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Agricola (pronounced: a-gric’-o-la) records publications on all sciences related to agriculture: animal sciences, plant sciences, entomology, forestry, education and extensions, food and human nutrition, and earth and environmental sciences. Agricola accesses research publications as well as practical and applicable information from consumer and professional publications, including lesson plans. While not a full-text database, many Agricola […]


NoodleBib is an online tool that helps you collect citation information, keep track of your sources, and, when you are ready, generate a polished MLA or APA references list or bibliography. WOU’s subscription requires that you create an individual user name and password to access all of NoodleBib’s features. See NoodleBib’s FAQ for more information, […]


ERIC(Educational Resources Information Center) provides citations and abstracts to articles in education journals, as well as ERIC documents (including curricula, reports, standards, and other unpublished materials in education.) Indexing and abstracts are available for materials dating from 1966 to the present. Additionally, ERIC gives full text access to most ERIC documents from 1996, and to […]

LexisNexis Congressional

LexisNexis Congressional allows you to find congressional publications by topic; the text of, debate upon and legislative history of a bill; the background and voting history of a congressperson; as well as federal agency regulations and proposals. (Featured March 29-May 5, 2005)