Do you live or visit close to another college or university? If its library is a Summit member, you can have your materials sent there instead of to Hamersly.
Maybe you live in Salem and you always have to rush back after your WOU classes. To get set up, take your WOU ID card to the library at Willamette University (or maybe Chemeketa Community College). The library will “adopt” you as a Summit patron. Then, when you order your Summit materials, select Willamette as your institution and sign in. Complete your request. Just as if you had it sent to Hamersly, you’ll be notified by email when your item is ready to pick up. Remember to take your WOU ID again to check it out!
You can always return any Summit item to any Summit library. However, it’s best if you hand the item to staff and note that it’s Summit, so it’s sure to be sent and not accidentally shelved there.
You can also borrow material in person from Summit libraries.