Reservable Rooms & Study Spaces

Hamersly Library provides a variety of reservable and drop-in spaces for members of the WOU community. Click each category below to learn about room and space offerings.

General Guidelines

  • See our step-by-step guide for making a reservation request here:
  • Individuals and groups may reserve rooms up to a total of 4 hours per day.
  • Reservations need to be made at least 1 day in advance.
  • If you require a specific room, please contact the information desk to make your reservation.
  • Use of non-reserved rooms is first-come, first-served.
  • For full information, including classroom spaces, see: Room Use Policies & Priorities

Place a reservation request for a study space or meeting room.


Study Rooms Smart-Capable Conference Rooms Smart-Capable Classrooms Digital Production Studio







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Other Library Spaces

Located at the north end of the 1st floor, the Hamersly Library ‘Learning Commons’ is designed as a flexible workplace for individuals and groups. Equipped with movable whiteboard tables, mobile whiteboards, and flexible furniture setups, students are encouraged to modify their workspace to meet their needs. The Learning Commons is adjacent to the ‘The Press’ coffee shop so it’s also a convenient place for those looking to get a quick bite or drink!


  • Mobile Whiteboard-Top Tables
  • Mobile Whiteboards
  • Movable Furniture
  • Ground Power Outlets
  • Wall-Mounted Phone/Tablet Charging Stations
  • Oversized Cushion Chairs
  • Easy Access to Magazine and Recreational Reading Collections

The 24-hour Student Lounge is available to all WOU patrons at any time of the day. The space contains a mix of computer and open table seating.


  • 22 Computer Stations
  • 18 Open Table Seats
  • Snack Vending Machine
  • Abby’s House ‘Care Cupboard’
  • Microwave
  • Printers
  • Mobile Whiteboards
  • All-Gender Restroom
  • Sorenson VRS Video Call Unit

Located on the SW Corner of the 2nd floor, the Computer Alcove houses both iMac and PC desktops with a variety of photo and video editing software capabilities. Located within the alcove space is study room HL 202 as well as the Digital Production Studio. The Computer Alcove also houses a large-format printer capable of printing in B/W & Color in 8.5 x 11″ and 11 x 17″ sizes.


  • 4 PC Desktops
  • 2 iMac Desktops
  • 11 x 17″ Printer


  • Adobe Creative Cloud (subscription required)
  • Microsoft Office
  • Audacity
  • VideoPad
  • Openshot
  • iMovie
  • ZoomText (1 PC)

Separated from the lower floors, the 3rd floor of Hamersly Library is also known as the “quiet floor”. It features plenty of individual study carrels, tables, and dispersed computers for those wishing to study without distraction.

Located at the north end of the 1st floor, ‘The Press’ serves Starbucks Coffee brand items and various snacks. Current operating hours can be found on the Campus Dining website.

As an extension of the Learning Commons, furniture in The Press is flexible and movable. Fixed seating is available at the north-end window and includes built-in electrical plugs and USB ports.

Looking for a study room right now?

Rooms without active reservations are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. They may already be occupied.

Events Today

The Press Café124KEYNot reservedReserved within 1 hourReservedRequires ReservationClick on a room to see the remaining reservations in that room for today.HL 101 Office, Capacity: 12HL 102 Office, Capacity: 6HL 103 Office, Capacity: 8HL 106 Student Lounge & Lab, Capacity: 45HL 107 Classroom, Capacity: 45HL 108 Computer Lab, Capacity: 25HL 116 Conference Room, Capacity: 12HL 120 Study Room, Capacity: 4HL 121 Study Room, Capacity: 4HL 122 Study Room, Capacity: 4HL 123 Study Room, Capacity: 4HL 124 TablesHL 117A Office, Capacity: 3
KEYNot reservedReserved within 1 hourReservedRequires ReservationClick on a room to see the remaining reservations in that room for today.HL 201 Study Room, Capacity: 4HL 202 Study Room, Capacity: 4HL 203 Study Room, Capacity: 4HL 204 Study Room, Capacity: 6HL 205 Conference Room, Capacity: 20HL 210 Conference Room, Capacity: 12HL 218 Study Room, Capacity: 6HL 220 Office, Capacity: 4HL 221 Office, Capacity: 4HL 222 Office, Capacity: 10HL 224 Study Room, Capacity: 4HL 225 Study Room, Capacity: 4HL 226 Study Room, Capacity: 4HL 227 Study Room, Capacity: 4HL 228 Tables
KEYNot reservedReserved within 1 hourReservedRequires ReservationClick on a room to see the remaining reservations in that room for today.HL 312 Study Room, Capacity: 6HL 301A Conference Room, Capacity: 24HL 305A Study Room, Capacity: 8
Start End Event Room
09:00 AM05:00 PMLibrary Hours

Other Facilities

Restrooms are located on each floor in the hallway close to the elevator. There is an all-gender restroom on the first floor, in the student lounge (HL 106).

A phone is available outside the student lounge and may be used to make local calls.

Students may use the lockers located in the first floor hallway across from the restrooms. Keys are available at the Checkout Desk.

Vending Machines
A snack vending machine is available in the student lounge. There is also a microwave available for student use.

Book Drops
A drive-up book drop is near the east entrance. You may also return books in the drops outside the west entrance and near the Checkout Desk.

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