Mount Hood

Meet your Hamersly staff: Myranda Sawyer

Each term, we introduce you to a few of the people who work to make Hamersly your favorite place on campus to do research, study, print your papers, meet with a group, or simply kick back and read in a quiet place.

This week, meet Myranda Sawyer, one of our excellent student employees who is leaving us at the end of this term to complete an internship before she graduates in the spring. Thanks for all your hard work, Myranda!


What do you do in the library? I’m an Information Desk student worker
How long have you worked in the library? One and a half years
What is your major and year in school? I’m a Criminal Justice major, and I’m a Senior
What is one thing about the library you think everyone should know? That you can order most of your textbooks from Summit, and the best part is, it’s free! It’s a great way to save a little extra money, sometimes a lot of money depending on the textbook. 🙂 Just ask someone at the Information Desk and we will show you how.
What is the last good book you read? At the risk of sounding like a nerd, the last good book I read was for one of my Criminal Justice classes, and it was called There are no children here by Alex Kotlowitz. It is about a young man growing up in the inner city of Chicago and all of the things he had to go through at such a young age. I highly recommend it!
What was your favorite book as a kid? I had too many favorites when I was a kid. Pretty much any Dr. Seuss book was my favorite.
Tell us a fun fact about you! I used to play three instruments: the saxophone, the tuba, and the bass.