Hamersly is home to WOU’s new English Tutoring Center

Could you use some English language help? The new English Tutoring Center is here for you with free drop-in tutoring sessions. You don’t need an appointment, just come to room 228 in the library around 7pm, Monday-Thursday to sign up for a slot.

English Tutoring Center

Whether you need help to

  • understand your written assignment instructions and/or course readings,
  • comprehend the spoken English of lectures, class discussions, and small group interactions, or
  • speak fluently with good pronunciation.

Tutors are able to help individuals or groups of two or three improve their speaking, listening, and reading skills in both academic and informal/casual English. They can even give you a visit confirmation slip to ensure your professor knows you came to the Tutoring Center for help.

The English Tutoring Center is open 7:00 to 10:00 pm, Monday to Thursday in Hamersly Library, Room 228, Weeks 2 through Finals of each term.