Mount Hood


Ask for a librarian when you need research help

The library faculty are here to help you learn and discover effective ways to identify, access, and use information.  Examples of common questions: finding a couple articles that are “peer-reviewed” (and understanding what that means) completing a citation for an article when you only have a title finding images of landscapes by Chinese painters citing [more…]

Turn your Facebook network into a study group is an app that allows for study groups and other project collaboration within Facebook. Your collaboration can be private and shared only with specific friends, or it can be open to others at WOU or worldwide also working on your subject. (You don’t have to be Facebook friends to collaborate on Hoot.)’s chat [more…]

Use Ctrl + F to quickly find text

Pressing Ctrl and f keys together is an invaluable time saver to find where a certain word or phrase appears in a document.  This keyboard shortcut is pretty universal–use it on the web and with pdf viewers as well as in programs such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Using a Mac? Press Command + f [more…]


EasyBib is an online tool that helps you organize and use your research sources, including the generation of an APA, MLA, or Chicago/Turabian formatted citation list. The library’s link to EasyBib gets you premium access.  Create a new project for each of your research projects, and store your bibliography for the life of the project [more…]

3 great sources for international information

Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO) is a source for international affairs and public policy. It includes full-text books and journals articles; policy briefs and papers from university research and public policy institutes and from non-governmental organizations (NGOs); multimedia case studies on focused topics; and video of heads of state and other world leaders speaking from [more…]

Hamersly Library Presents

Watch it now – The Library: Search for the Lost Gold Hamersly Library presents The Library: Search for the Lost Gold. An Ed Wood style production. With absolutely no educational value.

Fall Exhibit: Green Light

WOU is proud to host “Green Light,” an art exhibition by 15 emerging artists with disabilities presented by VSA arts and Volkswagen Group of America, Inc. 1st floor lobby, 2nd floor gallery, & 3rd floor galleries September – December 2010

Get those bibliographies in order!

NoodleBib is an online tool that helps you collect citation information, keep track of your sources, take online note attached to appropriate sources, and, when you are ready, generate a polished references list or bibliography in APA, MLA, or Chicago/Turabian styles. Keep a separate folder for each project. You must create an individual account (free) [more…]