The 2014 Governor’s Food Drive is underway and WOU needs your help. Last year, for the ninth year in a row, WOU won first place among all of our sister universities with a total of 84,737.26 pounds of food donated! You can help keep us on top this year in a number of ways:
- Bid on fabulous auction items such as a French Press coffee maker, a Thai massage gift certificate, a movie night gift pack, and more! Bid early and often!
- Buy snacks from the Info Desk.
- Contribute to the Penny Drive, also at the Info Desk.
- Give non-perishable food items – place in donation boxes throughout the library.
Every year, state institutions (like WOU and other state universities) participate in what amounts to the largest employer donation to local Oregon food banks all year, to help feed the hungry in our state. There is some friendly competition between universities around the state, but of course everybody wins when hunger decreases.
For more information about the 2014 Food Drive visit the website at: http://www.oregon.gov/FOODDRIVE/