Too much email?

Do you find the deluge of email in your WOU account overwhelming? You can reduce the number of messages by setting your list preferences for All Faculty/Staff or Students to digest. This setting will cause you to receive only one message (containing all of the content you currently get) each day from these busy lists.

To set up digest mode:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the name of the list you would like to set to digest.
  3. At the very bottom of that page, click on the button labeled “Unsubscribe or edit options”
  4. Most likely you will not have set a password yet, so you will need to have the pre-assigned password sent to you. To do this enter your email address in the top box of that page, then scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Remind”
  5. Log in to you WOU email and retrieve the password
  6. Use the link included in the message you received and enter the password in the box on that screen to log in
  7. On the account settings page, scroll down to the section labeled “Your [email list name] Subscription Options”
  8. In this section, there are two settings relating to digests “Set digest mode” and “Get MIME or Plain Text Digests?”
    • Set digest mode to “On”
    • Most likely you will want to get MIME digests. A MIME digest has a summary table of contents, which allows you to scan the subject of each message and directly access each message individually. A plain text digest is a simpler form of digest, in which the messages are simply put one after the other into one large text message. Most modern mail programs do support MIME, so you only need to choose plain text digests if you are having trouble reading the MIME ones.
  9. Click on “Submit my changes” at the bottom of the page!