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Hamersly Library closed the entire week of Christmas

Along with the rest of campus, Hamersly Library will be closed one full week of Winter Break.  Since you might be doing research, ordering materials for Winter Term, or needing to check out some books and videos to relax with, here are some tips to plan your library use: Our calendar provides a complete look […]

Your WOU librarians can give you books to read for fun, too!

What better way to spend a stress-free winter break than curled up with a good book?! The Recreation Collection on the 1st floor of Hamersly has something for every type of reading preference – from sci fi to romance to poetry. Want a suggestion? Fill out the form below (or here) and your WOU librarians […]

Your work could be published!

// The Program for Undergraduate Research (PURE) invites you to submit your work to WOU’s peer-reviewed undergraduate research journal: PURE Insights.  Students and recent graduates can submit original research and creative work including technical papers, research articles, expository articles, poems, short stories, photographs, videos, and other creative works from all academic disciplines. All submissions to the […]

Get the full text – just click ‘Find it @ WOU’

// Sometimes full articles are available directly from the library databases, and you will see this icon: But in many instances, there is no link to the full text of the article, and you only have the summary (or even just the citation information).  This is when you use the ‘Find it @ WOU’ button. […]

Contenders for the National Book Awards

The National Book Awards are coming up on Nov. 20, and you can now read excerpts from all of the finalists by downloading any of the four free ebook compilations! Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, and Young People’s Literature.

The TRC is now in the library – drop by today

Need pointers on creating a digital movie? Tips on designing a website? Advice on configuring an Excel chart? No appointment needed! Stop by the Technology Resource Center, located in the northwest corner of the first floor of the library (HL 124), during open tutoring hours when a Student Technology Assistant is available to answer your […]

Brand new walk-up scanner: No login, no charge!

The library has a brand new walk-up scanner! It is located in the Copy Center on the first floor. It allows for immediate scanning (no log-in necessary) to PDF (including word-searchable PDF), JPG, PNG, rich text, and …audio file! Yes, it will take text and convert it to a computer-read mp3 file.   You can […]

How to find textbooks

// Check out our Textbooks Guide for options to buy and borrow textbooks for your classes this term.

How to order a print book when Hamersly has the ebook

You may have noticed a lot of ebooks popping up in the library’s catalog–we have over 80,000 now! While they are often convenient and just what you need, other times you really want the printed material. Search for the book in the Summit catalog. Once you’ve verified the title and author, check the Edition/Format field.  […]

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