Mount Hood


Meet your Hamersly staff: Jonathan Hillerich

Each term, we introduce you to a few of the people who work to make Hamersly your favorite place on campus to do research, study, print your papers, meet with a group, or simply kick back and read in a quiet place. This week, meet Jonathan Hillerich, one of the friendly faces you will often [more…]

Meet your Hamersly staff: Samrid Aryal

Each term, we introduce you to a few of the people who work to make Hamersly your favorite place on campus to do research, study, print your papers, meet with a group, or simply kick back and read in a quiet place. This week, meet Samrid Aryal, the student employee who has been with us [more…]

Get Spring Break reading suggestions

Do your Spring Break plans include lying on a beach, couch, or [you fill in the blank] with a good book? Need some ideas for what to read? Fill out this short form and your WOU librarians will get back to you with a book or three you might like!       (Photo: “couple [more…]

Meet your Hamersly staff: Myranda Sawyer

Each term, we introduce you to a few of the people who work to make Hamersly your favorite place on campus to do research, study, print your papers, meet with a group, or simply kick back and read in a quiet place. This week, meet Myranda Sawyer, one of our excellent student employees who is [more…]

The ‘Find it @ WOU’ button is your friend

Doing research for that final paper? Then you’ve probably come across the ‘Find it @ WOU’ button. Often, students are confused about what it does, but it’s a powerful tool that can get you to the articles you need no matter where they’re located. So, it’s worth checking out! [wpspoiler name=”More about ‘Find it @ [more…]

WOU’s history is at your fingertips!

University Archives (located in Hamersly) houses a treasure trove of WOU materials dating back to our founding in 1856. Some of these items are digitized and available online, such as past yearbooks and letters from early Monmouth settlers. Some are physical and can be accessed by contacting Archives staff, such as student scrapbooks from the [more…]

Hamersly is home to WOU’s new English Tutoring Center

Could you use some English language help? The new English Tutoring Center is here for you with free drop-in tutoring sessions. You don’t need an appointment, just come to room 228 in the library around 7pm, Monday-Thursday to sign up for a slot. Whether you need help to understand your written assignment instructions and/or course readings, comprehend [more…]

Learn about other countries with ‘A to Z the World’

Thinking about studying abroad? Taking a class with an international focus? Just want to learn about another country? A to Z the World is the database for you. Covering 175 countries and territories, A to Z the World is a great resource to learn about social and cultural customs, important travel and business information, and much [more…]

Scott Carter finalist for the Oregon Book Award–again!

Congratulations to Scott Carter! He is a finalist for his 2nd Oregon Book Award for his book, Wooden Bones, which was published by Simon & Schuster in 2012.  The nomination is in the Children’s Literature category.  The awards are presented at a March 17th ceremony. By day, Scott is the Information Technologist in Hamersly Library’s [more…]