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See what WOU faculty are publishing

Subscribe to the Ebscohost feed Subscribe to the Google Scholar feed   WOU faculty are constantly publishing articles, books, and chapters in books. The library is now offering two ways of locating some of these (shown below): a feed of items appearing in the Ebscohost Databases and a feed of items appearing in Google Scholar. […]

Google goes scholarly

Google Scholar is the newest search tool from Google, separate from its main search engine. Its purpose is “to search specifically for scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports from all broad areas of research.” The full text of many items is available online (either freely or by using the […]


[](https://wou.edu/library/proxy/index.php?url=http://site.ebrary.com/lib/westernoregon)ebrary is a company that provides electronic books to libraries.   WOU’s Library and Media Services has purchased access to ebrary’s Academic Complete collection, which contains the full-text of nearly 40,000 ebooks covering topics from the classics to the cutting edge. Try a search: Find ebooks on your topic right now. Enter keywords   You […]

New Summit is here!

The new Summit is now live! You can begin searching and requesting any time. In the first few weeks, there may be a little bumpiness as the system develops and we appreciate your patience as we work through this. One “bump” may be encountered when you request items: To request items, you may need to […]

New library homepage

After months of planning, the Library and Media Services homepage has received a makeover. We’ve taken feedback and suggestions from you and designed a site that strives to be easier and more convenient to use. Poke around a bit and let us know what you think. We’ll be seeking feedback and making adjustments to our […]

Looking for a fall term job on campus?

The Library’s Student Employee program offers a wide range of work assignments. We hire individuals who demonstrate an understanding of customer service concepts, are dependable, accurate and detail-oriented. Student workers staff the Library’s service counters, process materials, work with online databases or other software applications, or maintain the building and collections. See our Student Jobs […]

Question of the Week 8

8. How confident are you in using the library and finding required information? ( surveys)