary users.

High School Students

High school students may have community user privileges only if accompanied by a parent, legal guardian, or teacher, or with identification showing they are part of a WOU sponsored program, or with pre-arranged permission slips from a teacher or WOU library staff member.

  • Note: Students under high school age are allowed to use Hamersly Library computers, books, and all other resources only when accompanied by a parent, legal guardian or teacher.

Procedures for community users, including authorized high school students

Sign in at the Information Desk.
Use is limited to no more than one hour per day. You will be asked to relinquish the workstation at any time if it is needed by a primary user.
Pay for your printed pages at the Checkout Desk
Printing costs for community users are five cents per printed side of each page.

All users of U.S. government information may access the workstations without any of the restrictions outlined above.

Revised September 2002