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How Do I….? Fall 2007 Workshop Series

Hamersly Library is conducting a series of workshops to help you more efficiently and effectively use the library for your studies, research, and other tasks. Please see the How Do I …? Library Workshops page for topics and their descriptions. Or email Breanna Weston at westonb@wou.edu.

Buying our used books

Many people ask us if we ever have a book sale. We did not for many years because of the labor and storage issues, but we now have an ongoing book sidewalk sale through BetterWorld.com. Read more…

Do you love libraries?

ILoveLibraries.org is for those who, um…well, love libraries. Discover all the resources and events libraries have to offer, find quotations, stories, Flickr pix and YouTube videos about libraries, career information, book review-of-the-day, and ways of supporting libraries.

Third floor = Quiet floor

Did you know that the third floor of the library is designated as a quiet area? As a courtesy to your fellow students, please refrain from loud conversations when studying on the third floor and turn your cell phone off or to a silent mode if you need to leave it on.

Bloggin’ at the library

Hey all, We now have a library blog! As of this evening, the librarians are all authors. No one else has been added yet, becuase, well, I was working the desk and this system’s a little s-l-o-w. A little later I’ll show each of the librarians how to add authors so that my fingers don’t […]


NoodleBib is an online tool that helps you collect citation information, keep track of your sources, and, when you are ready, generate a polished MLA or APA references list or bibliography. WOU’s subscription requires that you create an individual user name and password to access all of NoodleBib’s features. See NoodleBib’s FAQ for more information, […]

MLA International Bibliography

MLA International Bibliography cites articles and books about literature, language and linguistics, folklore, dramatic arts, criticism, composition, as well as related topics such as teaching language and literature and the history of printing and publishing. (Featured February 7-March 10, 2006)

Alternative Press Index

Alternative Press Index includes popular and scholarly magazines and journals which cover the practices and theories of cultural, economic, political, and social change: ethnic studies, gender studies, ecology, international studies. (Featured Jan. 28-Feb. 4, 2005)

International Index to the Performing Arts

International Index to the Performing Arts Cites and abstracts articles in dance, film, drama, television, the arts and entertainment industry, stagecraft, magic, musical theatre and performance art. (Featured Jan. 2005)


LitFinder Texts of speeches, essays, poems, short stories, and plays from antiquity to the 21st century and from around the world. Searchable by subject, era, genre, nationality, and many other fields. (Featured Oct.-Dec. 2004)