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One more reason to plan ahead when researching

There are two systems through which WOU students, faculty, and staff can obtain books from other libraries that we don’t have in Hamersly: Summit and Interlibrary Loan. What does this mean for you? It’s a matter of time: Summit items get to you in 3-5 days, while Interlibrary Loan items take longer, sometimes up to […]

Meet your Hamersly staff: Dr. Allen McKiel

Each term, we introduce you to a few of the people who work to make Hamersly your favorite place on campus to do research, study, print your papers, meet with a group, or simply kick back and read in a quiet place. This week, meet Dr. Allen McKiel, our Dean of the Library: — What […]

Streamlined Summit Requesting

You may remember that last summer, Hamersly Library migrated to a new system, Primo. Our library was part of the third cohort of the Orbis Cascade Alliance’s shared library system project. Now that the final cohort has migrated, we are now ready roll out an enhancement to the Summit requesting process. Currently the Primo link “Request item (about 5 […]

“Can I send someone to check out those books?”

We often get asked if a family member, friend, or graduate assistant can pick up materials on behalf of a borrower. Our system now makes it easier for us to manage these requests by documenting a borrower’s proxy. As a Hamersly Library patron, you may grant permission for another person (or persons) to check out materials from the library […]

Need a midterm break? Check out Films on Demand

Watch online streaming videos about everything from biographies of famous musicians to the history of unions in the U.S. to tips for writing fiction from famous writers (and much more!) for free. Watch the videos in Films on Demand for class or for a study break – there’s something for everyone. Films On Demand is almost like the […]

New fall exhibits on 2nd and 3rd floors

The Fall exhibits in Hamersly Library are up! Check them out on the 2nd and 3rd floors: Down the Ballot II: Candidates of Western Oregon University (2nd floor) Curator: Carl Fisher, WOU Alumnus       Laugh or Cry (3rd floor) Cartoons by Rob Harriman, WOU Alumnus

New students: learn about your WOU library this week!

Welcome to campus, new students! As a part of New Student Week, we are offering several opportunities for you to learn more about your library. We hope to see you at one of these sessions (see your New Student Week book for full descriptions): Reading, Research, Writing, and ‘Rithmetic – What the WOU library can do for you […]

Hamersly has books to read for fun, too!

Looking for a good book (or two) to read over summer break? We can help! The Recreation Collection on the 1st floor of Hamersly has something for every type of reader. *And* we just got a bunch of new books in. We have everything from thrillers to love stories to biographies – and everything in between. Want […]

Academic Excellence Showcase online schedule is up

The annual, campus-wide Academic Excellence Showcase is coming up on Thursday, May 29. Use the online schedule to help you navigate this busy day. With the online schedule you can: Browse all campus presentations or jump to a specific department Search for a particular presenter by name or keyword Plan your day by downloading individual session information to […]

Take our new survey and get another chance to win a tablet!

Did you miss out on winning the prizes from the last library survey? Well, now you have another chance! We’d like your feedback again, this time about how you use social media and mobile devices and how you’d like to hear from Hamersly in the future. The survey will only take you about 10 minutes […]