Ask for a librarian when you need research help

South Park librarian avatars

The library faculty are here to help you learn and discover effective ways to identify, access, and use information.  Examples of common questions:

  • finding a couple articles that are “peer-reviewed” (and understanding what that means)
  • completing a citation for an article when you only have a title
  • finding images of landscapes by Chinese painters
  • citing a strange type of resource properly
  • finding primary sources regarding German agriculture before and after the industrial revolution. We love helping with wild questions like that. (Seriously, we do.)

Our public services desks are often staffed with our knowledgeable and customer-oriented library technicians and student employees.  They answer questions regarding library information, resources, and technology, but they call a librarian to provide more complicated or in-depth assistance.  You can always ask directly for the available librarian at the desk, or you can schedule an appointment with the librarian appropriate to your subject area.  You can also consult subject or class-specific research guides compiled by librarians.