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The new Summit is coming December 1! Want a preview of what searching will be like? Try Worldcat.org. The new Summit is based on Worldcat.org, which lets you search and borrow from the collections of libraries around the world. You can search for books, music CDs, videos and all the types of materials that you […]

Get Started…and WIN A NINTENDO Wii

WOU Students…You can win a Nintendo Wii (or other great prize) when you complete the Get Started at Western Oregon Tutorial. Why go through this short 10 minute tutorial? Returning students–there have been a few changes to your User Name and Password, Wireless Access, and the WOU Portal over the summer. New Students–Learn all about […]

New and improved Summit catalog, coming in late 2008

Work is currently underway on an upgrade to the Summit unified catalog, which allows you to request books and materials from other regional academic libraries in the Orbis Cascade Alliance. The new Summit catalog will be fully installed by the end of 2008. Summit borrowing services will continue without interruption during this transition. More…