WOU’s history is at your fingertips!

University Archives (located in Hamersly) houses a treasure trove of WOU materials dating back to our founding in 1856. Some of these items are digitized and available online, such as past yearbooks and letters from early Monmouth settlers. Some are physical and can be accessed by contacting Archives staff, such as student scrapbooks from the [more…]

Population Density along I-5 corridor

The Census Bureau recently released this data visualization of Interstate 5 population density. (Click the graph’s play button.) It’s interesting to see the major peaks at either end and the minor peaks and long valleys in between.

Internet Typology Quiz

Take the 10 question Internet Topology Quiz to see how you use the internet. Pew Internet & American Life Project takes the results of the quizzes and produces reports on the impact of the internet in our lives. See what they are saying about college students. What kind of user are you? – Let us [more…]

Trendy iPod Uses

The Online Education Database posted 100 Ways to Use Your iPod to Learn and Study Better. This list is broken up into study guides, podcasts and more, tutorials, applications, more downloads, classroom help, iPod learning support, tools and sites, iTunesU, and miscellaneous. Many of the websites they recommend sell the products, but some do have [more…]

Do you love libraries?

ILoveLibraries.org is for those who, um…well, love libraries. Discover all the resources and events libraries have to offer, find quotations, stories, Flickr pix and YouTube videos about libraries, career information, book review-of-the-day, and ways of supporting libraries.